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Managed another relatively short run yesterday, about 4.5km up the hills. Took around 27 minutes with a 90m gain but felt fairly good towards the end. Clocks going forward mean I will now get home while it's still light enough to get out in the evenings. Should start managing 3 runs a week now so hopefully pick it up a bit over the next couple of weeks.

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Yep. I've only ran each of them once, but Tollcross is a lot lumpier (a lot more lumpy?) than Pollok!  And smaller, which is also nice.


The times you're posting are great compared to the rest of us on here, but it's also a relative thing.  At least you've got something tangible you can point to as contributing factors.



Cracking stuff.  I've heard Hazlehead is a tough course, too?


Stu - might well look up your podcast recommendation; that's what I do on my longer runs to pass the time.  Tends to be MarathonTalk, Football Weekly, and picked up on Dan Carlin's Hardcore Histories (3-4 hours each) after someone mentioned it on the Podcasts thread a while back.  Having your nearest parkrun in Carlisle's a bit of a pest, though.


Twenty rain-laden miles for me today, I don't think there was a time of the day I could've escaped it.  First 10 were relatively easy pace over the hilly part of my route, the final 10 (ended up being 9 due to the driving wind/rain) at my attempted marathon pace.  Thankfully I've dried off with no obvious signs of a cold, and my legs feel okay too.  Things are looking positive.




Think I'm going to have to take it easy for a week or so as one of my knees is in agony. My left was sore for a week or so but I was still able to run through it - now it's fine but my right has started up in sympathy! Was in absolute agony after running last night. Have been trying to ice it every few hours when I'm at home and do various stretch things and have also got a cheap knee support which will act as a placebo more than anything. No idea why it's suddenly flared up as I'm still wearing the same trainers etc.


Any other tips would be appreciated. If it's still like this at the start of the week I'll probably have to go to the doctor.

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Think I'm going to have to take it easy for a week or so as one of my knees is in agony. My left was sore for a week or so but I was still able to run through it - now it's fine but my right has started up in sympathy! Was in absolute agony after running last night. Have been trying to ice it every few hours when I'm at home and do various stretch things and have also got a cheap knee support which will act as a placebo more than anything. No idea why it's suddenly flared up as I'm still wearing the same trainers etc.


Any other tips would be appreciated. If it's still like this at the start of the week I'll probably have to go to the doctor.


Maybe you ran funny to compensate for the sore knee, and put strain on the other one instead by doing it?

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My quite enjoyable 5 mile run home earlier was somewhat ruined by it coming on hailstones for the last mile - now that hurts!

That came and went just before I had to leave for my club training session tonight. Dodged one there! Speaking of which, it was a good 5x4min track session, each time making it a little further (all around 1100m). Nice to see I have some speed left now true_rover's showing me up on a Saturday morning!

Stu - rest is really the only thing for it. Where's the pain? If it's the outside, it might be an IT band issue and stretches/foam roller will help. I genuinely wouldn't bother with the doc - I have in the past - as 'rest' is all you'll get from them.

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Good to see this thread is active at the moment and that a few of the guys from when I used to post have improved.


My quite enjoyable 5 mile run home earlier was somewhat ruined by it coming on hailstones for the last mile - now that hurts!


Ditto! I checked the weather forecast in the morning and was dressed appropriately for sunny but cloudy running conditions...I arrived home looking like a drowned rat - character building!


I'm currently trying to build a decent base fitness after damaging my ankle ligaments (for the fifth time!) and piling on the weight. I hate starting a run at a previously 'easy' pace and then to be completely gasping after 1km. In terms of a comfortable running pace I've probably lost 1 minute per km (and my 5k time agrees).


I normally wear a patella knee strap on my right knee, I used to find it lessened the pain I suffered (only after exercising and mainly when going up and down stairs). I've tried specific stretches suggested to me, but I'm not convinced they helped and take joint supplements, again not convinced. I still get pain and that's probably been for about two years now. I struggle to do squats, not because of pain, more so because there's no purchase from the knee to push upwards. Like Stu I'd be open to other suggestions, but I think I'm a lost cause as most of my family have required knee operations at relatively early ages.

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That came and went just before I had to leave for my club training session tonight. Dodged one there! Speaking of which, it was a good 5x4min track session, each time making it a little further (all around 1100m). Nice to see I have some speed left now true_rover's showing me up on a Saturday morning!

Stu - rest is really the only thing for it. Where's the pain? If it's the outside, it might be an IT band issue and stretches/foam roller will help. I genuinely wouldn't bother with the doc - I have in the past - as 'rest' is all you'll get from them.


It's on the front of the knee and the lower left a bit too (it's my right knee). It's a bit better today - at least I can move my leg forward while sitting at my desk without feeling like my knee is about to explode!

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Managed just over 5km up the hills last night, just under 29 minutes. Felt fine for the most part with the exception of a short stretch getting towards the top of my second climb, when my back started hurting like f**k and my legs nearly packed in. Managed to keep going and was fine when the path evened out. Will stick at that route for a few weeks as it is a fair challenge again. Want to knock at least 3 minutes off the time it is taking and get back towards what I was managing on it previously, and eventually get to the point where I can manage at least 2 laps. Feel as though I'm a fair bit off that at the moment but I'll persist.

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Good to see you back, Kenzie. Not so good to read about the circumstances, though. You ran a very solid Loch Ness time the year I struggled around if I remember rightly.

Allan, this may sound daft, but are you doing all your runs like you're racing? Cracking improvement there, but I'd suggest - depending on how often you can make it out - having every second run as an intentionally slower one. It sounds a bit backwards, but it'll help build up stamina and prevent injury.

Stu - sounds familiar. If you've any interest, get yourself swimming or cycling to retain as much fitness as possible but back off the running for a bit. Frustrating as it is.

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Went out for a short jog there to distract me from my tutorial work. Finally managed to get under 10 mins (9:43)...and I managed to accidentally delete it. Baws. I'll just try again tomorrow.


What app are you using? I've noticed recently that mapmyrun has been a pain in the arse in terms of getting it to work, getting it to stay working while I'm out, and getting it to save whatever I have done. Not sure if the app needs updated or it's the fact I'm using a relatively old phone(3 and a half year old Iphone 4).

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I use Runkeeper. A couple of times it has stopped while I'm out (usually if someone texts me or I've tried to use the phone for something) but generally it's been fine.

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I use Runkeeper. A couple of times it has stopped while I'm out (usually if someone texts me or I've tried to use the phone for something) but generally it's been fine.

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Garmin linked to strava for me as well. I was using the forerunner 10 but now have the jack of all trades vivoactive, which I would highly recommend. I got mine in an amazon lightning deal for £99. Bargain.

Ditto, other than using mapmyrun instead of Strava - love the vivoactive especially since I play a bit of golf as well.

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