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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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And there's nothing spiders love more than a sore throat.

Enjoy your flight.

It's the season for the Spine Backed Sore Throat Spider as well.

The man from 'Emirates'?

He was very thorough. Got through that second pair of boxers like a knife through some very scared butter.

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Guest The Phoenix

Boiler has a leak which probably can't be fixed due to its age. Heating and hot water switched off until someone can look at it on Monday. Looking likely we will need a new one, an expense we could do without.

At least you've got a Rug to keep you warm.

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Yeah, I kinda know that it's history, my gripe is narrators describing it in the present tense, as if it's happening right now, in order to make it sound more "dramatic" and less like "boring history". It's basically dumbing down of history to appeal to a wider audience. If you did it in a history essay in uni you'd get slaughtered for it.

You really are ripping the arse out of this.

The reason this is done is to create a 'time line' for the viewer, keeping events in chronological order.

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Guest The Phoenix

The reason this is done is to create a 'time line' for the viewer, keeping events in chronological order.

^^^ New Year's Resolution Number One - Make intelligent comment on P&B.

I'll give it until tomorrow (at the latest). ;)

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