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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Getting there but I suspect you may need to offer a financial incentive to get any takers. :ph34r:;)


How bad can it get - love life screwed and bowfin' pickles.

Perhaps Kilt isn't such a bad option after all? :unsure:

(Kilt - I'm doing my best for you, pal :D )

:lol::lol: Much appreciated! :D;)

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Public transport and organisation at major events.

We were informed that the last train yesterday from Balloch to Glasgow was at 2209, turns out there was ones after half 10.

This contrary to the info on posters and being handed out by Scotrail staff.

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Setanta sports. Trying to subscribe and bought one of those mad wee packs out of Tesco(the one that gives you the "CAM module", viewing card and initial connection etc. So followed the instructions in the box, went to Setanta's website to activate and have ordered my subscription (i think) but a viewing pack has to be sent out before i can watch it :huh: which is a bit rubbish cos i thought i could start watching it now. Anyway onto step for of watching Channel 5 for a half hour before switching TV off and hopefully having it.

Phoned their customer service for re-assurance but was met with hearing hubbub in the background but no-one talking when i said hello :blink:

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I had to go to my neighbour's door at 3am this morning. <_<

For the second night in a row there has been a intermittent tap tap tappety tap noise in the middle of the night.

I got up out of my bed and stood outside in the back garden and could hear it coming frm next door - their livingroom window was open.

Then I heard them talking, building up for a big finish to the song - they were playing some kind of drum game!!

I went to the front door (in my dressing gown) and tapped it - they guy was very apologetic and said they would switch it off straight away, which they did :)

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Guest The Phoenix
I just reattached the Dyson after emptying it and seemed to have jammed it on wrongly.....

I'm pretty good at DIY :ph34r: - post some more detail and I'll have it fixed in minutes. :D

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Guest The Phoenix
:lol: That's a worse chat-up line than my 'would you like to see my Roman artefacts' attempt! :P:lol:;)


Works every time - a women likes nothing better than to know her suctional needs are being catered for.

*Breathes sigh of huge relief"

(Having assumed I had earlier offended my Kilted Friend. :( )

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Works every time - a women likes nothing better than to know her suctional needs are being catered for.

*Breathes sigh of huge relief"

(Having assumed I had earlier offended my Kilted Friend. :( )

Give it a break you two <_<

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