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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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dicks queuing for half an hour in the pissing rain for personalised coke bottles. 10 times more annoying though is that i was one of those dicks as the missus wanted one for her nieces birthdsay.

People are queuing for them? Isn't is just a random thing?

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People are queuing for them? Isn't is just a random thing?

In oor T*sco a few months back there was a kind of stall where they made you a personalised label. Folk were standing in a massive queue for one. #SADb*****dS

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In oor T*sco a few months back there was a kind of stall where they made you a personalised label. Folk were standing in a massive queue for one. #SADb*****dS

Sad indeed, utterly ridiculous.

So...these stalls, can you find out where they are...

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It isn't nice but you have to keep the chin up for those closest to you, and in the hardest of times remember all the good times.

Cheers. Sadly he passed away at 5.15 this evening. Totally heartbreaking.

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Just arrived home from work. I'm working again at 12pm tomorrow, so I'm eager to get to my bed. In the bathroom brushing my teeth and my sister walks in and says:

"What are you doing?"

"Brushing my teeth."

"Can you hurry up please."

At this point my face screwed up. Can I hurry up please? Excuse me? I've just stepped in home from work, I'm tired, I want to go to bed and I'm being told to hurry up whilst brushing my teeth? I don't know about everyone else, but it takes me under 2 minutes to brush my teeth. This led to a whispered argument in the bathroom which only made things longer because she had the cheek to tell me to hurry up. Fucking "hurry up" :rolleyes:

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