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Managed to do the double this morning despite pulling the top of my back coming out of the shower. Oops.

29:30 for Hazlehead, then 28:36 for the beach. Happy enough, and felt very smug at the café seeing all the deviants with hangovers desperately fighting over the bacon and sausage rolls....

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Morrison - not sure if you saw it but the Loch Katrine half looks like being put back to later in the year. If you want to do Alloa in March intead, you'd be better to enter soon as it's at about 2200 entries just now (out of 3000). Last year the last few hundred seemed to fill up pretty quickly once it got past new year.

Cheers, I hadn't spotted that. Having a look at Alloa, but relying on public transport means I can't get through in time for the start (I could scrounge a lift for Loch Katrine!). Might end up doing Inverness again, we'll see.

First run of the year under the belt at Portobello parkrun. Took it easy as I've still got the tail-end of a cough, but good to get out there.

Sounds painful, Scorge, but great efforts there. Quicker on the second run, too! How's the Hazlehead course? I did the beach at the end of November - that could be a really quick route if the wind's blowing the right way.

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morrison, on 01 Jan 2016 - 15:21, said:

Sounds painful, Scorge, but great efforts there. Quicker on the second run, too! How's the Hazlehead course? I did the beach at the end of November - that could be a really quick route if the wind's blowing the right way.

Cheers min. Looking to do Portobello when I'm down the road next month, what should I be expecting?

Hazlehead is a wee cracker in the forest: it's slightly uphill on the out loop, but then great fun coming back, and you can never see too far in front which I always approve of. It's a touch narrow, but easily my favourite.

The beach is a PB candidate in the summer, but today into the headwind on the way out it certainly wasn't.... :lol:

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The thought of running the mornng after being out til 4am is about enough to give me the boak! Good going to get out there after a night like that, no way I'd ever have managed it.

One parkrun was plenty for me this morning, but at least it was a good one. Great weather for a quick run (although a wee bit icy in places) and I astonshed myself by getting round the normal route in 18:37 - nearly 20 seconds quicker than on last week's easier route, and 26 better than my previous best on the same course. Well pleased with that!

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£53 is an utter rip off for a half marathon and I know the GNR has major overcrowding issues at the start. Great Run are taking the piss with those prices as they know people will pay them. If only they knew they could do similar events for a fraction of the price.

It doesn't really sound like my cup of tea anyway to be honest. I far prefer club run races with a stronger field and a more reasonable price tbh.

I am not a big fan of the GSR either, again overcrowding and rip off prices spoil it for me. I have only entered the last two years due to free entries through work. This years was actually pretty good as I ran a great time due to being placed in the small club runners group. I will end up doing the 10k again this year, as it will be free again, but I can't say I am particularly looking forward to it!

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I've done GNR and I'm glad I've done it, but it's not a great race, to be honest. It's boring dual carriageway a lot of the time - ok, the crowd support is very good, but I'd rather have Aberdeenshire countryside any day. The crowds are ridiculous - far too many people allowed to start. The goody bag is shit, the medal is pretty average, t-shirt was a cotton job instead of a technical one you can actually use for running... £53? No ta.

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Have barely run a bath in the last couple of months, so after a couple of jars at the weekend, my girlfriend and I decided the best course of action would be to sign up for the Reykjavik Marathon.

We've got 221 days to get in shape.

To be fair, we did go to Portobello for the Parkrun Saturday morning only to find it had been cancelled.

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That'll be a cracker, Cardinal. Plenty time on your side, too.

Share the thoughts on GNR/GSR - great support but underwhelming medal and lack of technical shirt's annoying. That said, glad I've done them both.

Just finished the Disney Dopey Challenge yesterday; four days of 5k/10k/HM/Marathon. Safe to say my legs are trashed! None of my times were quick, stopped for loads of character photos enroute and had a blast. Only downside was waking up at 3am and then traipsing through the parks during the day takes it out of you!

