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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At my old work, the rule was that if you wanted cake on your birthday, you brought it, thus allowing anyone who didn't like you to avoid chipping in for a gift, and for you to make it clear who you didn't like by not offering them any. Generally worked fairly well, although I remember one guy who brought in a cake on his birthday and ate the whole thing himself. (Wasn't me, wish I had thought of it first though).


As for drivers who don't indicate, I drive a BMW and I indicate, the mrs drives an Audi and indicates, the arsehole next door drives a jaguar, and generally acts like a c*nt. Take from that what you will.

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Do police give you an on the spot fine if they catch you not indicating like they do when you are caught without a seat belt?

I don't think it's actually a legal requirement to use your indicators, although depending on the situation, not using them could be considered careless or reckless driving

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I don't think it's actually a legal requirement to use your indicators, although depending on the situation, not using them could be considered careless or reckless driving


Which is absolutely ridiculous considering you get a £60 on the spot fine for not wearing your seat belt which is far less dangerous. You can even get that fine for not wearing the belt in the back of a taxi!

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Well not wearing a seat belt isn't going to be the cause of the accident, it puts the driver at greater risk yes but it isn't a direct cause of accidents where as not indicating can be.

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Well not wearing a seat belt isn't going to be the cause of the accident, it puts the driver at greater risk yes but it isn't a direct cause of accidents where as not indicating can be.

An indicator is by the meaning of the word an indication. You shouldn't trust any other driver to indicate, or even a driver who is indicating anyway. Plenty times people who do indicate leave them on afterwards by mistake. If you pull out to turn when a car is indicating, and try to blame them for it, you'll probably be told that it's your fault for not waiting until the road was clear.

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At my old work, the rule was that if you wanted cake on your birthday, you brought it, thus allowing anyone who didn't like you to avoid chipping in for a gift, and for you to make it clear who you didn't like by not offering them any. Generally worked fairly well, although I remember one guy who brought in a cake on his birthday and ate the whole thing himself. (Wasn't me, wish I had thought of it first though).


As for drivers who don't indicate, I drive a BMW and I indicate, the mrs drives an Audi and indicates, the arsehole next door drives a jaguar, and generally acts like a c*nt. Take from that what you will.

The only conclusion that I can draw from that is that you live in a fairly affluent neighbourhood.

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An indicator is by the meaning of the word an indication. You shouldn't trust any other driver to indicate, or even a driver who is indicating anyway. Plenty times people who do indicate leave them on afterwards by mistake. If you pull out to turn when a car is indicating, and try to blame them for it, you'll probably be told that it's your fault for not waiting until the road was clear.


I'm still bitter about the time i got done for not wearing my seat belt. 

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Are you his next door neighbour?

No. My immediate neighbours are a church and a small cottage. One thing I can say about the sky fairy fuckwits is that they make great neighbours; never a peep out of them. The guy in the cottage had a noisy dog which is a bone of contention (no pun intended).

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No. My immediate neighbours are a church and a small cottage. One thing I can say about the sky fairy fuckwits is that they make great neighbours; never a peep out of them. The guy in the cottage had a noisy dog which is a bone of contention (no pun intended).

That's why cats are better.

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That's why cats are better.

I've certainly never heard a cat bark. If you have dependency issues then maybe keeping a cat is better than keeping a dog.

Personally I've never had any desire to keep any sort of pet.

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As for drivers who don't indicate, I drive a BMW and I indicate, the mrs drives an Audi and indicates, the arsehole next door drives a jaguar, and generally acts like a c*nt.


Yes you indicate but is it left for turning left and right for turning right or do you try not to be so predictable?

Please clarify.

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Yes you indicate but is it left for turning left and right for turning right or do you try not to be so predictable?

Please clarify.


I generally indicate when I think other drivers are complete c*nts.


Occasionally, I also do this on P&B.

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I've certainly never heard a cat bark. If you have dependency issues then maybe keeping a cat is better than keeping a dog.

Personally I've never had any desire to keep any sort of pet.

Good to know

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