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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's fucking nonsense. Anyone can judge anyone else. It's up to the person being judged if they want to pay any attention to said judgement.

Anyway, does god actually judge folk? I thought it was St Peter who let folk in to heaven, so surely it's he who judges folk?

Also god isn't real.

Usually find the folk that do have it tattooed are quite used to seeing judges.

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Stopped off at Greggs on the way back to the car:-

Me - a steak & cheese roll and a cheese & onion pasty please

Server - okay so a steak & cheese roll and a medium latte?

Me - no latte a cheese and onion pasty

Server - that's £2.20 please

Me -hands over £2.30 (50p's and 20p's)

Server - that's 20p change

Me - you have given me too much it's just 10p change

Server - that's awfy honest of you son - enjoy your lunch

Me - walks the half mile back to the car, open up the bag to find a sausage roll and a chicken bake!


Shouldn't that've been more than £2.20 (any of the two items mentioned)? You did well!
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Glitter (not the beast kind)

Just gets fcuking everywhere

Agreeance. I opened a Christmas card last week and a shower of the fucking stuff spilled out. I'm still cleaning it up. Or at least, trying to.

I'm not totally convinced the sender didn't do it on purpose and seeing as they aren't a 6-year old girl, this shall not be forgiven.

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People who use the 12 hour and 24 hour clock at the same time. Some people in my work are good at emailing us advising of a meeting at "14:00pm". :shutup

People email meetings??

Calendar invites are the way forwards

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Agreeance. I opened a Christmas card last week and a shower of the fucking stuff spilled out. I'm still cleaning it up. Or at least, trying to.

I'm not totally convinced the sender didn't do it on purpose and seeing as they aren't a 6-year old girl, this shall not be forgiven.

Same happens when you get pubes in the mail, probably.

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