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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Youtube link? No reason why we can't all piss ourselves laughing.

I knew somebody would ask, in the hope of a swatch at some impressive cleavage. I'd have put money on WeirdCal, though.

How much nudity can you get away with on YouTube, BTW? Asking for a pal, of course.

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Not enough, in my experience.

Ah, so that's why you had to start hosting videos on your own pay site!

Are your live shows still on at the same time? That same mate wants to know.

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I knew somebody would ask, in the hope of a swatch at some impressive cleavage. I'd have put money on WeirdCal, though.

How much nudity can you get away with on YouTube, BTW? Asking for a pal, of course.

Please... she only does that on snatchchat
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The carbon monoxide detector next to the oven had decided that New Year's Day is the appropriate time to start beeping at me :angry:

It's more than twelve paces away from where I'm currently sitting, so f**k that. Bit sleepy, so I'm hoping it doesn't wake me up if I doze off.

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Move it up into the loft.

That way there's less chance of it going off and if it does, you won't here it anyway.

You're welcome.

Maybe I'll just move into the loft - I won't be able to hear the detector, plus it'll take a while for the fumes to filter up that high.

P&B: solving Scotland's problems, one at a time.

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Had about three customers refer to chips as French fries today. Someone's about to get kicked in the pie.

They are different things, to be fair. You'd be a confused chicken if you went to the chippy and got a fish supper with a pile of McDonalds-style chips.

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Not really a petty thing, but when football teams come out before the start of a game and some players do that thing where they do a wee run and jump like they are heading an imaginary ball. I know there is a reason for it, just looks daft IMO!

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IIRC, that's how Harry Ramsden's do their suppers. Only been to one, and it was a long time ago, but I swear I remember getting fish on a pile of fries. Was tremendously confusing, considering that I'd heard from so many folk down south that Harry Ramsden's were the absolute tits. I had a better fish supper from Jack in the Box in the US, and that was like eating food created by someone who'd never seen or tasted what they were supposed to be making :wacko:

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The amount of times McDonalds get your fucking order wrong.

A Bacon+Egg McMuffin and a Bacon Roll please, I get the Bacon and Egg but I've got a Breakfast Wrap to go alongside the fucker, I double checked the drive thru screen and what I was paying for but still, I was the only boy in the drive thru and there were 6 people working.

Ffs, shove your breakfast wrap up your arse.

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The amount of times McDonalds get your fucking order wrong.

A Bacon+Egg McMuffin and a Bacon Roll please, I get the Bacon and Egg but I've got a Breakfast Wrap to go alongside the fucker, I double checked the drive thru screen and what I was paying for but still, I was the only boy in the drive thru and there were 6 people working.

Ffs, shove your breakfast wrap up your arse.

I'm surprised you get this problem given their stringent recruitment policy and high level of staff training.

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