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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I just find it rather annoying when people comment on something they clearly know nothing about.

That and the fact Scotland got pumped tonight.

Yeah that was a bit of a cunter right enough.

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Anyone else's facebook having a bit of a spazz?


As for the guy about the Lockerbie bomber, the guy will be dead in weeks its not like he is going to cause anybody, bar himelf, any harm. He will spend his last days in a hospital, where he would have spent them had he not been released.

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Due to many factors, I am currently trying to find a bench in Edinburgh to sleep on till the trains start. My friends all got drunk and sloped off, and the girl who's house I was supposed to be crashing at got so drunk that she refused to go home. I tried being nice, but she was so drunk. In the end, I threatened her until she got in a taxi, and gave a,pile of money to the driver to take her. So tired.

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I have an odd feeling of concern for an old guy who came on the bus from Portlethen to Aberdeen earlier. He had two ASDA bags. One full of food the other full of stuff like dvds and cds. Anyway he is talking to himself and he was taking the stuff out and showing it to an empty seat. He took out a huge calculator thing and he was typing stuff in and writing on his hand. Then he took out a Cascada album out of his bag. He clearly wasn't right in the head. To make things worse he was a war veteran from Korea and I was wondering where he would get off. When he got off on Union Street he went into a flat. I have no idea why i am so concerned for this old guy and it is starting to get to me :(

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I need to get my haircut again :( 4 all over awaits. I don't fear it anymore.

I got my hair cut this morning and the girl who cut it didn't leave my hair nearly as long at the back as I aksed for. She's quite cute, so I'll let her off.

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I was just reading the news and found out that a 17 year old I taught was killed in a car crash yesterday morning. Unbelievably sad. He was a really nice kid, really popular. He'd just finshed 6th year and was on his way to work. The others in the car were all ok, but he died at the scene. I'm gutted. :(

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I was just reading the news and found out that a 17 year old I taught was killed in a car crash yesterday morning. Unbelievably sad. He was a really nice kid, really popular. He'd just finshed 6th year and was on his way to work. The others in the car were all ok, but he died at the scene. I'm gutted. :(

which puts my wine into context.

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