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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I have a £20 contract, and get 200 mins and unlimited texts. I send around 50 texts a day, and now that I'm at uni I use most of the minutes too (phoning home/ the girlfriend).

A related PTTGOYN: The phone that came with my contract (11 months ago) has had it, so i had to buy a new one today.

Another: Under my desk there is a pipe running along the wall, where i usually rest my feet (normally have shoes on). Tonight I have bare feet, i put my foot on it and realised it's bloody roasting! Ouch! Anyway, I've wrapped a towel round it, so i now have somewhere to put my feet :)

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Genie was an internet only PAYG mobile tarriff about 5 years ago which has now been superceded by O2, so if you still have an active Genie sim, which not many folk do, then you're technically on O2

Cheers. I don't keep up with phones at all. My current phone is at least 3 or 4 years old and the vibrate function doesn't, eh, function any more! That's why I was looking at getting a contract, I've never actually bought a phone in my life! I either find them or take hand-me-downs from my mates.

If it lights up and is able to phone/text/take pictures it's cool with me.

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That sounds much more fun than school, to be fair.

Argos or Maths? I know what I'd choose.

Aye, but at what stage should her mother at work, who's checked she's not at school or at home but believes her to be at the Clydebank Shopping Centre, hopes she either comes home safely or phones the Polis to say she may have been abducted - or worse?! <_<:(

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Genie was an internet only PAYG mobile tarriff about 5 years ago which has now been superceded by O2, so if you still have an active Genie sim, which not many folk do, then you're technically on O2

Same if you have a BT Cellnet sim. I'm sure I still have one kicking about somewhere (probably in the 3310 I still have at home)

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Aye, but at what stage should her mother at work, who's checked she's not at school or at home but believes her to be at the Clydebank Shopping Centre, hopes she either comes home safely or phones the Polis to say she may have been abducted - or worse?! <_<:(

Argos generally closes about 5.

Surely there's something the Pagan community could do to stop her dogging it?

Edited by The Arch
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Is 'sending slutty Bebo messages' a status too?

That would be as well.

People send things in texts they'd never say face to face. I wish people would phone girls they like to chat and go on real live dates. One of my mates claimed he was going out with a girl when they'd been on two dates in a month but had apparently been texting each other all day every day in that time. They lived about 5 mins away from each other!

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Argos generally closes about 5.

Surely there's something the Pagan community could do to stop her dogging?

She's usually back home by two or three O'clock, but it's the thought of my 14 (nearly 15) year old wandering about on her own, that's freaking us both out. Her alternative was going to boarding school at Strathallen near Perth at £5,814 per term! Aye, right! <_<

I may have a word with my coven, seriously, and see if there's any Crone advice I can get there. Good suggestion, thanks mate! ;)

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That would be as well.

People send things in texts they'd never say face to face. I wish people would phone girls they like to chat and go on real live dates. One of my mates claimed he was going out with a girl when they'd been on two dates in a month but had apparently been texting each other all day every day in that time. They lived about 5 mins away from each other!

Ha, that almost sounds like me, although I don't dress it up as anything it's not. I've been going out and winching the same girl at clubs for about a month or so, text her regularly but have only been out with her on a proper date once.

This is especially frustrating because I work late most of the week, and she works on my days off!

Still, I don't call her my girlfriend. I actually want to talk to her face to face so I can ask her what I should call her! Right now it's just 'that burd I get off with in Red'

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Ha, that almost sounds like me, although I don't dress it up as anything it's not. I've been going out and winching the same girl at clubs for about a month or so, text her regularly but have only been out with her on a proper date once.

This is especially frustrating because I work late most of the week, and she works on my days off!

Still, I don't call her my girlfriend. I actually want to talk to her face to face so I can ask her what I should call her! Right now it's just 'that burd I get off with in Red'

It's not even like he was saying it to try and be cool when it was an exaggeration, they both thought of each other as boyfriend and girlfriend at this point! This was a while ago though and they broke up soon after.

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