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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You're a jakie?

I know you're just messing but there's no way you can tell that over the internet.:P And St.Ninians is fine, although admittedly the Raptap is a shitehole.

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I just know some nice people from there Blair. And I have no idea what you're talking about but I do know there is a decent haircut shop (lol that doesn't sound right but it's late) and a multicourt which is good for longy shooty. If that helps at all, which I realise it probably doesn't but that's all I know. ;)

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I just know some nice people from there Blair. And I have no idea what you're talking about but I do know there is a decent haircut shop (lol that doesn't sound right but it's late) and a multicourt which is good for longy shooty. If that helps at all, which I realise it probably doesn't but that's all I know. ;)

Indeed it does not help. Used to drive through on ma way to uni and thought it looked half-decent anyway. Riddled with AIDS though I bet.

Maybe you can use a power point presentation with graphs and diagrams to help the process of your explanation.

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I know you're just messing but there's no way you can tell that over the internet. :P And St.Ninians is fine, although admittedly the Raptap is a shitehole.

It didnt take long for the houses that were renovated in the Raploch to be all boarded up.And when im up in Stirling i cannot drive along the Drip road as my car scrapes along the speed bumps,you need a tiger tank to drive down there.For a number of reasons.

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It didnt take long for the houses that were renovated in the Raploch to be all boarded up.And when im up in Stirling i cannot drive along the Drip road as my car scrapes along the speed bumps,you need a tiger tank to drive down there.For a number of reasons.


Funny because it's true. :(

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I'm fucking choking for a fag.

I was in the pub earlier and we sat out at the smoking bit. I sat there watching everyone smoking and it was wonderful. All I could smell throughout the day was smoke... I loved it.

Didn't cave though!

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