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Managed 23 miles this morning, furthest I've gone since the Loch Ness debacle. Quite a tricky 23 over Elsick Mounth too, so think that will be as big as I go before D33.

Bit rigid this evening, as you'd expect...

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Hard 10 miles down to the waterfront and back this morning, felt like it was constantly into the wind.

Today was about the worst conditions I have ever run in. Was doing a 16 miler as part of my marathon schedule but was seriously unpleasant with driving winds and horizontal rain. Made the mistake of running on the canal as it's easier to pace yourself normally but it was a battle as it's so exposed.

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Running in that weather isn't nice, but I always find it pretty satisfying when you come in after a long run in those conditions. I usually treat myself to an afternoon sleep after it!

A really frustrating week for me. Felt a wee tweak in a muscle at the top of one leg on last Sunday's long run, but didn't seem like anything at all, so I just carried on as normal. Felt sore midweek though fully expected to do my race today, but thankfully realised yesterday morning that I was being a muppet for even thinking about racing with it like that. I'm disapponted as it was a race I was looking forward to, but t was the right decision. Injuries are so annoying, it's so frustrating to be sitting doing nothing when the rest of me feels completely fine.

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Did long run today, thought it was ten miles but was actually nine. Took my time and really enjoyed it, did it in 1:29. Was really snowy but enjoyable, prefer snow to rain. I have an issue with sore feet when I run but my feet were fine on this run, which is a hug relief heading into the Inverness half.

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That's just showing off, dropping that in there, FP!

Hope it's a quick recovery, Socks. Sensible there.

Aye, the snow's okay. Went through to Livinigston parkrun to try out the newest addition in Scotland...undulating and a good test, it's fair to say. Two laps round the park at the back of the stadium, on trail/track for a good chunk too. 20:41's hopefully a reflection on the course more than my form, finishing 6th.

Got a bit lost on my way back to Livi North for a bit of added excitement. Total for the morning's around 13k/8 miles.

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I think Livingston is still running on a temporary course, the plan is to have just one lap - half of which is being used just now.

Good run for me at Edinburgh this morning, 19:32 into the wind on the way out for a nice change.

I presume you mean Cramond? That wind coming in off the sea was brutal for the first 2.5k. Nowhere near a PB for me.

Of the 350 odd runners, I was the only one I could see wearing only a t-shirt and shorts. Hopefully I looked hard as nails, but in reality I've never been so cold.

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Yeah, Cramond! It was nearly a minute behind my PB but I think psychologically it's a bit easier on the way out in the wind - although it was baltic and going right through me, it took 4k to feel my hands!

There's always a few in shorts and t-shirt although it wasn't for me yesterday, I was gutted I'd forgotten my gloves!

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Yeah, the Livi course is the makeshift one. Gives me an excuse to go back when the path opens up, like a bit of tourism.

I know where you're coming from with the cold, DHD. It almost feels like needs in your lungs, getting the freezing air into you. I haven't noticed it too much recently so maybe you get used to it...which would be just as well, in this country.

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Just noticed that 250 more places for Alloa half were made avalable yesterday, if anyone still wants to do it.

I'm pretty scunnered with this injury. Felt OK last Friday and went for as easy a 3-mile jog as possible to try it out - even that was too much and it set me back quite a bit. I feel almost ready to get out again but after last week I'll give it a few more days this time, and so another race this weekend slips by. It'll be about 3 weeks out altogether, and that's really frustrating because my training had been so good over December and January and I'm sure I've lost a lot of that fitness.

Still I suppose it happens to most folk, and it would have been worse had it been right before one of the two races I really want to run good times in. The first of those is another 4 weeks away (Alloa half) and I've still got more than 2 months til London, so wll hopefully still be in reasonable shape for those.

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Just noticed that 250 more places for Alloa half were made avalable yesterday, if anyone still wants to do it

I booked up to do Run Garioch the same day during the week there, typical!

Hope the injury issues clear up soon. I know what it's like, it feels like an eternity when you're sidelined like that.

It was a tough parkrun at Cramond today. The wind was brutal coming back, and very happy to creep in at 19:59. Managed my first 50-mile week the week just past, and out for 15 miles tomorrow on the build up to Brighton in April. So far, so good.

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I had a nightmare on my 10 miles run on Thursday. Right leg was very stiff, ended up walking a load of it and it took over 2 hours. Was very worried as could hardly walk yesterday but felt fine this morning and got through my game of football no bother this afternoon. Hopefully this week will go smoother.

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Too long away from this thread and running in general. Last few years I've run the Sydney City2Surf which is a 14km course from the city out to Bondi. This year I've decided to ramp it up a bit and have entered a half marathon in May. This'll be the longest distance I've ever attempted #prayforswarleys

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I done the Strathaven Striders Run with the Wind half Marathon this morning. Testing course and conditions, the best part of the first 6 miles being a fairly steady climb into a pretty stiff breeze and reasonably exposed throughout. Think I just sneaked under 1:42 so just a few minutes off my best and I ran most of it around my target marathon pace before opening up a bit towards the end and feel like there was a bit more left in the tank at the end.

Alloa up next for me so I'll hopefully take a bit off my PB there.

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