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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

3 hours at A&E. :angry::(

Cutting a long story very short -

New carpets

Doors needed trimmed

Electric Planner

A DIY idiot using said Planner

Planner slipped from door

Found the idiot's knee (via a good pair of golf trousers :( )

Huge gash

Mucho Bloodo

Trip to A&E

3 hours later

Tetanus Injection

Local Anasthetic

4 stitches

Any joiners out there? :unsure:

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3 hours at A&E. :angry::(

Cutting a long story very short -

New carpets

Doors needed trimmed

Electric Planner

A DIY idiot using said Planner

Planner slipped from door

Found the idiot's knee (via a good pair of golf trousers :( )

Huge gash

Mucho Bloodo

Trip to A&E

3 hours later

Tetanus Injection

Local Anasthetic

4 stitches

Any joiners out there? :unsure:

Bet the Mrs was more pissed off about you ruining a good pair of golf trousers than concerned about your knee?! :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix
Bet the Mrs was more pissed off about you ruining a good pair of golf trousers than concerned about your knee?! :lol:

Actually she seems more preturbed about the two tea towels that are covered in blood. :lol:

I'm a cowboy, baby. B)

On closer inspection, I may need a new door. I ve taken a huge chunk out of the face of the door. :(

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Guest The Phoenix
But more importantly, is your knee still up to driving?


Will you live, would have shown your compassionate side a bit more.

Advised not to drive for a couple of days - it's my right knee - but I've got a meeting in Perth in the morning so I intend waiting to see how it is when I wake up.

Pretty certain I'll be ok for Wednesday. :D

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Will you live, would have shown your compassionate side a bit more.

Advised not to drive for a couple of days - it's my right knee - but I've got a meeting in Perth in the morning so I intend waiting to see how it is when I wake up.

Pretty certain I'll be ok for Wednesday. :D

Compassionate side? I think you must be getting me mixed up with someone else.

If its still a bit sore on Wednesday, Ill take over driving duties! :D If not, Ill still point and laugh anyway, I want to see blood!

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3 hours at A&E. :angry::(

Cutting a long story very short -

New carpets

Doors needed trimmed

Electric Planner

A DIY idiot using said Planner

Planner slipped from door

Found the idiot's knee (via a good pair of golf trousers :( )

Huge gash

Mucho Bloodo

Trip to A&E

3 hours later

Tetanus Injection

Local Anasthetic

4 stitches

Any joiners out there? :unsure:

You probably would have been better using an electric planer, to be fair.

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Guest The Phoenix
You probably would have been better using an electric planer, to be fair.


It's the painn you know, the painn.

I'd have been better getting the joiner back who put in the doors about two months ago -something that Mrs Phoenix told me in the first place and has not been slow to remind me about all evening. :(

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I've had a right royally pish weekend :(

Broke up with the b/f

Didn't eat much as a result of that and made the mistake of having a few stellas last night to drown my sorrows

Therefore, woke up with a sair heid...felt like the numbskulls were having a rave in there

Fingers crossed this weekend will be better...going up to Anstruther for a family wedding so drinks ahoy!

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