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P&b Running Club

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I've got my Nike + gear sorted out eventually - calibrated it at the weekend and was planning on getting out this week... fucking weather has put a stop to that...

That prodirectrunning is always advertising in the running magazine I buy, Airdrieonians, so I imagine it's probably fine.

Baggio - I get a lot of inspiration from here. smile.gif

Thanks Reina smile.gif

Just starting out again although I have been doing a fair bit on the elipticle machines in the gym but dunno how it is effecting my stamina.

Hopefully the route I plan on running is snow free tomorrow so I can get started.

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I was looking at photos taken when my wee girl was born and I was carrying a bit of weight. With no. 2 due in August and the reappearance of this thread I feel it's high time I dug out my gutties and hit the road (especially as I don't want to be breathing out my arse after 2 minutes at the 5's)

Time to take back the Union Canal!

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I've been doing a beginners program since Febuary (under cover of darkness) but am coming to the end of the ten weeks. Do I just increase my time/distance gradually from here I take it? Someone said to me I should aim to increase distance by 10% every week? :unsure:

The proram I'm doing is a bit of a pain as the very last session is running 3 mins, walking 1 ten times. I wanted to see how far I could actually run without stopping and it's about a mile and a half. I feel like I'm wasting my time a bit with the last 2 weeks of the program.

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I've shed two stone and found that my running has came on leaps and bounds. I used to just tun round the block ( which would put me to near death) however I'm now looking at putting a bit of distance on my runs.

So far I've found mapmyrun a great tool for trying to built some decent routes. What I've also been doing is getting the bus out of town then running home.

I've entered my first competitive race the kinghorn 5 miler. That isn't until

June so hopefully I can build on my pace and clock a decent time.

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Is anyone considering doing that BlackRock thing in fife this year? 10k I think? I'm not the most competitive but have started going out a jog 2 times a week. I'm running around 4 mile to Airth from Stenhousemuir.

I probably lost a stone in about a month and a bit now, and have been watching what I eat aswell.

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The proram I'm doing is a bit of a pain as the very last session is running 3 mins, walking 1 ten times. I wanted to see how far I could actually run without stopping and it's about a mile and a half. I feel like I'm wasting my time a bit with the last 2 weeks of the program.

Just go with what you feel comfortable with then. If you feel you could go a bit further/faster just do it. Listen to what your body is telling you though. If your in pain , ease up a bit.

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Always nice to see a bump for the P&B Running Club :D

I had to pull out of Grangemouth last week. Really annoyed - my training was going brilliantly and then a fortnight before the race I got a heavy head cold, and I then got two tests plonked on me on the Wed and Thurs before the race (with a project due in as well) so my training went to pot.

Will be doing Edinburgh on the 2nd May. My third time doing it and I'm looking forward to see how the changes in the course benefit the runners over the fun-runners.

Edited by Gaz
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Just go with what you feel comfortable with then. If you feel you could go a bit further/faster just do it. Listen to what your body is telling you though. If your in pain , ease up a bit.

Ta TM, may well just finish off the last week of the program, it'll likely piss me off if I get to week 9 of 10 then give up. I'll maybe get a book out of the library or something and have a look.

Definately want to keep this up though, not seen much of a drop in weight but have went down a clothes size since Feb. :)

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What's everyone thoughts in trainers. At the moment I'm lucky if I run any more than 20 miles a week. No more than 4 - 5 miles at a time. I'm still wearing just a pair of nike basic trainers( tbf have faired not to bad so far) however I feel I need to get a proper pair. For my level of running can I just buy a pair of the shelf or is ig worthwhile getting assessed and fitted first?

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Cheers - looks good!

Join a Jog Scotland group, they're great for motivating you, especailly for me who couldn't run for more thatn 3 minutes at the start!!!!

I've been getting the magazine (Womens Running). It's good too!

Did a negative timesplit last night. Run out for 15 mins and run back quicker to the same point. Did it but the wind was in your face on the way back which was tough.

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For info for anyone that does the parkrun thingies, theres now a third one in Scotland at Strathclyde park.

Strathclyde Park Run

I discovered this while attending the Pollok park one this morning. Think I'll switch to Strathclyde, for some reasons my times at Pollok are really crap. dunno why.

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I'm currently in training for the London Triathlon in August, tough going so far with the weather but this weekend looking good fo a decent run and probably dust off the old bike too.

edit: Just realised I left my I-pod in the office yesterday. No chance am I ging anywhere without the trusty tunes!! mad.gif

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For anyone who has an iPhone, RunKeeper is a great app to have. It records your average pace, distance covered and calories burnt as well as showing a map of your route. It's like Nike+, only better and for free

Just downloaded it there. Need to start getting some excersize done, this seems the only one I can stick to.

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What's everyone thoughts in trainers. At the moment I'm lucky if I run any more than 20 miles a week. No more than 4 - 5 miles at a time. I'm still wearing just a pair of nike basic trainers( tbf have faired not to bad so far) however I feel I need to get a proper pair. For my level of running can I just buy a pair of the shelf or is ig worthwhile getting assessed and fitted first?

Everyone runs slightly differently and you need to get trainers that suit your style of running. The best idea is to go to a proper running shop and get advice on what shoe (or type of shoe) bests supports you and then buy them cheap off the internet.

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New member here.I go out about 3/4 times a week - Still nowhere near the standard that most of you are, but run about 3/4 miles every time I go out. Also, anyone got any tips for 'Pushing on' -? More than often, I'll end up stopping every 8mins or so to have a 20 sec breather.

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New member here.I go out about 3/4 times a week - Still nowhere near the standard that most of you are, but run about 3/4 miles every time I go out. Also, anyone got any tips for 'Pushing on' -? More than often, I'll end up stopping every 8mins or so to have a 20 sec breather.

Try slowing down or walking during your breathers. It is better to go more slowly but keep moving until you can run, for say 30 mins, uninterrupted and then when you are at this point try to go a bit faster.

Edited by diamonds2002
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