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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Running out of windscreen wash when the windscreen gets dirty as fck every few miles and having to use the rest of a wee bottle of drinking water in order to see to get home. And braking far too late when going into a parking bay on the A90 that I was barely parked in it at the far end. Oops.

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Running out of windscreen wash when the windscreen gets dirty as fck every few miles and having to use the rest of a wee bottle of drinking water in order to see to get home. And braking far too late when going into a parking bay on the A90 that I was barely parked in it at the far end. Oops.

I did the exact same thing on Sunday, albeit I just decided to drive home blind. Interestingly enough it was the A90 I was on too.
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Some threads/discussion points are wasted in the Top Five forum. If some of them were just in GN then we'd have some cracking threads going on IMO. 

The Pish People Post On Facebook is a prime example. It should be moved to GN.
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The bus stop planning where I work at Kintore.

-I- is a lazy diagram representing a junction. One bus stop is up the middle 'I' part, another on the right - part, with both of the buses they serve heading left and timetabled to arrive within two mins of each (they rarely do though as they're rather unreliable). The result is having to stand on the corner and bolt the best part of 50m in the direction that sees a bus appear first. Why they can't put a single stop on the left to catch both is beyond me.

Could pick one and gamble on it, but the frequent result is seeing the other one pass by and then have to wait 10-15 for the one you're at.
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Was on the train to Waverley last weekend and the second the train pulled away from Haymarket a woman was up and standing at the exit.

Stood there for 5mins as we crawled through the tunnel just itching for the wee door light to come on. Mental behaviour.

I myself didn't move from my seat until I could feel the brakes being applied which meant my standing time at the doors was around 2 seconds 8)

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I HATE people that do that. They often seem to be slow movers too, which means that after exiting the train (or bus) they hold everyone else up by tottering along like fuds. There should be a law passed that fast-moving people are given prioritisation in any queue situation. This would result in less congestion and frustration.

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1 hour ago, Gaz FFC said:

Was on the train to Waverley last weekend and the second the train pulled away from Haymarket a woman was up and standing at the exit.

Stood there for 5mins as we crawled through the tunnel just itching for the wee door light to come on. Mental behaviour.

I myself didn't move from my seat until I could feel the brakes being applied which meant my standing time at the doors was around 2 seconds 8)


1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

I don't understand that either. Folk get up to put their jackets on around Cove when coming to Aberdeen. Morons, there's room for 2 more cans in that time!


1 hour ago, milton75 said:

I HATE people that do that. They often seem to be slow movers too, which means that after exiting the train (or bus) they hold everyone else up by tottering along like fuds. There should be a law passed that fast-moving people are given prioritisation in any queue situation. This would result in less congestion and frustration.


3 hours ago, atfccfc said:

Fidgety people on trains! Woman beside me has been up and down 5 times in 2 hours! Plus she won't sit still!

^^^ P&B's 4 most likely posters to end up in the tabloids for being thrown off an Easyjet in 2017 

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41 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

A more annoying trait when a train stops and the doors open is these c***s who are so desperate to get on that they have failed to notice folk trying to get off.

I've ended up in several Mexican standoffs with these twats. They leave you absolutely nowhere to go so I just stand in the doorway of the train until a path is cleared

They're arseholes that can't bear the thought of not sitting down for 30 minutes or having no table to sit their phone/Tesco sandwich on.

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6 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

Do idiot drivers drive even more idiotically at this time of year, or do i just have (even) less tolerance for them at this time of year?

It's dark and cold. They saw on tv that the roads might be slippy. There was a 'yellow' weather warning so just to be safe they crawl along at 20 with every available light the car has on. 

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