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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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These things on fb that say "kids these days won't know the wonders of.. and then it's something like a PS1 or something, like they're gonna have their own childhood

^^^ this, this, fucking this!

There's always a "things were so much better in my day" tint to that shite too, like the auld buggers droning on about how kids used to play in the street with a stick and hoop, and how everything rotted within seconds of buying it before the miracle horrific nightmare of preservatives entered the world. Oh, and how they spent their childhoods in a permanent daze from having the tar thrashed out of them, but that it did them the power of gooHOOOOYVIN MAVEN!

Worst thing is that it seems every c**t on Facebook's at it too.

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^^^ this, this, fucking this!

There's always a "things were so much better in my day" tint to that shite too, like the auld buggers droning on about how kids used to play in the street with a stick and hoop, and how everything rotted within seconds of buying it before the miracle horrific nightmare of preservatives entered the world. Oh, and how they spent their childhoods in a permanent daze from having the tar thrashed out of them, but that it did them the power of gooHOOOOYVIN MAVEN!

Worst thing is that it seems every c**t on Facebook's at it too.

I remember having so much fun with this until the fateful day I took a bend too quickly and suffered a blowout in one of my wellies, it took six months to recover.

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I remember having so much fun with this until the fateful day I took a bend too quickly and suffered a blowout in one of my wellies, it took six months to recover.

You tell that to weans today, and they won't believe you.

They're too busy inflating their rectums with those new-fangled pressure hoses you find at petrol stations.

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Something to watch while you're waiting for the tank to fill, I suppose.

Just watch out in case they use too much air. You'll end up like this:


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Folk moaning about stuff on Facebook.

It's not fucking compulsory.

worse is folk moaning about Facebook on facebook!

My wife's aunty (well she's not really an aunty she's her mates aunty but has always been aunty angie you know what I mean?) has developed a strange infatuation with me on Facebook. She's always had a thing for me, who wouldn't I'm a solid 9, and would like any picture that has me in it or comment with just a kiss.

That was ok. I could live with that. It was almost cute. Recently however she's started sharing my pictures on her page! This is shocking as far as I am concerned and downright creepy as I have only met the old boot once, she lives down south and we have 2 "friends" in common!

The wife thinks it'll break the old dears heart if I remove her and doesn't think I should be worried.

Then again she doesn't live with the thought that at any time some old dear maybe strummin at herself whilst staring at my picture!

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Folk moaning about stuff on Facebook.

It's not fucking compulsory.

Being around the people using it is. Unless you're a hermit of independent means.

If so, can I come stay with you? I won't say anything, I promise.

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American football (soccer) fans singing

So friendly and so cheesy with the American accents, just doesn't sound right, they're giving it the whole 'shit on the b*****ds below' 'build a bonfire' etc aswell

It's actually quite funny, but still a bit annoying, they need to be more hateful when they're at the football, sakes

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worse is folk moaning about Facebook on facebook!

My wife's aunty (well she's not really an aunty she's her mates aunty but has always been aunty angie you know what I mean?) has developed a strange infatuation with me on Facebook. She's always had a thing for me, who wouldn't I'm a solid 9, and would like any picture that has me in it or comment with just a kiss.

That was ok. I could live with that. It was almost cute. Recently however she's started sharing my pictures on her page! This is shocking as far as I am concerned and downright creepy as I have only met the old boot once, she lives down south and we have 2 "friends" in common!

The wife thinks it'll break the old dears heart if I remove her and doesn't think I should be worried.

Then again she doesn't live with the thought that at any time some old dear maybe strummin at herself whilst staring at my picture!

You ought to be more worried about the hulking parking attendant who fills his sock twice a day when you pick your car up/drop it off. You know, the one with the elephant tape and taser behind the desk.

Wee old dear hundreds of miles away won't do you much harm; it's the rest of us you have to worry about ;)

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American football (soccer) fans singing

So friendly and so cheesy with the American accents, just doesn't sound right, they're giving it the whole 'shit on the b*****ds below' 'build a bonfire' etc aswell

It's actually quite funny, but still a bit annoying, they need to be more hateful when they're at the football, sakes

Sounds like the MLS has changed a lot in the past decade. They used to sit about in silence munching hot dogs, like at baseball games.

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Sounds like the MLS has changed a lot in the past decade. They used to sit about in silence munching hot dogs, like at baseball games.

These are Columbus crew fans, I believe they are one of the better MLS club fan groups

MLS on the other hands a decent watch. Not sure if it's just because I'm missing it here but I've enjoyed the last few games I've watched.

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These are Columbus crew fans, I believe they are one of the better MLS club fan groups

MLS on the other hands a decent watch. Not sure if it's just because I'm missing it here but I've enjoyed the last few games I've watched.

Definitely changed a lot, then. It used to be like watching the teenage lassies at school playing for a laugh.

When I was at school too, you bunch of perverts. I know the way your minds work.

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Go and download St Jude.

Hungover train journey home there was absolute torture. Coming from Aberdeen by masel I decided to sit at a table. Train was dead and there was hunners of seats and other tables so thought I'd be fine. Don't usually mind sitting with folk but these 4 weegies got on at Stonehaven, just back from a caravan holiday.

A mum who was a total jakey reeking of stale smoke and booze, a young girl who was really actually well behaved and proper spoken and quite nice in comparison, an older girl who was a total ned and an older boy who seemed quite sound considering but a total tink, they had a dog with them too.

The maw sat across from me, the 2 kids on the aisle side, the other kid right behind me leaning over the back of my chair. Took up the whole table with all the shite they had bought from the shops, tub of cookie dough ice cream in the middle of the table they were all taking spoonfuls from. Boy lifting the spoon over my head and everything :lol: I looked up at the wrong time and saw the maw with a mouthful of it with her gummy mouth wide open, brutal stuff

Apart from their terribly bad manners, which some things seemed to be on purpose to get me to f**k off they seemed pretty harmless, got a lot of time for people like that tbh. They're obviously hard up and trying to go away and enjoy themselves on holiday just like everyone does. And the mum must have had her hands full with they kids for however long they were away.

But then the ticket man came though and they only had the 1 ticket. That's when they really started to turn into scheme goblins. Gave the ticket inspector a really hard time and kept coming up with bullshit excuses before eventually playing the sympathy card, the maw giving it the 'well this is all ahv goat left for the week' pish. Then the mum received a text from the owner of the caravan complaining they'd left it stinking and a shitehole. That's when they all turned really nasty, even the wee girl who was maybe about 11 was giving it the 'just tell her to go f**k hersel' chat. :lol:

It was a really terrible and awkward 35-40 minutes, I wanted to move so much but didn't want to seem to rude. The ticket inspector standing speaking to them for so long to made it hard to get out. By the time he fucked off we were nearly in Montrose so just stuck it out. Like I said I really don't want to get to pissed off at them cause they're just trying to enjoy themselves but they really were schemey tinks. If I ever go on a caravan holiday with my family in the future I'll be making sure I splash the cash a bit to avoid c***s like this.

Some of the chat they were having made for really interesting listening though which was a plus.

Stereotypical Glaswegian jakeys.

Where they still wearing their yes badges .....


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