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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:



I used to be pretty fit and was quite a good runner - in that I could run for ages without needing to stop. However, I have let myself go big time in recent years. I am obese and no longer do much exercise.

I wish to get fit again. I know it will be difficult and disheartening, as I may struggle to run as well as I used to. Does anyone have any advice for me? Am I overthinking how challenging it would be, and should I just go out and run?

Stop overthinking it and go out for a run ! 


Seriously hardest bit is getting out there for the first time but after that it really is as simple as just keeping on putting one foot in front of the other and you'll be amazed how quickly you notice a difference . 

Edited by JamesP_81
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I used to be pretty fit and was quite a good runner - in that I could run for ages without needing to stop. However, I have let myself go big time in recent years. I am obese and no longer do much exercise.
I wish to get fit again. I know it will be difficult and disheartening, as I may struggle to run as well as I used to. Does anyone have any advice for me? Am I overthinking how challenging it would be, and should I just go out and run?

This time a couple years ago I couldn’t run the length of myself, did a 5k and it took me 39 minutes or something like that.

Just get yourself out for a benchmark run and then you have something to go against each time, then before you know it you will be running without stopping and chipping minutes off your time.

Just all about getting it done to start with then build momentum.
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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:



I used to be pretty fit and was quite a good runner - in that I could run for ages without needing to stop. However, I have let myself go big time in recent years. I am obese and no longer do much exercise.

I wish to get fit again. I know it will be difficult and disheartening, as I may struggle to run as well as I used to. Does anyone have any advice for me? Am I overthinking how challenging it would be, and should I just go out and run?

Couch to 5k can't go wrong if you really want to strip right back to basics and give you time to just get comfortable with the short distances and your running gear, then crack on from there.

Hope everyone at GNR had a good one.

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On 07/09/2022 at 10:48, Stu said:

Last run done before Sunday, think 1:40 will be a miracle but who knows on a race day when I actually bother to do something that could maybe be described as preparation.

Good luck to everyone else running. If you see a bloke wearing a maroon Dumfries Running Club shirt with Stuart on it, come and say hello. Unlikely there's two of us...

Best part of five minutes under what seemed a rather optimistic guess. God knows what time I could have set but for injuries etc this year - although would have needed to find another seven minutes or so for a PB.



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1 hour ago, JamesP_81 said:

Stop overthinking it and go out for a run ! 


Seriously hardest bit is getting out there for the first time but after that it really is as simple as just keeping on putting one foot in front of the other and you'll be amazed how quickly you notice a difference . 


53 minutes ago, KD1711 said:

This time a couple years ago I couldn’t run the length of myself, did a 5k and it took me 39 minutes or something like that.

Just get yourself out for a benchmark run and then you have something to go against each time, then before you know it you will be running without stopping and chipping minutes off your time.

Just all about getting it done to start with then build momentum.


27 minutes ago, Scorge said:

Couch to 5k can't go wrong if you really want to strip right back to basics and give you time to just get comfortable with the short distances and your running gear, then crack on from there.

Hope everyone at GNR had a good one.

Thank you all.

I've set an alarm on my phone for tomorrow morning. I am going to get up and out for a run, even if it's pissing down. There are country roads around the outside of where I live that basically go around in a big circle and are quite a decent running route with uphill and downhill parts. It's been a while since I have ran that route, but it's familiar and I will give it a bash.

I'll try that couch to 5k app as well.

Starting will probably be the hardest part, but I know that I will feel good once I have done it.

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12 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:



Thank you all.

I've set an alarm on my phone for tomorrow morning. I am going to get up and out for a run, even if it's pissing down. There are country roads around the outside of where I live that basically go around in a big circle and are quite a decent running route with uphill and downhill parts. It's been a while since I have ran that route, but it's familiar and I will give it a bash.

I'll try that couch to 5k app as well.

Starting will probably be the hardest part, but I know that I will feel good once I have done it.

Sounds almost exactly like myself, I downloaded the nhs couch to 5k app and eventually started it 3 months later, tomorrow I'll do the final run of the plan week 9 run3. When I started I was blowing out my arse after 60 secs on the treadmill, yesterday I ran my 2nd 5k taking 90 seconds off my first 5k that I done 2  days before.

Getting the motivation to start was the hardest part and I do not regret a second of it. give it a go what you got to lose? The benefits are fantastic general health, mental health and fitness levels have never been so good for decades and now I'm doing longer runs the weight is starting to come off too 


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On 05/09/2022 at 10:01, Gaz said:

A good few years since I've ran it but:

You get put into pens at the start of the race based on your estimated time. If you've estimated a time under 2:00 then you'll get put in a pen with other folk who have estimated similar times so you shouldn't get bottlenecked. It starts on a motorway so there aren't any pinch points.

Controversial take, but I found it boring as hell. The start is great, the end is great but for huge chunks of it you're running along a boring dual carriageway.

Kinda agree about the course now I’ve done it. The support is fantastic (you really note the bits when it’s not there), but if it wasn’t for that then the majority of it would be a bit dull.

But the support, music etc is what makes it and I’d happily do it again.

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Been a while since i've been out to do a road 5k.

I get more pleasure out @KD1711 posting his madness (btw what an effort you are putting in mate)

I have been trying to get back into running again but my left knee is pretty much done, cant run longer than 3km at a consistent pace. Been to a physio who advises i have 'runners knee' - pretty sure hes made it up. Got it after stupidly deciding to do a half marathon with no training and its never been the same since (Any tips are greatly appreciated)...

