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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Sounds like you are going through a tough time Barky, chin up. Also, those are some decent rants.

People always slag others off for posting personal stuff on the internet (I myself, am guilty of this) but tonight, I sit here and realise that some people don't have other people to talk things over with. Right now, I am one of these people. I'm pretty much at the bottom of the barrel just now, not knowing where to go with my thoughts.

I've got lots and lots of problems, and for the first time in ages, I have noone here at home that can sit and listen to them. I'm not going to bore you with them all, and there is no way I would ever consider posting them on a public internet forum, but it is good to come on here and vent some steam. I'm just counting down the minutes until I can hold her in my arms again and pour my heart out to her.

Believe it or not, I haven't been drinking tonight, but I am so desperate to be with the one I love so much. She will have such a pointing and laughing session tomorrow when she reads this, but as long as she is with me, I don't care.

Personally I'd delete it quick -oops! Me replying kinda screws that. :lol:

Actually Adam, I'm just delighted that you've proved what I've long since suspected - you are a pretty decent chap deep down inside. :D

I hope Mrs Wee appreciates you (and pishes herself laughing). ;)

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Sounds like you are going through a tough time Barky, chin up. Also, those are some decent rants.

People always slag others off for posting personal stuff on the internet (I myself, am guilty of this) but tonight, I sit here and realise that some people don't have other people to talk things over with. Right now, I am one of these people. I'm pretty much at the bottom of the barrel just now, not knowing where to go with my thoughts.

I've got lots and lots of problems, and for the first time in ages, I have noone here at home that can sit and listen to them. I'm not going to bore you with them all, and there is no way I would ever consider posting them on a public internet forum, but it is good to come on here and vent some steam. I'm just counting down the minutes until I can hold her in my arms again and pour my heart out to her.

Believe it or not, I haven't been drinking tonight, but I am so desperate to be with the one I love so much. She will have such a pointing and laughing session tomorrow when she reads this, but as long as she is with me, I don't care.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Y9kHDj8pE :)

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Personally I'd delete it quick -oops! Me replying kinda screws that. :lol:

Actually Adam, I'm just delighted that you've proved what I've long since suspected - you are a pretty decent chap deep down inside. :D

I hope Mrs Wee appreciates you (and pishes herself laughing). ;)

The smallest thing can change a man.

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Ach, I'm just maudlin fae the red wine/smirnoff ice/irn bru wkd/fridge/cupboard/meths/mr sheen/anything at hand.

It's right enough though. f**k me, when somebody's at a low ebb, why the need to boot their baws???????


As a complete aside, Mr Wee (teehee), how did the disclosure thing go last year? I never did keep up with that.

And where's Mrs Wee?

strike that, see above

Edited by barky says wuff
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I start a new job on monday in Cumbernuald :D But i have to buy a car to get there,I am not looking for anything flash but just a runner to get there and back.Every car i phone for is either sold or not as advertised

Use a bus.

They're fucking ace.

I fucking love the platinum 'keep-swear' feature without the bold tag pish :)

Use a bus. Get your very own 'Shady luvs Shug' burnt on graffiti.

Fucking great :)

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People that use personal shit to 'get' at others (thinks specifically of the witch-hunt on SD and some poster's preferred 'father attacks').

In the last two years my family has seen my wifes mum and dad pass away as well as her granny.

My mum passed away on Sunday morning.

I'm really very sorry.

My mum died sudenly in October 2000, three weeks before my son was born and I have never got over it. Saying that, in time you can get past it , but it aint easy. Good luck to you.

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In what way?

Did you withdraw the promotion type-thing? Did they fcuk you up big style? Or just not get the job?

** all said in a Dot Cotton, not at all nosy b*****d, stylee **

I withdrew, but I am still convinced that in doing so, I lost the job I was in. I only lost the job a few weeks ago, but I am sure that not taking the position, put my employment in jeopardy. Why would someone, that had nothing to hide, want to withdraw from a position that would see him earn over £2000 extra a year for doing less work and less hours a week?

Still, I was the idiot that got himself a few Criminal Convictions whilst an idiotic youth, I suppose I have to live with them now.

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I'm really very sorry.

My mum died sudenly in October 2000, three weeks before my son was born and I have never got over it. Saying that, in time you can get past it , but it aint easy. Good luck to you.

My mum had Cancer since 2002, so ultimately, it was no great surprise. She had her rigth lung removed in 2003 and managed fine until 2 weeks ago, when her last bout of chemo truly fucked her up. The fact I've been expecting it has helped.

The hardest bits have been telling my daughter for the third time in 25 months that a beloved grandparent has died (she knows her grandad Ron isn't my dad and asked who'll be leaving her next) and telling my little sister that mum was dead.

I'd been through it before, telling my wife her sister, dad and finally mum had died and was prepared for it, or so I thought. I kind of blurted it through tears to my sister on the phone - 'Wendy, can Kevin come up with you? Mum just got worse. Ron phoned and when I got here, she was dead'. f**k. That's shit.

I withdrew, but I am still convinced that in doing so, I lost the job I was in. I only lost the job a few weeks ago, but I am sure that not taking the position, put my employment in jeopardy. Why would someone, that had nothing to hide, want to withdraw from a position that would see him earn over £2000 extra a year for doing less work and less hours a week?

Still, I was the idiot that got himself a few Criminal Convictions whilst an idiotic youth, I suppose I have to live with them now.

Ditto me. Still, I didn't try for 'high-security' credit jobs, as it were :rolleyes and all that pish (cos it's dead funny etc):

That last bit should probably come with a self-deprecating roll-eyes-type=thing of it's own.

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Ditto me. Still, I didn't try for 'high-security' credit jobs, as it were :rolleyes and all that pish (cos it's dead funny etc):

That last bit should probably come with a self-deprecating roll-eyes-type=thing of it's own.

Aye, it is a bit shit when it comes to getting a job that requires a Disclosure.

I see that the last person in your signature has my surname, quite an unusual one. I take it your ancestors are from Northern Ireland too?

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I think she wanted to take a break from posting here for a couple of days. Full of arseholes you see.

Keep your pecker up mate (fnarr), you'l get there in the end. As they say, things are sent to try you. Be as positive as you can be, be strong for each other.

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