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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Folk moaning about Christmas. I totally appreciate that some people have good and completely understandable reasons for not enjoying Christmas but I am talking about the folk who manage to find something negative about every aspect of it and just moan about petty and stupid issues for the sake of it.

I mean, I'm not a fan of the whole Black Friday thing but some folk go on about how terrible it is and shouldn't be allowed. Its just a fucking sale and if you don't like it, then ignore it - just as you presumably do for every other advert that you get on TV, Radio and the internet as every other time of the year.

Someone else was going on about how awful all the greed is, months and months of eating and 'Don't we all know there is an obesity crisis?' also, how they hate being forced to eat food they don't want to. Well don't, if you are an adult you get to choose how much you eat, what you eat and when you eat it. If you don't like gluttony over Christmas, then put down the mince pie and eat what you like. Don't like turkey, well have something else for dinner that you do like.

My personal favourite moan is that they hate the 'Forced Jollity' which for them is probably true as the people I am thinking of in particular have probably never been jolly in their lives. Forced Jollity - otherwise known as some people enjoying themselves and having a good time.

I think we've become a nation of whining b*****ds.

If we could harness the power of the moaning and convert it to lecky we would free power forever

This nation gets a buzz from moaning.

I'm indeed a moaning faced c**t and I will stop for no one.

While we're at it Christmas is utter bollocks. Good for the kids and getting time off. The rest I can do without
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Folk moaning about Christmas. I totally appreciate that some people have good and completely understandable reasons for not enjoying Christmas but I am talking about the folk who manage to find something negative about every aspect of it and just moan about petty and stupid issues for the sake of it.

I mean, I'm not a fan of the whole Black Friday thing but some folk go on about how terrible it is and shouldn't be allowed. Its just a fucking sale and if you don't like it, then ignore it - just as you presumably do for every other advert that you get on TV, Radio and the internet as every other time of the year.

Someone else was going on about how awful all the greed is, months and months of eating and 'Don't we all know there is an obesity crisis?' also, how they hate being forced to eat food they don't want to. Well don't, if you are an adult you get to choose how much you eat, what you eat and when you eat it. If you don't like gluttony over Christmas, then put down the mince pie and eat what you like. Don't like turkey, well have something else for dinner that you do like.

My personal favourite moan is that they hate the 'Forced Jollity' which for them is probably true as the people I am thinking of in particular have probably never been jolly in their lives. Forced Jollity - otherwise known as some people enjoying themselves and having a good time.

I think we've become a nation of whining b*****ds.

Moaning about folk moaning?

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My local pubs advertised for Christmas bookings in August! :thumbsdown

In all fairness, that's quite common isn't it? Most workplaces have their Christmas parties (or at least the booking for the meal) sorted months in advance.
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3 minutes ago, smpar said:

In all fairness, that's quite common isn't it? Most workplaces have their Christmas parties (or at least the booking for the meal) sorted months in advance.

My old work used to have the Xmas night out on the Friday, then book for the following year on the Monday after.

This was normally a good indicator of general arseholery - only once in 6 years did the organiser get a warning that similar behaviour next year may see us barred.

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1 hour ago, Jamaldo said:

People who have the mindset that hot = good and cold = bad, with regards to the temperature around us and the weather.

This. It all ties in with the wanky weather talk so many folk love to bleat about, throwing out pish they are conditioned to think.

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There's one guy I hang about with quite a bit of late and he does something really annoying in that he makes an approving sigh noise when I'm mid sentence, like as if to say he understands what I have said before I have even said it.

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1 minute ago, Deanburn Dave said:

An underwhelming wee bang followed by disappointment.

Christmas crackers.

What are you genuinely hoping for? A fucking Rolex? Take your miniature screwdriver set, read the shitey joke and be on your way.

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29 minutes ago, throbber said:

There's one guy I hang about with quite a bit of late and he does something really annoying in that he makes an approving sigh noise when I'm mid sentence, like as if to say he understands what I have said before I have even said it.

Does he only do it when you're discussing alternative uses for hosiery?

You should just stop talking when it happens and see what he does. Although, that might be part of his cunning plan  :unsure:

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Does he only do it when you're discussing alternative uses for hosiery?

You should just stop talking when it happens and see what he does. Although, that might be part of his cunning plan  :unsure:

It's just what he does when being spoke to, it's not because of what I'm saying he just makes this grunting noise as if to imply he has understood what I have said whilst I'm in the middle of saying it and he probably doesn't know he's doing it.
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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

It's just what he does when being spoke to, it's not because



3 minutes ago, throbber said:

...it's not because of what I'm saying he just makes this grunting noise as if to imply he has understood what I have said



5 minutes ago, throbber said:

...as if to imply he has understood what I have said whilst I'm in the middle of saying it and he probably



6 minutes ago, throbber said:

...he probably doesn't know he's doing it.


God, what a c**t. That must be annoying. Can't stand those p***ks.

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