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Up to running 10k's without stopping now. I've been lucky the last twice I've been out in that it hasn't totally iced over, there's no way I could have gone out tonight.

I'm thinking I'll make 10k's my specialised distance, I could physically run further but much beyond that I'd get bored- still if I'm running 30-40k a week that should keep me reasonably fit, which is why I started all this in the first place. Will be looking for a couple of actual races in the new year though.

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I started running a few months back by joining the Uni cross country team. I've really enjoyed it so far and have ran a few races already. (My last was a 10k in 41:58).

I'm thinking about investing in some of this Nike+ stuff for when I go out running myself. Are people on here still using it for challenges and that?

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I started running a few months back by joining the Uni cross country team. I've really enjoyed it so far and have ran a few races already. (My last was a 10k in 41:58).

I'm thinking about investing in some of this Nike+ stuff for when I go out running myself. Are people on here still using it for challenges and that?

Yeah there have been a couple of challenges set up but I think it is only Gaz and I on them at the moment. (he is miles ahead of me and I havent been out for a week with work and a cold)

The Nike plus is a fantastic training tool for running by yourself and can give you feedback throughout your run. I have noticed a marked improvement in the last 6 months since I have been using it and I am hopeful of going sub 40 mins for the 10K next year. Although motivation over the winter months is hard to maintain.

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Yeah there have been a couple of challenges set up but I think it is only Gaz and I on them at the moment. (he is miles ahead of me and I havent been out for a week with work and a cold)

The Nike plus is a fantastic training tool for running by yourself and can give you feedback throughout your run. I have noticed a marked improvement in the last 6 months since I have been using it and I am hopeful of going sub 40 mins for the 10K next year. Although motivation over the winter months is hard to maintain.

My comeback is pencilled in for my detox month in January. Gaz is my inspiration. I was performing better than he was when I jacked it in but he's shown me the strides I should have been making (whilst I've sat on my arse for the last 6 months cursing running). The Marathon this year pushed me over the edge but I'm getting a desire to go running again :)

A 40 minute 10K by the end of next year is my goal.

Edited by Thundermonkey
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After piling on the weight and my 5-a-side season ended until April (which was only once every two weeks) I have decided I need to start jogging again. Not to long back from my jog. All went fine, all be it, it felt like I was suffering a heart attack before I even left my road. After ten mins I swear a OAP could have walked past me, I was jogging that slow. Managed to jog for 25mins non stop and to be honest don't feel to bad, Although when i tried to do my cool down my ankles/shin's were in usual agony. In past this has put me off jogging, often gets to me whilst playing football, although I enjoy football so just about go through the pain barrier (and as 5-a-side, plenty of rests). As some may know, my work (or ex) recently went to the dogs so been out of work for two weeks (and not paid for previous 5 weeks as well as owed £700 in expenses, all which i will never see, sob story over with). So gives me plenty of chance to go jogging, but hardly flush with cash. Just wondering what trainers people would recommend to give best ankle/shin support would be? Currently running in a old pair of Lacoste trainers which I don't think are the wisest thing :lol:

ps any tips how to carry on jogging and remain on a health kick. Just about to turn 28 and become so lazy over the past few years it's frightning. Never been this much out of shape in my life and even starting to get stick off mates now :lol:. I still plan to drink on Sat nights as I need a release.

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Just wondering what trainers people would recommend to give best ankle/shin support would be? Currently running in a old pair of Lacoste trainers which I don't think are the wisest thing :lol:

Go to a running shop. Greaves Sports or Run-4-It in Glasgow are good ones. They will analyse your running style and advise on an appropriate pair of trainers. It sound as if you're suffering from shin splints which can be caused by runnning in trainers that are not giving you the correct support.

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Go to a running shop. Greaves Sports or Run-4-It in Glasgow are good ones. They will analyse your running style and advise on an appropriate pair of trainers. It sound as if you're suffering from shin splints which can be caused by runnning in trainers that are not giving you the correct support.

I may make the short trip to Run-4-it in a few mins.

Definatly suffer from shin splitns, so definatly need the right support, Was wondering if the "gel" actually works in trainers or not

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  • 4 weeks later...
Is anyone on here entering The Great North Run?

