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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On Saturday, Im going to the pub 3 times. Why is this a nag? Because they are in the wrong bloody order! Im going to an all dayer with a few mates at 12, then at half 5 Im heading for a few pints and a bit of catching up with one of my mates who is back in the country for the first time in ages...and then I shall be topping it off with a civilised couple of drinks at a birthday in Edinburgh at night.

Why couldnt I have the civilised drink first, then a few pints, and then finish up with the heavy session? That makes much more sense!

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On Saturday, Im going to the pub 3 times. Why is this a nag? Because they are in the wrong bloody order! Im going to an all dayer with a few mates at 12, then at half 5 Im heading for a few pints and a bit of catching up with one of my mates who is back in the country for the first time in ages...and then I shall be topping it off with a civilised couple of drinks at a birthday in Edinburgh at night.

Why couldnt I have the civilised drink first, then a few pints, and then finish up with the heavy session? That makes much more sense!

Why not just get steaming as soon as possible and turn your day into one of those 'alcohol awareness' preachy adverts?

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I have another one now...guy called liam just added himself to my msn...being the curious type, I let him on and he said hi...so I asked him who he was, and he said he was "Johnys" mate from when we were at uni?

I cant remember anyone called Liam or Johny, and now its got awkward! :(

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I have another one now...guy called liam just added himself to my msn...being the curious type, I let him on and he said hi...so I asked him who he was, and he said he was "Johnys" mate from when we were at uni?

I cant remember anyone called Liam or Johny, and now its got awkward! :(

You're being groomed.

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My footie team are having a BBQ next friday. This would normally be a RTBC, but it's Ryan's 30th next friday, so I wont be able to go. :(

Bloody BBQ's eh!

I'm missing out on our trip to Alloa on Saturday as Carols work is having a BBQ. There's a bouncy castle though so myself and Coleymonster will make the most of it.


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I'll hire a bouncy castle and undercook some food when you guys are up here so you dont miss out.

I feel kind o' bad about hoping that it pishes the rain on Saturday if I'm honest. :(

I'm just back from reading a load of arguments between bigoted fuckwits on the SPL boards, and that has reminded me why I go and watch Ayr. Someone's got to respect the values of their local community and carry on shunning the sectarian shite that blights our entire culture. That someone is me, and thousands of others who choose their football teams as a representation of their love for their locale and not as an excuse to shout outmoded dogma at other people much the same in outlook as themselves.

I wish for a country that realises it is possible to be happy in yourself without living a life of bitterness that's easy and fuels who you are, because you haven't the imagination or respect for yourself to actually realise what these slogans are that you chant like a sheep amongst thousands of others who probably can't explain them either, and the end result is you're too afraid to be yourself, because acting like an animal is ingrained in you, eventually.

Cause and effect.

Scotlands Shame.

That is this evenings cider induced rant. :lol:

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That is this evenings cider induced rant. :lol:
and breathe. Decent rant for being on the cider btw...

Just be thankful I don't have a computer at home or I could easily out-rant Monster after a session in my local. :rolleyes:

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Still looking for nurses at the local dhb mind ;)

Will you stop encouraging him please :rolleyes:

Just be thankful I don't have a computer at home or I could easily out-rant Monster after a session in my local. :rolleyes:

Trust me, we are ;)

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