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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I was taking my laptop back inside and I caught my arm on the door, dropped the laptop and took a huge chunk out my finger trying desperately to catch the laptop... :( Idiot! If this is what drinking in the afternoon does to you, I should probably avoid it!

Did you catch your finger on the door lock bit that sticks out (can't remember what the proper name is :lol: )? :unsure:

I did that a few years ago and I couldn't believe how it sliced through my finger like a knife through butter.

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Did you catch your finger on the door lock bit that sticks out (can't remember what the proper name is :lol: )? :unsure:

I did that a few years ago and I couldn't believe how it sliced through my finger like a knife through butter.

Yeah, that exact bit. It fucking hurts :( It's bled through the plaster... :(

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My msn has been down since friday, i need to check my e-mails and make some payments, but i have to use the virgin media homepage which wont let me into secure sites <_<

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Did you catch your finger on the door lock bit that sticks out (can't remember what the proper name is :lol: )? :unsure:

I did that a few years ago and I couldn't believe how it sliced through my finger like a knife through butter.

It sent a shiver through me just reading that! :( Talk of bad cuts or broken bones does that to me.

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I was looking forward to this Saturday's Berwick v QOS Cup match but now it appears that the railway engineers are going on strike so my trains could be fucked and I may not be able to get there.

Cnuts! :angry:<_<:(

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I was looking forward to this Saturday's Berwick v QOS Cup match but now it appears that the railway engineers are going on strike so my trains could be fucked and I may not be able to get there.

Cnuts! :angry:<_<:(

i know its shite but still time to book a bus

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Fucking idiots who shouldn't be allowed to drive. <_<

Walking home with my mates, turned around, saw a van about 200 metres away, had no indicators on, so we carried on. We get half way across, and rather than breaking, the c**t just decides to turn his indicator on next to us and drive around the corner at about 40mph, nearly running over me and my mate's feet and nearly hitting one of my others.

The retard then decided to slam his hand-brake on in the middle of the road, get out and slur some abuse. What a fucking tit!

Edited by berwick-the-unbeatable
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Guest The Phoenix
We get half way across, and rather than breaking, the c**t just decides to turn his indicator on next to us and drive around the corner at about 40mph, nearly running over me and my mate's feet and nearly hitting one of my others.

How many others do you have? :unsure:

Don't know what they are but I'm guessing it would be painful to get hit in one or more of them. :(

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Fucking idiots who shouldn't be allowed to drive. <_<

Walking home with my mates, turned around, saw a van about 200 metres away, had no indicators on, so we carried on. We get half way across, and rather than breaking, the c**t just decides to turn his indicator on next to us and drive around the corner at about 40mph, nearly running over me and my mate's feet and nearly hitting one of my others.

The retard then decided to slam his hand-brake on in the middle of the road, get out and slur some abuse. What a fucking tit!

Pedestrians have the right of way in that situation. You should have taken his registration number and reported the fucker.

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The dirty bugger sat outside a cafe in Paris. I was eatting my lunch when this bloke came over to another table and started to change his son/daughters shitty nappy,he then proceeded to put the dirty nappy onto the table before taking said nappy to a bin. Not even going to wash his hands after...Thanks to him I couldn't eat the rest of my lunch. :barf

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I was looking forward to this Saturday's Berwick v QOS Cup match but now it appears that the railway engineers are going on strike so my trains could be fucked and I may not be able to get there.

Cnuts! :angry:<_<:(

Whoa, what's this?

I'm gettin the train to Berwick on Saturday to go on a boozing holiday?

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Whoa, what's this?

I'm gettin the train to Berwick on Saturday to go on a boozing holiday?


Network Rail Company news

25 June 2008

Strike action suspended

Following lengthy discussion yesterday, an agreement was reached in principle that TSSA reps believed was sufficient to suspend the proposed industrial action.

The 24 hour strike called for Thursday 26/Friday 27 June 2008 is now withdrawn and TSSA members should attend work normally. We have also withdrawn the call for action short of strike.

The agreement falls short of our aspiration of a no-compulsory redundancy agreement, but it does provide substantial guarantees against abuse of the process. In particular, there will be a joint review of the organisational changes four months after implementation and no-one will be issued with redundancy notices before the review. We believe that with trade union input into the organisation change, we will be able to challenge any attempt to use this reorganisation to target individuals.

TSSA would like to thank all its members on managed stations who by standing together have achieved significant concessions that will protect their job security.

John Page - Senior Regional Organiser

Looks like it's off! :thumsup2 I may see you aboot the toon this Saturday! ;)

My Petty Nag was the couple in the pub last night...

'I cannae believe she'd sack me'

'Catherine, stop beating yerself up aboot it. It wis only a shitty waitress job FFS'

'Aye but I loved it. That Isobel's a fat, big-titted bitch'

'Aye but Stella's lovely'

'Aye but I cannae believe she'd sack me'

Repeat ad nausuem for 45 minutes as the pair of them dissolve into a gibbering, drunken mess.

I initially felt sorry for the lass but as they wittered on in increasingly shouty, drunken voices my annoyance levels nearly reached breaking point! :angry: Nae wonder I couldn't finish the Herald crossword! <_<:(

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Stupid old bag that lives down the road who feeds my cat when he whinges at her doorstep so he doesn't come home then he doesn't complete the course of pills he was on so he gets sick again and I have to take him to the vet again at extra expense but I can't make the appointment at the vet because the cat won't come home because the stupid bitch down the road feeds him. 'Someone else must be feeding him because I don't. Except when he whinges at my door to be fed'. Arghhhhhhh I hope its a fucking cold winter you coffin dodging bitch!!!!!!

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Repeat ad nausuem for 45 minutes as the pair of them dissolve into a gibbering, drunken mess.

I initially felt sorry for the lass but as they wittered on in increasingly shouty, drunken voices my annoyance levels nearly reached breaking point! :angry: Nae wonder I couldn't finish the Herald crossword! <_<:(

In the pub Tennents on Byres Road, a couple of wasted middle aged women were having a blazing row. Adam and myself had to take their wheelchair bound father (who was about 80) to the toilet because they were incapable of doing so. Neither of them had even realised he had gone.

That was quite sad to be honest. :(

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