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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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We'll do your homework for you.

ok, partially, because every of you improved my english but i dont think you can write about rainforests in german ;)

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There are no rainforests in germany.

All done.

i mean the tropical rain forest of course ;)

and my homework is not just about to say if it is right or wrong, eg i have to learn a site of ovid's metamorphoses by heart or i have to interprete german poems

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Who cannae?

Wenn die grosse Baeume alle abgehackt werden. Zu wenig Sauerstoff fuer die Leute. Wir werden alle ersticken. Tschuess.

that is top class mate and not even bad german :lol:

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i mean the tropical rain forest of course ;)

and my homework is not just about to say if it is right or wrong, eg i have to learn a site of ovid's metamorphoses by heart or i have to interprete german poems

Caterpillar - butterfly.

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Caterpillar - butterfly.


i actually have to learn

In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas

corpora. di coeptis - nam vos mutastis et illas

aspirate meis primaque ab origine mundi

ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora carmen

this is the famous prooemium

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Probably slightly more than petty but anyway here goes.

Today I telephoned my bank to check my balance which was sitting at what I expected. However what I didn't expect was to be told that I was £268 overdrawn when I should have had just shy of £300 in there. When I got put through to an advisor they informed me that I was in overdraft because of a £650 payment to British Airways. This went through yesterday and was not made by me. He gave me another number to phone to discuss this with someone else. When I got through to them I was told that there was also a payment of £30 to Tesco (in Chesthunt, whereever that might be), £1 and they had declined another for £778 to Virgin Airline - none of which are mine. They then gave me the number of the Fruad team as they had picked up irregular usage on my card. I'll say it's fucking irregular as it ain't me. They had also tried to put another £200 approx for accomodation through. Whilst I was on the phone the guy asked me if I had used the card 10 minutes ago - eh no I was talking to you lot.

The upshot of it is that some fucker was using my card and spending money that I don't have. So now I have no card and a flipping overdraft which may take 3-4 weeks to sort out. I was told that I could go into the branch and ask for an emergency overdraft in order to get money but that some branches may not do this. Cheers mate and what do we do for the rest of the month :rolleyes:. Luckily the branch gave me some money but now I have to wait for everything to be refunded and sorted out and I'm wracking my brain trying to think what I've used my card for over the last week.

So folks be careful out there - it can happen to anyone. Rant over.

Ouch. The thing that annoys me is how the banks act in cases like yours, why does it take them so long to refund the money? i had a direct debit taken out twice once (350 quid) and it took the tsb over a week to refund the amount, causing me to default on direct debit payments. i inccured charges for going overdrawn, which were refunded but then took 2 weeks to go back into my account. They seem to be quick to take money from you, but they suit themselves when they give you it back.

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The stupid bint that lives next door and her dogs. Firstly she doesn't walk the dogs often enough and just lets them run about the street/gardens without caring. They bark and bark all the time and even with all windows and doors closed you still hear them loud and clear in my house.

The final straw was last night when I was awoken at quarter to 2. One of her dogs was out in the back field chasing the cows and barking like theres no tomorrow. I realised she was out trying (half heartedly) to get it back in. So I went out and she seemed genuinely surprised that I was raging about what was happening, and when I told her I'd call the dog warden she came out with "oh he wouldn't do anything".

So during my tea break this morning I phoned up the council and got through to the dog warden and explained everything and the guy on the phone was most interested. Said they'll be paying her a visit tomorrow.

Get it right up the stupid cow :rolleyes: .

Edited by proud2beabuddy
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Just noticed this...

There's going to be a classful of German schoolchildren all going "What's-a matt-a you, it's-a nice-a place, shudduppayaface!"

Ooh you're going to be waking with a horse's head in your bed.

Your sister/wife will be disgusted.

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Old people at cashlines.

I GUARANTEE you it's a three stage operation.

  1. Card in. Avoid the "check on screen balance" button and proceed directly to "print mini statement" button. Take staement and absolutely avoid the "carry out another transaction" button and press cancel.
  2. Scrutinise the mini statement with your feeble eyesight ensuring that your available balance is checked, double checked and if your wife/husband (assuming they are still alive) is with you get them to double check it.
  3. Re-enter your card and withdraw £10. Of course. Because you always wanted money didn't you???


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Old people at cashlines.

I GUARANTEE you it's a three stage operation.

  1. Card in. Avoid the "check on screen balance" button and proceed directly to "print mini statement" button. Take staement and absolutely avoid the "carry out another transaction" button and press cancel.
  2. Scrutinise the mini statement with your feeble eyesight ensuring that your available balance is checked, double checked and if your wife/husband (assuming they are still alive) is with you get them to double check it.
  3. Re-enter your card and withdraw £10. Of course. Because you always wanted money didn't you???


Yup. Spot on.

Plus, sometimes they have two different cards with them and go through the whole rigmarole twice in orer to take a tenner out of each account. :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix

Best fun at an ATM is when a member of the great unwashed is in front of you and despite taking an on screen balance and a print out, they refuse to accept that their account is not in a position to release any funds.

They usually end up calling the ATM a F**king C**t. :lol:

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I think Im on my way to a nervous breakdown! After a week spent working 10am till 9pm, I just can't let go of my work. Ive spent the last few hours reading a book, then trying to sleep...but have now given up again. Right now, Im up and working on corrections for my paper. This annoys me for I need my sleep. Ive got to go back into the office again tomorrow morning and I need some rest! :(

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