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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Hi pal

Welcome to the PTTGOYN thread. It's a bit of a complicated idea to get your head around but stick with it, have a read through and you'll pick it up in no time.

Oh there's no doubting it's petty but you seem to be struggling with basic comprehension - why do they get on your nerves?

I was just looking for a reason.

(Passive aggression on the internet - you've got to love it.)

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Oh there's no doubting it's petty but you seem to be struggling with basic comprehension - why do they get on your nerves?

I was just looking for a reason.

(Passive aggression on the internet - you've got to love it.)

If I look deep down inside myself it's probably the culture of taking things that are personal to you and your friends and family and spreading it out across the world. Its like a tangible real life 3d touchable social media post.

Or I'm jealous that I'm not young.

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If I look deep down inside myself it's probably the culture of taking things that are personal to you and your friends and family and spreading it out across the world. Its like a tangible real life 3d touchable social media post.

Or I'm jealous that I'm not young.

The company must be making a small fortune. No doubt pretty soon the kids will decide it's thoroughly uncool but right now the fuckers are everywhere.

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Why do these things irritate you lads?

Strange thing to get annoyed at.

Cause I fucking hate schoolies and students. Leavers hoodies are very "yeeeah me and all my friends. School best time of my life! #nevaforget". I find that American style sentimatism revolting.

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It's renewal time for my web hosting package. Last time around, I got five years with unlimited storage space for $80. The renewal price is over $400 for 12 months.


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That's a shit load of Ladyboy porn you're keeping hold of.

Oh, that's just for the regular porn. No way I could afford hosting for the transgender stuff, no matter how much SJC paid me for access.

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Why do you hate students?

I'm going to imagine that comically inaccurate stereotypes and generalisations feature

I don't hate all students as such, I was one at one time after all, i just hate studenty students. The unnaturally super happy young types, decked out in hollister, chat absolute fucking garbage and clog up the local food joints on my lunch break.

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A hoody you get when you leave school/uni

What is this obsession they seem to have with Americanising everything? Fucking jumpers with their schools name on it and proms instead of school discos?

I couldn't wait to be done with school. Hated the place and pretty much everyone in it.

edit: Yes, I realise that makes me sound like a grumpy c**t, but that's probably because I am.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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