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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm fucking gutted.

One of the Ayr United Amateur team that won the S.S.F.L. Cup in May took his own life last night.

What the hell will his family be going through?

His name was Kevin Robson and he was nineteen years old.

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Absolutly furious due to sum1 leaving our flat and the uni putting some bint in instead who we don't know and nobody telling us :angry::angry::angry:

:o In a bit of a rage? I've always thought you were a very relaxed person!

I'm fucking gutted.

One of the Ayr United Amateur team that won the S.S.F.L. Cup in May took his own life last night.

What the hell will his family be going through?

His name was Kevin Robson and he was nineteen years old.

Sorry to hear about that. What makes it worse for familys of people who are this young is that they had their whole life ahead of them. Around 9 months ago one of my friends from school who was 18 commited suicide and it is a terrible thing to hear about. :( I doubt there is much that can be said to console a family of a person who commits suicide at such a young age or for that matter in any suicide. :(

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:o In a bit of a rage? I've always thought you were a very relaxed person!

I usually am :lol: . I am over it now. I was just a tad cross for the guy who didn't tell us about going. I think it will all pan out fine.

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Guest The Phoenix
I'm bored out of my skull. My girlfriend is staying at a friend's house tonight, and I've got nothing to do.

And before HGG says anything... I'm working my way through the Daily Jigsaw.

It comes in handy when you play with yourself when you are all alone.

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My phone started working again minus 180 contacts and all the music. In it's stable state I decided to update the software using the SE update service.

This has only succeeded in the phone crashing repeatedly again.

Fuck off SE - you massive horses cock! :angry:

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Wee b*****ds that think it's funny to slam/try to kick in my letterbox and door at half 10 last night thus waking up my 2 month old that had just settled down after screaming all day yesterday after getting her first set of injections. The wee gobshites then had the cheek to say it wasn't them when I confronted them, despite the fact I watched them run away from the house and one of their mothers had the cheek to tell me to go get a life. :angry: I was a second away from going back on my "never hit a woman" rule. Wankers!!!

Thanks to them me and the wife got f**k all sleep and had to stay up all night with the youngster trying to settle her down again. :angry:

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I'm fucking gutted.

One of the Ayr United Amateur team that won the S.S.F.L. Cup in May took his own life last night.

What the hell will his family be going through?

His name was Kevin Robson and he was nineteen years old.

Sorry to hear that. I played against that team last August in a friendly. Really sound guys.

My nag - people talking loudly when you're trying to watch TV and when you turn the volume up, they get louder as well :angry:

Edited by North Stand Bairn
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I'm fucking gutted.

One of the Ayr United Amateur team that won the S.S.F.L. Cup in May took his own life last night.

What the hell will his family be going through?

His name was Kevin Robson and he was nineteen years old.

Sorry to hear that big man. Falkirk fans of all folk can identify with that, unfortunately.

Wee Craig will have a team mate in heaven now.

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The Daily Express.

Asylum Seekers Infected Diana with AIDS Causing My House Price to Fall.

etc etc

I bought The Telegraph today. I'm not turning into a 45 year old systems analyst who wears a deerstalker and calls his yacht 'Prudence', buying it got me a free big bottle of water, and since the paper was 80p and the water £1.49.....

I mention this because I was intensely disappointed with it. I was expecting a bit of insight but got a cross between the Guardians lefty hand-wringing and a red top's nonsensical tub-thumping. How the hell it's Britains best selling broadsheet is beyond me.....

The fact I'm not a billionaire playboy with the sexual prowess of a rhino is a constant niggle.

I assume it's such a niggle because you almost are.....

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I bought The Telegraph today. I'm not turning into a 45 year old systems analyst who wears a deerstalker and calls his yacht 'Prudence', buying it got me a free big bottle of water, and since the paper was 80p and the water £1.49.....

I mention this because I was intensely disappointed with it. I was expecting a bit of insight but got a cross between the Guardians lefty hand-wringing and a red top's nonsensical tub-thumping. How the hell it's Britains best selling broadsheet is beyond me.....

The Telegraph have a new editor who doesn't really know what they are doing. They've always done the tub-thumping thing (they are the old Right's traditional bastion), but the hand-wringing has followed Call Me Dave's appeal to the old labour voters.

The only papers I really find worth reading are The Times, the FT or the Metro. I particularly like the Metro's reviews - they pretty much accord with my own every time. EDITED TO ADD - The Herald is pretty good too, The Hootsmon is awful.

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Guest The Phoenix
The fact I'm not a billionaire playboy with the sexual prowess of a rhino is a constant niggle.
I assume it's such a niggle because you almost are.....

Indeed, unless he's got a hidden stash, "billionaire" is the only bit he's lacking.

Edit to add: Apparently pubic hairs are also an issue (See below).

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