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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I do this all the time, but I've never seen any of the people patiently waiting look even the slightest bit surprised at my chicanery and inside knowledge of how petrol pumps work.

Why is this? Maybe they just can't be arsed stretching it. Or maybe they think it's bad luck. Or maybe they just think I have magic powers to stretch the pipe.

I'm happy to admit I will sit and wait.

Mainly because I have a fear I will make an a*se of stretching the pipe and damage it/the car/me or spray petrol all over the place.

I have no problem with people skipping if they are happy to stretch it though.

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I'm happy to admit I will sit and wait.

Mainly because I have a fear I will make an a*se of stretching the pipe and damage it/the car/me or spray petrol all over the place.

I have no problem with people skipping if they are happy to stretch it though.

Heh, the only time I've ever made an arse of putting petrol in was when I didn't even do it on the opposite side. I was dripping with petrol. Went home stinking. Stuck everything I was wearing in the washing machine along with other clothes. So my entire wash stank of petrol. The house stank of petrol. Had a shower. Still smelled of petrol. Even the fecking shower stank of petrol.

Moral of this story. Petrol smells.

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Heh, the only time I've ever made an arse of putting petrol in was when I didn't even do it on the opposite side. I was dripping with petrol. Went home stinking. Stuck everything I was wearing in the washing machine along with other clothes. So my entire wash stank of petrol. The house stank of petrol. Had a shower. Still smelled of petrol. Even the fecking shower stank of petrol.

Moral of this story. Petrol smells. Cardinal Richelieu is an idiot.

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I'm happy to admit I will sit and wait.

Mainly because I have a fear I will make an a*se of stretching the pipe and damage it/the car/me or spray petrol all over the place.

I have no problem with people skipping if they are happy to stretch it though.

If you can pull the plug out of a vacuum cleaner you should manage it. Don't see the worry.

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Heh, the only time I've ever made an arse of putting petrol in was when I didn't even do it on the opposite side. I was dripping with petrol. Went home stinking. Stuck everything I was wearing in the washing machine along with other clothes. So my entire wash stank of petrol. The house stank of petrol. Had a shower. Still smelled of petrol. Even the fecking shower stank of petrol.

Moral of this story. Petrol smells.

That Petrol Emotion.

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My gripe is after paying for fuel etc. Please feel free to leave pump. Asap. Do not apply lipstick. Do not muck about with wallet and cards. Do not start a three course meal. Please leave the area.

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Erm, you mean the ones who've been posting in this thread? The ones that said they drive around said cars and don't understand why other people don't?

I think mark is saying he does wait and wondered why people get angry because they don't wait.

I'm too busy looking at birds arses tbh.


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Heh, the only time I've ever made an arse of putting petrol in was when I didn't even do it on the opposite side. I was dripping with petrol. Went home stinking. Stuck everything I was wearing in the washing machine along with other clothes. So my entire wash stank of petrol. The house stank of petrol. Had a shower. Still smelled of petrol. Even the fecking shower stank of petrol.

Moral of this story. Petrol smells. Cardinal Richelieu is an idiot.

I maintain to this day the nozzle was faulty. I've pumped fuel (that sounds wrong) thousnads of times without incident.

Actually, and this is possibly the most petty thing I've ever got annoyed about... news reports that talk about price rises "at the pump".

"At the pump" - all innuendo aside, raises my heckles as much as "my bad". No idea why.

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Guest The Phoenix
My gripe is after paying for fuel etc. Please feel free to leave pump. Asap. Do not apply lipstick. Do not muck about with wallet and cards. Do not start a three course meal. Please leave the area.

My gripe is with people who buy "etc" leaving their car blocking a pump whilst doing so.

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