Mmmmm, You've got me considering it now!

I'm going to do the Edinburgh half-marathon in April and maybe the Dundee half in June, Hadn't planned anything later than that though. I ran the Great North Run 2 years ago and loved it, great atmosphere right round the course.

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Is anyone on here entering The Great North Run?

I've signed up for the ballot. No idea if I'll get through or not.

Did 13.39km this afternoon from Linlithgow to home in 1 hour, 1 minute and 14 seconds.

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Using this thread for inspiration as I'm just started running.

My fitness isn't terrible and my weight isn't too bad though I could do with losing a few pounds around the middle though. I cycle to and from work every day (probably 25 miles a week), but I'd like to get into a habit of running at least a couple of times a week.

I've tried before, but just never managed to get into a routine. There are a lot of good tips in this thread, so I'm going to have a crack again. The runningahead website looks great. I think that's the sort of thing that will keep me motivated.

Anyway, started today. 1.6 miles in 12 minutes. It was a struggle, but I managed to run the whole way. Onwards and upwards......

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I need to start preparing again for the 8 mile run that I did last year. It is at the end of May and I am fitter now than I was then thanks to regular football playing.

I did it last year in 1:06:31 , with a very mild hangover due to stupidly drinking at a friend's 21st party the night before.

This year, I want to cut it down to less than an hour (which shouldn't be too hard), or possibly even as low as 50-55 minutes. I will define this target a bit more to myself once I've actually been out running a few times to guage my long-distance fitness as opposed to the fitness I use for football.

Won't be starting until at least Thursday or Friday this week though as I have football Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night this week, and would prefer not to be scunnered for those.

Anyhoo, my main point for posting in this thread was to query what people thought was a good target to aim for for a 7.9 mile race. I am 21, about 11.5 stone and reasonably fit (play football about twice a week usually, and work in quite an active, physical job). I don't think I am being unrealistic to try and get near 50 minutes, although the course is quite undulating. I also want to use the training for this with a view to doing a few more runs of similar and longer distances.


Edited by dave258
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Anyhoo, my main point for posting in this thread was to query what people thought was a good target to aim for for a 7.9 mile race. I am 21, about 11.5 stone and reasonably fit (play football about twice a week usually, and work in quite an active, physical job). I don't think I am being unrealistic to try and get near 50 minutes, although the course is quite undulating. I also want to use the training for this with a view to doing a few more runs of similar and longer distances.


50 minutes for 7.9 miles is imho pretty decent. It works out at just under 40 minutes for a 10k. I think it's quite important though that your goals are specific to you. If you'd be happy with that then fine. I know some people who would be delighted with 50 minutes for a 5k but if that keeps them motivated then fine.

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Mmmmm, You've got me considering it now!

I'm going to do the Edinburgh half-marathon in April and maybe the Dundee half in June, Hadn't planned anything later than that though. I ran the Great North Run 2 years ago and loved it, great atmosphere right round the course.

Great North Run ballot entered and Edinburgh half-marathon entered. :D

I decided I need to enter a few races to 'focus my training'! I'm finding it too easy just now to say "i'll not bother running today i'll do it tomorrow"

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Great North Run ballot entered and Edinburgh half-marathon entered. :D

I decided I need to enter a few races to 'focus my training'! I'm finding it too easy just now to say "i'll not bother running today i'll do it tomorrow"

Ditto, Inverness Half Marathon 8 March, Alloa Half Marathon 22 March, Lake Garda Marathon 27 Sept shud sort me out ;-)

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Lake Garda Marathon 27 Sept shud sort me out ;-)


That will still be quite warm I'd think. Going for a dip afterwards?


Grangemouth Round the Houses 10K is my 1st target - Sunday March 29th

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That will still be quite warm I'd think. Going for a dip afterwards?


Grangemouth Round the Houses 10K is my 1st target - Sunday March 29th

I'm doing that as well. Hoping for sub-48mins.

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Grangemouth Round the Houses 10K is my 1st target - Sunday March 29th

Was thinking about that as well. It's the week before the Edinburgh half and i've actually found a training program for a half marathon which has you running a 10k race the week before.

Might wait and see how training goes over the next couple of weeks before deciding whether or not to enter.

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