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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who go to the same, relatively expensive place on holiday each year. This excludes generic beach resorts

I know of a few people who shell out quite a bit EVERY year to go to the likes of New York, Las Vegas etc

I find it bizarre that someone with a disposable income great enough to go on a relatively expensive holiday wouldn't vary things up and travel to various places around the world.

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People who go to the same, relatively expensive place on holiday each year. This excludes generic beach resorts

I know of a few people who shell out quite a bit EVERY year to go to the likes of New York, Las Vegas etc

I find it bizarre that someone with a disposable income great enough to go on a relatively expensive holiday wouldn't vary things up and travel to various places around the world.

I love New York - if I had the cash, I'd spend every holiday there.

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I've never seen anybody using that crossing ever, so I always drive over it at warp speed :P

I'm under your car, could you call a mechanic to untangle me please? xxx

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People who go to the same, relatively expensive place on holiday each year. This excludes generic beach resorts

I know of a few people who shell out quite a bit EVERY year to go to the likes of New York, Las Vegas etc

I find it bizarre that someone with a disposable income great enough to go on a relatively expensive holiday wouldn't vary things up and travel to various places around the world.

Don't know why they wouldn't just go and live there for a while TBH.

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I love New York - if I had the cash, I'd spend every holiday there.

I've been twice with my parents (for a couple of days, en route to other American /Canadian cities) and I wasn't that impressed. I'm going back next year with my girlfriend and I'm sure I'll enjoy it far more, but that's beside the point.

By continually going to the same place you're denying yourself the chance to travel the world and visit a wide variety of amazing places. It seems very much like a middle class equivalent of going to Benidorm and only eating British food and only drinking Carling

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When people say things like, "aw man I spat coffee/beer/juice all over the place there" when someone posts something funny online. I don't believe they actually have for a minute.

You need to take Bobby Skidmarks off ignore.

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I can't say it bothers me. If folk find somewhere they enjoy going then fair enough. What DOES bother me is folk who visit the same place every year and tell you everything about the place when they get back, as if it's the first time they've been there. There's a woman I used to work with who goes to Turkey every single year and comes back and rattles on about the place as if it's the best place in the world. You enjoy the place, we get it. But FFS you've told us about the bars already, we don't need to hear about them every time you come back!

She's actually pretty well off and like you I do wonder why she goes to a bit like Turkey year after year when she could be going further afield. She clearly enjoys it though so let her get on with it; just don't tell me about it :o

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What's so special about the bars in Turkey? :huh:

I refuse to ask tbh. She's the kind of person who loves the sound of her own voice. The fact is she's in her 50's and still has bleach blonde hair and as the Turks seem to go nuts if they see a blonde haired woman I'm convinced she keeps going back to boost her self esteem. Sad but true.

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Young, tanned men hanging off grizzly, wrinkled old women telling them they're beautiful for two weeks. Why wouldn't they love it?

I never noticed this post until after I posted mine, but aye, you've nailed it :lol:

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When people say things like, "aw man I spat coffee/beer/juice all over the place there" when someone posts something funny online. I don't believe they actually have for a minute.

Aw man I actually pished all over my living room then roundhouse kicked the missus' head off when I read this.

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Thought I had run over a bin bag, sorry Tabby

That may be how I look, but I'd have thought that physically I'd be more like a hefty sleeping policeman.

Anyway, it's fucking cold out here; will he be much longer?

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