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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Me too ! :) I've actually stopped taking it for 3 months just now (you shouldn't take it all year round). Will start again in august to build up system for the winter. ;)

Yeah, the stuff I take, you take everyday for 2 weeks then have a 2 week break, then repeat.

If you're not susceptible to colds then there is no point taking it, but I had had 3 colds a year and was getting fed up, so started taking it and it works for me. :)

I get all the bugs going from the kids... :( Not now though!

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Guest The Phoenix
Lets just say that hypothetically, you were glueing your shoes back together, and you had a bit of an accident with the superglue and your hand. How would you go about getting the glue off?

Dinnae bother.

Stick the other shoe to your other hand, put a pair of gloves on your feet and carry on as if nothing were wrong.

This tactic will also give you dispensation from the tidying up rosta arranged by your flatmates.

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Dinnae bother.

Stick the other shoe to your other hand, put a pair of gloves on your feet and carry on as if nothing were wrong.

This tactic will also give you dispensation from the tidying up rosta arranged by your flatmates.


Helpful as always! Nah, its not that serious, just glued a couple fingers together...but bloody hell that stuff sets quickly! Managed to get them apart with some hot water and a screwdriver, but the resin is hard to shift.

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I dribbled toothpaste on my tie this morning, I only noticed it 15 minutes before a meeting in Edinburgh.



Dinnae bother.

Stick the other shoe to your other hand, put a pair of gloves on your feet and carry on as if nothing were wrong.

This tactic will also give you dispensation from the tidying up rosta arranged by your flatmates.


This thread cheers me up at times. There's just something about other people's downfalls! :rolleyes:

Anyway, my petty thing - I went to get the front nearside tyre replaced on my car this morning (I hadn't noticed anything wrong until I collected Mr HGG on Friday - first thing he said when he saw my car was "that tyre's illegal"!), only to find that TWO of my tyres were actually illegal and a third has very little life left in it too. So far I'm over £160 worse off than I was at the start of the day with the prospect of another tyre needing replaced quite soon. :(

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I can't get to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep :unsure::angry:<_<

I empathise. I realised on Wednesday night that despite going to bed at 10pm I was only shutting my eyes until about 4am, not actually sleeping. Rain pelting down on my dormer window keeping me awake and thoughts and worries about my life not letting me sleep. :(

Finally slept until the alarm at 6am then fell asleep again until 8am, so a mad dash to at work on time.

It's catching up with me - I need a more stable routine! :(

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I may have fallen off the smober wagon a little bit, although that's because I'm exceptionally pissed off. I'm hormonal and haven't had an unbroken night's sleep in ages, so I'm allowed to be fucking annoyed.

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To those of you who have colds. Take echinacea! It works a treat as a preventative. I've been taking it since Christmas and I've not had a cold since.

Echinacea (Echinacea)

The pharmacological actions of echinacea are purported to include stimulation of the immune system, anti-inflammatory properties and anti-viral activities.

Adverse reactions appear rare and mainly consist of allergic reactions. However, adverse reactions do occur, including cases of hepatitis.

It has been recommended that echinacea should not be used in conjunction with other potentially hepatotoxic drugs, such as Methotrexate, or with immuno-suppressants such as Cyclosporin, nor be used for periods in excess of 8 weeks as it may compromise the immune system.


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I may have fallen off the smober wagon a little bit, although that's because I'm exceptionally pissed off. I'm hormonal and haven't had an unbroken night's sleep in ages, so I'm allowed to be fucking annoyed.
Can't pull the old PMT excuse so being a grumpy bitch is now 'hormonal'. Typical woman.

That is so insensitive...

Edit: Kilt stop editing your posts!

Edited by Johnstoun
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