Have to start/stop so times are now out my window - never gonna get sub 20 minutes for a 5k but we deal with that.

Been using the curved treadmill recently to cover 5ks cos i can start stop at own pace etc - found it beneficial for football tbf. Sitting around 30-32 minutes on and off. Weirdly enjoyable


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Race season almost finished. Need to use the winter to get physically stronger while dialling down the miles.

I have no idea where to start with strength and conditioning training. I know I need to strengthen my core as my form collapses during longer runs. My glutes also need work as I’m definitely carrying niggles from there. 

For those with the discipline to do regular S&C, what is your routine? 

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On 20/09/2022 at 14:50, HEY_SIDNEY said:

Been a while since i've been out to do a road 5k.

I get more pleasure out @KD1711 posting his madness (btw what an effort you are putting in mate)

I have been trying to get back into running again but my left knee is pretty much done, cant run longer than 3km at a consistent pace. Been to a physio who advises i have 'runners knee' - pretty sure hes made it up. Got it after stupidly deciding to do a half marathon with no training and its never been the same since (Any tips are greatly appreciated)...

Have to start/stop so times are now out my window - never gonna get sub 20 minutes for a 5k but we deal with that.

Been using the curved treadmill recently to cover 5ks cos i can start stop at own pace etc - found it beneficial for football tbf. Sitting around 30-32 minutes on and off. Weirdly enjoyable


Cheers mate at least someone is getting pleasure from it haha. 

I was like that as well but it was down to my weight, I'm realistically still carrying too much weight so just going to spend the winter shedding the extra KGs. Been on a mad one eating wise the last couple weeks cause I was in New York so going to get out a steady 5k today and then dial back in.

Maybe try it on the treadmill and see how you hold up on that as the impact on the concrete might be doing you, or get a pair of running shoes with good support and see how you go (might not be the best cause you can fork out £100 on a pair and then your knee is still gubbed)

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New York looked v dece mate!
Got APLs, had them for years best running trainers i had, tried to be smart bought new Nike ones and thats when the problems started so partly my own fault.
Stick with the APLs from now on but still gubbed, tried on Thursday there but 3.4k on treadmill started feeling like its on fire.
Destined for a life of 5 a sides... which is a decent life lol

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John Muir Way Ultra went well and bad on Saturday. 31 miles in 5:26 so pretty happy with that. Was feeling very comfortable until about 24 miles and then the leg cramps started. Last bit was a struggle haha

but another one done so happy with that. Differing terrains from the Port Seton to Dunbar did give the route excitement though. 

would recommend the race to anyone

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I done the half marathon yesterday, in a time of 2:14. Furthest I had ran previously was 10 miles so quite happy, gives me something to work on. Last couple of miles along the Clydeside was absolute torture for me, the bones in my right hip felt like they were grinding against each other. If it wasn’t for the crowds along the last stretch I would have walked all the way to the finish line. 

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3 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

I done the half marathon yesterday, in a time of 2:14. Furthest I had ran previously was 10 miles so quite happy, gives me something to work on. Last couple of miles along the Clydeside was absolute torture for me, the bones in my right hip felt like they were grinding against each other. If it wasn’t for the crowds along the last stretch I would have walked all the way to the finish line. 

I was same mate. Hit a wall at 10miles and struggled along the last stretch. I was determined to finish though. Got round in 2.25. Considering I had hardly trained and had never ran more than 10k before I'm delighted with it

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7 minutes ago, pleslie99 said:

I was same mate. Hit a wall at 10miles and struggled along the last stretch. I was determined to finish though. Got round in 2.25. Considering I had hardly trained and had never ran more than 10k before I'm delighted with it

Excellent mate that’s good going. I was quite strong until the slight hill just before going in to Bellahouston Park, and I struggled until I got to Paisley Road where I got a second wind. When I got to the squinty bridge my heart rate was 197 and I could barely get my right leg off the ground 😂 plodded on to the finish but it was a tough last couple of kilometres. 

That’s the first time I’ve took part in something like that and having everyone running alongside you definitely helps keep you going. I had done a couple of 16ks, two 10ks and a good few 5ks over the last few weeks and the furthest I had ran without stopping was about 9k. On Sunday I got to 20k without stopping, only walking for 10 seconds or so just at the Riverboat Casino. Definitely going to get signed up soon for another half marathon to keep me motivated. 

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23 minutes ago, Oystercatcher said:

well done on doing the half. I just can't commit to that level of training.

I've done 3 halfs never a marathon and the training was brutal 

I only really started taking it serious the last 4 weeks, although I did have a good level of fitness from going to the boxing, playing badminton once a week and strength training at the gym. I’m very glad I did start being serious with the running, I was going out 3/4 times a week and if I hadnt put that work in then there’s a good chance I dont make the finish line yesterday.

Stayed away from alcohol, ate nutritious foods at the right times, stuck to a training schedule and mixed longer and shorter runs. I’m certainly no expert and was just sort of putting it together myself. I watched a few YouTube videos which were helpful in explaining how to structure your training as the run got closer and I think it helped massively. 

Got an understanding now of what an achievement completing a full marathon would be, the thought of starting another 13 mile run at the finish line isn’t something I can comprehend right now, although hopefully one day I can. 

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