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Just ran round Arthur's Seat as part of my training, did it in 33:18. Hoping to get that down to 30 minutes in the next few months. It was a bit icy in parts which meant I had to slow down but I'm pleased with that overall.

I've started recording my runs with MapMyRun, so far this week I've run around 15km since Monday. There's a good 10km route around my house and I can up that to 15km when I feel ready so training is going well.

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Arthur's Seat's a bugger; need to start using that more though, hills are good for you in some sick sort of way.

Edinburgh parkrun this morning. Really nice day for it, & my quickest 5k of 2016. That's not saying too much - if anyone's seen my lost speed kicking around, please let me know...

Got the Nigel Barge 10k tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. Would like around 41m, but might well be nearer 42-43 given where I am just now.

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10k done, and an unexpectedly 'undulating' one! Happy with my 41:5x under the circumstances. Took a flier on the mud near the start, as did a club mate I was talking to afterward, but nothing too dramatic otherwise. Need to get back to the intervals now.

I see Alloa's filled up now, too. Fell asleep at the wheel, and need to find myself a new half!

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And you too - can't argue with a PB. Are you still on for D33 this year?

Not bad going there, Morrison - maybe the loss of speed for now is just a reaction to that mental Disney thing you did? Even if you're not running hard, a half and a marathon on sucessive days is fair going to take it out of the legs, so you're probably just not recovered yet.

Reykjavik marathon sounds great. I was thinking of it as well as I fancy going to Iceland anyway, but probably a bit pricey this time.

My training has been going OK, but looking forward to the first race of the year in Forfar in a couple of weeks. I've been at parkrun most weeks, either running or volunteering, but it's not quite the same as a proper race. I was amused to come first 2 weeks ago in an OK time, but none of the normal fast folk were there that day. The last week has been the heaviest I've ever done with slightly over 60 miles including 18 today - I'm definitely feeling it and will be glad of a day off tomorrow. It felt absolutely roasting on the way home today!

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Dunno if I should be posting in this thread or the get fit, keep fit one but here goes.

I've taken up running, in the very loosest sense of the word, in the last few weeks. Every so often Dumfries Running Club put on 10-week beginners' courses for folk who don't run/haven't run for years. If there was a charge involved I'd have thought it was what Lyle Langley had moved onto after selling the monorail to Springfield, but it's a jogscotland thing so it's all free. I would have gone in October but a combination of holidays and the chance to play fives put paid for that. Having quickly realised there is still to be a kickaround in Dumfries that matches my snake belly low levels of ability I've started the running instead - and because it's New Year it's pretty busy. Mike Ashley must be rubbing his hands in glee at the amount of folk in Karrimor stuff.

Was quite amused the first week to be asked if I was sure I wanted to do that rather than their regular Monday class as I looked "too fit" - probably the first time that's ever been said of me. Three weeks in and I've found it fairly painless - the first week was 10 lots of jogging then walking for 30 seconds, the second was eight lots of doing it for a minute and tonight was five lots of doing it for two minutes. The last couple of weeks I've also gone out myself to do it early morning before work (once in the pishing rain, which was fun - especially during the walking).

I'm not overweight or unfit - I usually walk four or five miles a day - but can't believe how easy it's been so far. The last two weeks I feel as if I ran any slower I'd be stopped, yet I seem to be whizzing past everyone else with ease. One of the organisers was on at me again to move to the regular Monday sessions (possibly because me passing folk is demoralising them) but I tried to point out there's a big difference between being able to run for two minutes without stopping and being able to run for 15 minutes, which is the goal of the 10 week course. I'm off work for the next fortnight so might see during that just how far I can run without falling over in a heap.

Don't really have any targets set for the short or long term. Through work I have to cover the annual half marathon in Kirkcudbright. They also have an 11k race there which I fancy doing next year (think this year's in May is a bit optimistic) but that aside I dunno what else I'll end up doing.

Apologies for the rambling :)

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