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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It may have already been mentioned but I can't STAND the way people use the word "of" instead of "have". As in "You should of seen that shot". AAARRRGGHH!!!!

The use of the word 'sat' has the same effect on me, eg 'I was sat watching telly'. IT'S SITTING FOR f**k'S SAKE.

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I actually thought that was quite clever.

If someone said that in the pub I probably would have laughed, and no doubt would have taken great pleasure passing it off as my own in another conversation a few months down the line, but I'm afraid I don't trust people who use "lol".

You could type out the funniest thing in the world, but if it's followed by "...lol" it stops working for me.

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If someone said that in the pub I probably would have laughed, and no doubt would have taken great pleasure passing it off as my own in another conversation a few months down the line, but I'm afraid I don't trust people who use "lol".

You could type out the funniest thing in the world, but if it's followed by "...lol" it stops working for me.

Calm doon mate! just saying lol doesnt mean its not funny. it makes it more funny for people reading it.

youve got issues.

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I know.

As for "it makes it more funny for people reading it".. No it doesn't.

aye it does, how do you know if your being funny or not.

youprobably think your pic is funny as f**k wacky old sooty and sweep and a pedo. but its not. A LOL across the front of it would of made me laugh though

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aye it does, how do you know if your being funny or not.

youprobably think your pic is funny as f**k wacky old sooty and sweep and a pedo. but its not. A LOL across the front of it would of made me laugh though

Wait till you meet him JJ. You will shit yersel

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aye it does, how do you know if your being funny or not.

youprobably think your pic is funny as f**k wacky old sooty and sweep and a pedo. but its not. A LOL across the front of it would of made me laugh though

I'm sorry I ever doubted you JakeJones, you're clearly at the windup and you've sooked me right in a stoater.

Wait till you meet him JJ. You will shit yersel


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I'm sorry I ever doubted you JakeJones, you're clearly at the windup and you've sooked me right in a stoater.


Go meet him at central station with sooty on 1 hand, sweep on another :lol::lol::lol:

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I am in a presentation, and the guy next to me is taking photos of each slide. It wouldn't be a problem but his camera makes a merry wee chirp that it seems only I notice, oh, and he is taking multiple shots of each slide.

Were on slide 38, and each chirp is boring right into the core of my soul. It is torture.

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