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We had Roger Black in the work today giving a speech as its the works 40 year in the UK and ties in with the Olympics.

Was really interesting to hear about his career and his tips on teamwork, goal setting etc. He also brought in his medals from the 96 Olympics and passed them around.

Obviously his speech was tailored for a work in environment but I actually picked up more running tips than anything work related.

Edited by Jack Burton
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Weej HM info pack, tshirt and number through today. Getting excited, despite the fact I think I'll struggle.

Nothing here yet... Getting a bit nervous about it but hopefully my IT band eases off a bit more over next week or two...

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Only 6 weeks till the loch ness marathon, my first, and training is getting serious now! Did my longest ever run today of 18 hilly miles in 2 hrs 36. Pretty chuffed with that, although my legs were starting to hurt for the last few miles. Done over 200 miles since the first week of june, so gonna get new trainers soon as my current ones are starting to flatten off a bit. Want to avoid unnecessary injuries if possible.

Part of me just wants this over with now. The time involved to train is pretty prohibitive.

Nice going. I done just over 20 last night, in just over 3.10. Like yourself LN will be my 1st and I'm just looking forward to getting it done. Won't be marathoning next year unless I get a place for London, which I now don't really want...

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I've not received my Glasgow pack yet :(

I ran 13.1 yesterday in 1hr 43min which is the fastest I've done it.

However, based on my last few runs, I was expecting it to be a lot easier than it was. I had set off at about 1hr 38min pace but was struggling from around 5 miles, however I'm hoping that it was just the after effect of a long weekend in Spain. (It was fairly tame though).

I'll probably only do 1 more long run before the day of the Half.

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Took a few days off as I was away with the missus over the weekend, but got out earlier for another 5k in 26:36. Still really struggling in the heat. Anyone got any advice on how to adapt? Other than running slower, which I am doing? The only options I haven't looked at are running at 7am or 11pm, and I don't want to do either.

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Won't be marathoning next year unless I get a place for London, which I now don't really want...

I was the same last year after the Glasgow Half. I was injured and dreading the London Ballot. I was mightily relieved when it was another rejection but a matter of days after and I was back to being gutted. I don't have the time to raise the charity amounts that guarantee a place but I also don't want to be of an age that I can't do it justice.

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I was the same last year after the Glasgow Half. I was injured and dreading the London Ballot. I was mightily relieved when it was another rejection but a matter of days after and I was back to being gutted. I don't have the time to raise the charity amounts that guarantee a place but I also don't want to be of an age that I can't do it justice.

I ran the Loch Ness marathon last year and was of the same opinion as Thundermonkey - dreading that I got through on the London ballot and big relief that I didnt get in. Then as soon as you see it on the TV and the spectacle that it is I just wanted to be running it.

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Garmin Clicky

Longest run for quite a while. 9.5 Miles in 1:12:08. Was tough going after a week on Holiday drinking and eating. The first half felt rubbish and apart from the last mile felt pretty strong. Need to get some races sorted.

Edited by young_bairn
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‎13.17 miles in 1:54:50 tonight. Last big slog before the half marathon, just 2 or 3 easy jogs before then.

The BELIEF is there.

plus, thanks to whoever it was that gave the jelly babies tip. I took one of those mini-bags with me, scoffed them at the 7 mile mark, and it made a difference. That, and the fact that it isn't boiling hot.

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You will be fine boghead. If that's your training run I would expect you to knock a bit of time off that. Pace yourself at the start and if you are feeling strong at the 3/4 up the pace.

Ta. I'm glad I'm not in the white start group, I somehow ended up in there last year at the 10k, and did the first 2k in (for me) an insane pace of

just under 9 minutes. While I got a PB, I was blowing air out my arse by the time I was up on Kingston Bridge, and never felt like I stopped the rest of the way round. If I'm in a group that (in theory) starts slower, I should be able to pace myself ok.

PS I spoke to my neighbour Gordon Mitchell, and he convinced me that the wishy-washy response I got from the Vics last year was wrong, so he's convinced me to give it a try. I told him I'd be along after the HM. You still going, and more importantly, enjoying it?

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I haven't been for a few months due to injury but I will be back soon. Is that Gordon one of the coaches? I got a lot out of it. Before I joined them I just did the same old routes but they showed me what a good bit of interval training does. Seen my times drop and felt confident going into races. Was hoping for pbs galore but just getting my distance back up now. It's the RTC warriors you train with. Age range is high school to oaps so plenty of abilities.

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‎13.17 miles in 1:54:50 tonight. Last big slog before the half marathon, just 2 or 3 easy jogs before then.

The BELIEF is there.

plus, thanks to whoever it was that gave the jelly babies tip. I took one of those mini-bags with me, scoffed them at the 7 mile mark, and it made a difference. That, and the fact that it isn't boiling hot.

Good Stuff.

I agree with Young_Bairn, if you can do that on a training run then you'll have absolutely no problems on the day as long as you don't set off too quick.

(The tricky thing is trying to judge what pace = too quick).

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‎13.17 miles in 1:54:50 tonight. Last big slog before the half marathon, just 2 or 3 easy jogs before then.

The BELIEF is there.

plus, thanks to whoever it was that gave the jelly babies tip. I took one of those mini-bags with me, scoffed them at the 7 mile mark, and it made a difference. That, and the fact that it isn't boiling hot.

You're welcome!

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