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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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c***s who don't celebrate goals and instead film crap on their phone.

Whilst I'm ranting about phones and football, tossers who film penalties, free kicks, corners or indeed any of the game on their fucking phones.

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Getting back to driving, idiots who cannot stick to a speed limit through roadworks. When I'm the front car in the queue I'm able to stick at the constant speed without any issues yet whenever there's a line of cars in front of me it's speed up then slow down, it's not that difficult...

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In Inverness, there is a roundabout under the A9 that connects to the A96.  There is a ramp to take you up to the A9 heading north.

It has a slow lane and a fast lane but a lot of slow cars go into the fast lane because they will going into the right hand lane for the next roundabout just before the Kessock Bridge 1 mile on.  Come to think about it, I also don't like it when people get into the right hand lane for the Tore roundabout about two miles beforehand.  Actually, now that I think about it there are several other places where this annoying behaviour occurs (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee spring to mind as well as the Perth bypass heading south towards Edinburgh)


Also, I don't like people who use too many words to get their point across.

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People who think computer games are only for kids and seem to take some sort of pride in saying things like "I don't play computer games; I'm an adult."


People who think sitting around playing computer games makes them an adult. It's for kids. It's not real. I don't care if you can beat up a prostitute on the pretend game: it's not real. It's completely pointless. There are people who queue overnight outside shops for things like i-phones or trainers: they are idiots. It's the same for the latest release of computer games. Idiots. Stay in bed, wait a day, then wander into the shop and buy your virgin hobby game off the shelf without having to stand in a queue with other people that think Middle Earth is a real place. 


f**k the f**k off. 

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People who think sitting around playing computer games makes them an adult. It's for kids. It's not real. I don't care if you can beat up a prostitute on the pretend game: it's not real. It's completely pointless. There are people who queue overnight outside shops for things like i-phones or trainers: they are idiots. It's the same for the latest release of computer games. Idiots. Stay in bed, wait a day, then wander into the shop and buy your virgin hobby game off the shelf without having to stand in a queue with other people that think Middle Earth is a real place. 


f**k the f**k off. 




Missus wouldn't let him get a PS4

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Missus wouldn't let him get a PS4


I have an x-box. I've never played childs games on it. I use it for Netflix.


When I was young (before 'games consoles') the people who would nowadays be 'gamers' used to play role playing board games with dice, such as Dungeons and Dragons. These people were mercilessly bullied because in those days society recognised that they were inhuman soulless beasts who had to escape into a fantasy realm because their lives were so shite. Nowadays 'gaming' is somehow accepted because Bill gates make £18 million a day off it. In reality it's a world full of grown adults in their thirties with D'Artagnan beards and t-shirts emblazoned with logos like 'Halo 27: The Gas Fudge Rimming' and skate shoes. 


It's a modern day tragedy.

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People who think sitting around playing computer games makes them an adult. It's for kids. It's not real. I don't care if you can beat up a prostitute on the pretend game: it's not real. It's completely pointless. There are people who queue overnight outside shops for things like i-phones or trainers: they are idiots. It's the same for the latest release of computer games. Idiots. Stay in bed, wait a day, then wander into the shop and buy your virgin hobby game off the shelf without having to stand in a queue with other people that think Middle Earth is a real place.

f**k the f**k off.

Whilst computer games aren't my thing, and it's a fairly childish hobby to have as an adult, you do some of the things you describe (waiting in anticipation in online queues for sales to open for example) for collecting trainers.

Literally collecting trainers. It's a bit funny a grown man laughing at some other childish hobby when they have a fucking massive trainer collection.

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Whilst computer games aren't my thing, and it's a fairly childish hobby to have as an adult, you do some of the things you describe (waiting in anticipation in online queues for sales to open for example) for collecting trainers.

Literally collecting trainers. It's a bit funny a grown man laughing at some other childish hobby when they have a fucking massive trainer collection.


It absolutely proves my point though. If someone who has a midlife crisis tragedy hobby like me still points and laughs at these munghawks, it's fairly conclusive they're pathetic. 

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Adults playing computer games doesn't bother me in the slightest, although it's not something I personally do.

What I do struggle to get my head around though, is that there's grown men who still watch and actively follow wrestling. Absolute weirdos the lot of them.

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