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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm annoyed with this episode of Kitchen Nightmares USA.

In all the "Coming up!" bits, I've been led to believe that this restaurant was going to burn down, and it turns out he's just having a bonfire with all the old chairs and decorations and shit.

Gutted. These people deserve to have their livelihood burned to the ground. Bloody Noo Joisey folks.

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:angry: Stirling University Residential Service. The theiving b*****ds want £180 for two of the cheapest chairs I have ever been wrongly accused of breaking in my life. I'm going to argue this one to the end!
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mad.gif Stirling University Residential Service. The theiving b*****ds want £180 for two of the cheapest chairs I have ever been wrongly accused of breaking in my life. I'm going to argue this one to the end!

Take the Huntsville,Alabama approach to settling greivances at University,that'll show the b*****ds....

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Take the Huntsville,Alabama approach to settling greivances at University,that'll show the b*****ds....

I shall to it the way we have done it for genarations in the country and wright a strongly worded letter, well more of an e-mail. I wouldn't be too bothered if they had charged every occupant of the flat, if they did it is only £30 each. But the have chared me £180! I will make sure they evenly charge all 6 of us if I don't manage to get the price down (which I highly doubt).

Edited by Enigma
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:angry: Stirling University Residential Service. The theiving b*****ds want £180 for two of the cheapest chairs I have ever been wrongly accused of breaking in my life. I'm going to argue this one to the end!

I'm looking forward to moving out of Union Street, to see if they say anything about the window in my room. Currently, the entire frame is covered in duct-tape, which is holding in all the polystyrene packaging peanuts that I jammed inbetween the windowframe and the wall because the original sealing was completely perished.

They sent a "joiner" up at the start of the year to sort all the windows, and he came armed with a can of WD40 and a fat bloke. I'm not sure which was more useful.

That's not really very relevant, but just tell them to shove it. Buy/steal them a couple of shite chairs and offer them as a settlement...

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I shall to it the way we have done it for genarations in the country and wright a strongly worded letter, well more of an e-mail. I wouldn't be too bothered if they had charged every occupant of the flat, if they did it is only £30 each. But the have chared me £180! I will make sure they evenly charge all 6 of us if I don't manage to get the price down (which I highly doubt).


Why did they single you out?....

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Why did they single you out?....

I was the only one in the flat when the dude came round looking for a 'name', i.e. who to fine. I told him mine but said I was not the culprate and seeing as nobody had admited to it I said it would be fairer if we were all charged equally. The numpty obviously forgot this piece of information.

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I'm looking forward to moving out of Union Street, to see if they say anything about the window in my room. Currently, the entire frame is covered in duct-tape, which is holding in all the polystyrene packaging peanuts that I jammed inbetween the windowframe and the wall because the original sealing was completely perished.

They sent a "joiner" up at the start of the year to sort all the windows, and he came armed with a can of WD40 and a fat bloke. I'm not sure which was more useful.

That's not really very relevant, but just tell them to shove it. Buy/steal them a couple of shite chairs and offer them as a settlement...

Oh, I can't wait to move out of Uni accomadation and get the idiots at Res. Services of our backs. I will fight this one to the end. I might get my Dad involved, as soon as parents get involved they always get the willies and cave in.

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Oh, I can't wait to move out of Uni accomadation and get the idiots at Res. Services of our backs. I will fight this one to the end. I might get my Dad involved, as soon as parents get involved they always get the willies and cave in.

We needed a plumber in at the start of the year because one of the toilets was backing up or somesuch nonsense, and the bloke on the phone says "We need to wait until there's a few problems in the same building before we can call a plumber in."

Well, that's fantastic for you, but it doesn't change the fact that my flat smells like shit.

I try to stay out of these things, though. If the flat smells like shit I just spend more time at the pub. It's not cost effective, but my room's that fucking cold I'll probably freeze to death anyway...

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I was the only one in the flat when the dude came round looking for a 'name', i.e. who to fine. I told him mine but said I was not the culprate and seeing as nobody had admited to it I said it would be fairer if we were all charged equally. The numpty obviously forgot this piece of information.

What an arsehole.....Stick to your guns,they can't prove you were the one responcible,don't pay them f**k all...

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We needed a plumber in at the start of the year because one of the toilets was backing up or somesuch nonsense, and the bloke on the phone says "We need to wait until there's a few problems in the same building before we can call a plumber in."

Well, that's fantastic for you, but it doesn't change the fact that my flat smells like shit.

I try to stay out of these things, though. If the flat smells like shit I just spend more time at the pub. It's not cost effective, but my room's that fucking cold I'll probably freeze to death anyway...

They are fucking useless! :angry:

If I don't get a sensible e-mail back from her on monday I am going to resort to going 'radge' on the phone to her. I am usually a very mild mannered person but this has got on my wick!

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What an arsehole.....Stick to your guns,they can't prove you were the one responcible,don't pay them f**k all...

Quite. She is an arsehole, complete cow! She likes coming out that our flat is 'The dirtiest/poorest kept/untidyest she has seen in 10/15/20 years'. Oddly enought nextdoor is worce and she says the same shite to them too. We dumped a few binbags in the wrong place once and she actually went through them to find evidence as to who they belonged to... :lol: . She then went on a massive rant obout what useless people we are rather then just saying. Look can one of you move thoses binbage down 3 flights of stairs and in to the skip, cheers. Once the flat genuinly was in a complete state after we had a party. She came round gave up a bollocking, fair enough. Said it had to be cleaned by tomorrow or we would face 'diciplinary action'. We cleaned it up and the place was spotless. We still faced 'diciplinary action'. I have fucking had it with her. End rant. Had to let it out somewhere!

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