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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Was reading this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goal_celebration

One of the "Notable non celebrations" being Adam Johnson when he scored for Sunderland against Man City, "refusing to celebrate" as if he was some sort of Man City hero.

Mario Balotelli, upon scoring his first-ever goal for Liverpool, refused to celebrate, upsetting some commentators, who were happy a few days later to see him smile after assisting a goal. His actions were explained as being due to finally seeing some success more than halfway thru a disappointing season


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Mario Balotelli, upon scoring his first-ever goal for Liverpool, refused to celebrate, upsetting some commentators, who were happy a few days later to see him smile after assisting a goal. His actions were explained as being due to finally seeing some success more than halfway thru a disappointing season


The point is more players not celebrating a goal when it's against their former team. Even more so when it's a non entity like Johnson.

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The point is more players not celebrating a goal when it's against their former team. Even more so when it's a non entity like Johnson.

Maybe he just really liked Man City and would've had mixed emotions whether he'd played for them or not.

Like when you see a fondly-remembered ex-girlfriend at an orgy and pretend not to enjoy yourself with the other lassies too much out of respect. We've all been there.

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Surely the point with the whole tattoos/work thing is just that by getting visible tattoos, you're making a statement that you're not bothered by what other people think about it.

Employers want their staff to be very bothered about what's thought about them. Very bothered indeed.

At what point do we change these views? Or is it forever more that people with tattoo's get discriminated against? Seems to be a lot of "that's just the way of it" when it's, eh, their views that make it that way.

Let's say for example that you (I don't mean only you BFTD, everyone who seems to take tattoo's as some sort of "Good guy guage") go to an interview and the guy interviewing you has a tattoo on his hand/neck, do you immediately stand up and walk out? Or would you sit through the interview and reject the offer if it comes?

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At what point do we change these views? Or is it forever more that people with tattoo's get discriminated against? Seems to be a lot of "that's just the way of it" when it's, eh, their views that make it that way.

Let's say for example that you (I don't mean only you BFTD, everyone who seems to take tattoo's as some sort of "Good guy guage") go to an interview and the guy interviewing you has a tattoo on his hand/neck, do you immediately stand up and walk out? Or would you sit through the interview and reject the offer if it comes?

When will people that wear baseball caps and trainers to interviews stop being discriminated against?

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Surely the point with the whole tattoos/work thing is just that by getting visible tattoos, you're making a statement that you're not bothered by what other people think about it.

Employers want their staff to be very bothered about what's thought about them. Very bothered indeed.

I'd have thought the opposite, you get a tattoo because you're very bothered about how you look.

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At what point do we change these views? Or is it forever more that people with tattoo's get discriminated against? Seems to be a lot of "that's just the way of it" when it's, eh, their views that make it that way.

Let's say for example that you (I don't mean only you BFTD, everyone who seems to take tattoo's as some sort of "Good guy guage") go to an interview and the guy interviewing you has a tattoo on his hand/neck, do you immediately stand up and walk out? Or would you sit through the interview and reject the offer if it comes?

I doubt you'll ever get employers to stop wanting employees who're desperate to keep their jobs.

(not an employer, nor someone who cares about tattoos BTW)

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I'd have thought the opposite, you get a tattoo because you're very bothered about how you look.

To yourself, not other people.

If you get tattoos because you want to elicit a certain response in others, you're a complete moron, as you've no way of controlling how others will interpret what's drawn on you. I doubt Mr f**k YOU Forehead realised that he'd become a comedy meme on the Internet, for example. Hopefully he's not too fussed, or he's in big trouble :P

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Old People and the "I was about to do that" excuse

"Oh you've done the washing up, I was about to do that", that'll be the pile of stuff that's been sitting next to the sink since last night then?

"Oh you've emptied the washing machine and hung out the clothes on the line, I was about to do that", that'll be the clothes that are now actually dry because they've been sitting in the machine all day.

f**k. Off.

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