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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Agree with this. Have 3 appts lined up in the next month (teeth whitening etc). Your interview tomorrow? Good luck pal :)

You should be flossing regularly then Swarley!

Yeah interview tomorrow, fingers crossed it all goes well, cheers!

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Is it petty to absolutely hate everyone you work alongside?

Guy who sits next to me just said randomly "Its 6 months to the day until its Xmas eve"....I mean what kind of absolute gimp do you need to be to come out with something like that.

My line manager gets on my nerves as well, mostly just for being born but the biggest thing is that he has 2 pieces/rolls/pitta breads with ham and cheese on it accompanied with a packet of plain hula hoops every day for his lunch. Every.fucking.day. That shouldnt bother me but it really does. Cretin.

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Got called mate by a female nurse at my work last night.

It was said in that nasal, neddy tone and I instantly felt sorry for whoever she was looking after.

Thoroughly unprofessional.

Quite, she shouldn't be trying to get pally with the cleaners, looks bad.

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Is it petty to absolutely hate everyone you work alongside?

Guy who sits next to me just said randomly "Its 6 months to the day until its Xmas eve"....I mean what kind of absolute gimp do you need to be to come out with something like that.

My line manager gets on my nerves as well, mostly just for being born but the biggest thing is that he has 2 pieces/rolls/pitta breads with ham and cheese on it accompanied with a packet of plain hula hoops every day for his lunch. Every.fucking.day. That shouldnt bother me but it really does. Cretin.



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I've spent more money this month than I planned for, and now will need to hibernate over the next 2 months to have a nice savings account again.

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Twice now I've waited at the counter to order food in a restaurant and had to wait while a queue of women, all sitting at the same fucking table, ordered food and drink indi-fucking-vidually.

Bunch of c'nts!!

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Twice now I've waited at the counter to order food in a restaurant and had to wait while a queue of women, all sitting at the same fucking table, ordered food and drink indi-fucking-vidually.

Bunch of c'nts!!

That's what you get for going to a restaurant where you order at a counter tbh.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Twice now I've waited at the counter to order food in a restaurant and had to wait while a queue of women, all sitting at the same fucking table, ordered food and drink indi-fucking-vidually.

Bunch of c'nts!!

^Nandos type post

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The 'stumble run' in films when folk are getting chased by something/someone. This is where they very slowly run away in a bumbling gait, and keep turning back to look at the thing/person chasing them, which causes them to stumble frequently. The person doing it always gets caught and usually killed.

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