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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sorry. My brother is there :rolleyes:
My Mrs is there. Got a text about ten minutes ago saying she's freezing cold and soaking wet.

I shouldn't laugh but... :lol:


As if the traffic chaos earlier this evening wasn't enough, I can hear every fucking chord. That's with the double-glazed windaes shut and Holland v Russia commentary at full volume

Getting pee'ed upon is the least your relative, erm, relatives, deserve.

(I mean, honestly... Bon Jovi? :huh:)

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As if the traffic chaos earlier this evening wasn't enough, I can hear every fucking chord. That's with the double-glazed windaes shut and Holland v Russia commentary at full volume

Getting pee'ed upon is the least your relative, erm, relatives, deserve.

(I mean, honestly... Bon Jovi? :huh:)

Agreed. I can't stand Bon Jobby. I'd much rather sit at home, peruse Pie and Bovril and have a few beers.... :thumsup2

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(I mean, honestly... Bon Jovi? :huh:)

wooaaaahhh, living on a prayer.

Seriously - I'm so embarrassed :ph34r:

And his fecking tickets cost approx £95 each - fuckwit

Edited by Monster's bitch
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In the same boat, every beat of the drum and squeal from the crowd is loud and clear where I am, any idea when its due to finish?

Given that they must have been onstage shortly after 8.30pm, I'd hope it'd be due to finish relatively soon...

This is obviously why this flat was so cheap. b*****ds!

Edited by McB
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Bon Jovi

Their fans

The fact that I live within staggering distance of Hampden



As if the traffic chaos earlier this evening wasn't enough, I can hear every fucking chord. That's with the double-glazed windaes shut and Holland v Russia commentary at full volume

Getting pee'ed upon is the least your relative, erm, relatives, deserve.

(I mean, honestly... Bon Jovi? :huh:)

Given that they must have been onstage shortly after 8.30pm, I'd hope it'd be due to finish relatively soon...

This is obviously why this flat was so cheap. b*****ds!

All this is what we have to live with every single Friday and Saturday night thanks to the neds next door.

You get used to it.

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About half that amount and you're right.

I'd happily be in earshot of it if I could afford it

oooo my mistake - £75 + booking. Gold circle tickets no less.

Btw - congrats

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As if the traffic chaos earlier this evening wasn't enough, I can hear every fucking chord. That's with the double-glazed windaes shut and Holland v Russia commentary at full volume

Getting pee'ed upon is the least your relative, erm, relatives, deserve.

(I mean, honestly... Bon Jovi? :huh:)

In the same boat, every beat of the drum and squeal from the crowd is loud and clear where I am, any idea when its due to finish?

Could hear every bit of it as well, even with the windows shut, I can't remember a concert as loud as that before at Hampden.

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