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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Pretty much yeah. I just find it really annoying, if it was an abbreviation of a long word then yeah I'd probably accept it, but do you really need to abbreviate a four letter word?

You are clearly not down with the kids. You are also not bae.
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Most recently; people who use the word Bae on a constant basis, it's essentially the new Swag & Yolo. Hopefully it dies quicker than they did

You can't seriously know someone that uses that word all the time can you? You're no a 12 year old lassie are ya??? (If so watch out for TurboShandy and his dodgy PMs)

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Getting invited to go skiing on midweek days off but having it pointed out that you won't be back in time for running Scouts that night.

Think I could get the schools to give them the day off and give us a shot of the council minibus? :unsure:

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Work being dicks with holiday. They've said there's hours available on the dates I've requested to go on holiday but put me in a wait for now.

I just want to book my long weekend away dammit!!

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Work being dicks with holiday. They've said there's hours available on the dates I've requested to go on holiday but put me in a wait for now.

I just want to book my long weekend away dammit!!

I worked with a guy who had his long-approved holiday cancelled because our bosses were useless buggers. He got his doctor to sign him off with depression, recommending that a (conveniently already booked) foreign holiday might help with his condition :lol:

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Just took my sock off and it's swollen to f**k, presume if I'd broke it then it would be too painful to put weight on it? #p&bmedicaladvice

Where is it? Probably ligaments if you can do that. Done them twice playing football, sure doctor told me I would've been better off breaking my ankle as it heals quicker and properly, got to build your ligaments back up

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