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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When you finish work, take off your lanyards. i'm not interested in seeing who you work for or your ID

There are some people who walk about with it over their jackets, so they've obviously gone to the effort of putting it back on once they've taken it off so folk can see it. Mental behaviour.

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I've just had some bint from the Evening Times, or claiming to be from them, at the door saying a wean from around the corner is trying to set himself up a paper round and the ET are going to help him by selling their paper and drumming up buyers. I don't mind this generally but she tried to play the guilt card of "Go on, help a wee boy out" and all this shite when I said I don't read newspapers.

The funny thing was her opening sentence was "Don't worry, I'm not trying to sell anything" :lol:

Had 1 of those 5 years ago.

Then proceeded to try to sell me a boiler and radiators.

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Rush hour yesterday morning - about 40 screaming weans from some playgroup invaded our train supervised by two wifies who were already looking frazzled at 8.45 in the morning dealing with them. Cue mayhem all the way into town.

Hire a fucking bus.

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Schoolkids dancing on the road and running in front of cars.

Every lunchtime I need to go home I encounter this driving by the schools, how much trouble will I get in for running one over?

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Oh another thing about these c***s I work with is that there is forever collections going round for folk leaving and retiring and doing sponsored events etc but when my mate put round a card for me for my wedding they all just signed it and never stuck a penny in.

I'd been in my current job when my wife had a baby. I received nothing. I really wasn't bothered but what irked me was that at the same time I was expected to contribute to every collection going.

On a work theme we regularly receive emails from other teams notifying us about staff movements, leavers, newbies, etc.

Yesterday we get an email telling us that a woman who'd only been with the company for a couple of weeks ago was leaving. She received the type of eulogy you'd expect from someone who'd completed 25 years long service.

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I'd been in my current job when my wife had a baby. I received nothing. I really wasn't bothered but what irked me was that at the same time I was expected to contribute to every collection going.

On a work theme we regularly receive emails from other teams notifying us about staff movements, leavers, newbies, etc.

Yesterday we get an email telling us that a woman who'd only been with the company for a couple of weeks ago was leaving. She received the type of eulogy you'd expect from someone who'd completed 25 years long service.

This is why Women shouldn't work.

They do f**k all anyway

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I quite admired a guy who worked at our place years ago. Started on the Wednesday, we all got paid on Thursday but he had to do the week in hand so was broke and asked if he could borrow a twenty to get him through. Hard to say no when you've just opened your pay packet, so I handed it over. Turned out he did the same with almost everyone in the building. Never saw him again.

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I quite admired a guy who worked at our place years ago. Started on the Wednesday, we all got paid on Thursday but he had to do the week in hand so was broke and asked if he could borrow a twenty to get him through. Hard to say no when you've just opened your pay packet, so I handed it over. Turned out he did the same with almost everyone in the building. Never saw him again.

He's now at Sevco

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On the work thing, and I'm sure I mentioned this before, some auld c**t who had been there for 30+ years (and was a highly distinguished professional) got £90 in a whip-round last year when he retired. Shortly after that, some admin bint got £300 when she moved to another department along the fucking corridor.

Two other admin bints, let's call one of them Linda with the pert tits and nice arse, and the other one Bawface, got married this month and achieved nearly a fucking grand between them.

I only contributed to Linda for obvious reasons. I felt like she'd earned it.

Surely Bawface was the one who earned it given her apparent difficulty in finding a husband.
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