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I've signed up for the GSR 10k in October. Probably chicken feed for many of you on here, but given that at the moment I'm at the wheezy unfit mess stage of my running life, it's a start and something to aim for.

Signing up for a race is the best motivation you can get in my opinion. Tell as many people as you can so you are forced to do it or look like a plum!

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Went out for a short 5k run this morning just to loosen off my legs since I'd been feeling a bit tight from my longer run on Monday. Pace wasn't too bad but I always seem to run through discomfort when I go out early in the day. This wouldn't be so much of a problem (I would just go out later) but the couple of races I'm doing in the next few months start at 8 and half 8.

Does anyone have any hints to make going out earlier on in the day easier? (I'm hoping at least one of them isn't just forcing myself to do it more often!)

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I've signed up for the GSR 10k in October. Probably chicken feed for many of you on here, but given that at the moment I'm at the wheezy unfit mess stage of my running life, it's a start and something to aim for.

Signing up for a race is the best motivation you can get in my opinion. Tell as many people as you can so you are forced to do it or look like a plum!

or do it for charity, the weight of sponsorship cash helps you through the training and the race itself, or it does me anyway. helps you through the hard runs.

Went out for a short 5k run this morning just to loosen off my legs since I'd been feeling a bit tight from my longer run on Monday. Pace wasn't too bad but I always seem to run through discomfort when I go out early in the day. This wouldn't be so much of a problem (I would just go out later) but the couple of races I'm doing in the next few months start at 8 and half 8.

Does anyone have any hints to make going out earlier on in the day easier? (I'm hoping at least one of them isn't just forcing myself to do it more often!)

get yourself young kids, who have no concept of time. When you've been up with kids since 5.30/6amish, going out at 8 is like a mid-day run.

I did my first run since the Glasgow HM today - 3.82 miles. And it was harder than the HM, but this is the start of the road back.

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Signing up for a race is the best motivation you can get in my opinion. Tell as many people as you can so you are forced to do it or look like a plum!

I figured that telling folk would have that sort of effect, especially as I'm a lazy b*****d. To that end, I've started a blog that I'll try to keep up to date as I go, and told my mates about it so that can't have any excuses.

or do it for charity, the weight of sponsorship cash helps you through the training and the race itself, or it does me anyway. helps you through the hard runs.

I'm likely to arrange something like sponsorship down the line. Probably try and split any money between Guide Dogs and Mountain Rescue.

Edited by Count Mongo del Fantastico
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I can't remember who for (Ziggy?), but I remembered I'd let them know when the Southside6 entry comes around for this year as it normally fills up straight away. A challenging, but enjoyable, course. Link: http://www.southsidesix.org.uk/2013/02/getting-ready-to-launch/

Thanks Kenzie it was me but I'm not going to enter. I'll probably regret it closer to the time but just now I'm have way through a 16 week training schedule for the London Marathon and tbh I'm a bit sick of running at the moment.

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Been struggling for the last 10 days with some sort of virus, hoping to get back out next week and hoping the weather will turn decent enough to let me lose on the hills again. I can see it taking some time before getting back to what I was doing around late October and early November.

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I managed 61 mins 04 secs for the 8 mile National X-C at Sunderland today. The course was 8 inches deep in mud in places. I finished 727 place out of over 1000 finishers. I am really pleased with my running today. I finished 30 secs behind someone I've been 3-4 mins behind and ahead of 4 people from my club that normally finish ahead of me.

Next week goes like this.....

Sun - rest

Mon - easy run of 3 miles with 3 x 30 metres sprint.

Tues - am Gym. pm - pyramid session on a hill.

Wed- Gym

Thurs - 3 x 10mins fartlek.

Friday - Gym

Sat - X-C race (5.7 miles)

Woo hoo. Under 25 minutes for parkrun for the first time at last. :)

Keep it up - 2 years ago I was trying for that milestone - now I want sub-20!

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Well I have completed my first run of 2013 today. (I know I know, shocking to leave it so late in the year!)

6.77km in 38 mins 32 seconds. This was done on map my run. Is this iPhone app accurate with calculating the distance? On the whole, I'm pretty happy with my time as the run was completed through the braes area of Falkirk.

One question for the health freaks out there, what is a good pre-run snack? i prefer to go for a run first thing in the morning. Today i had a cereal bar and a banana. Can anyone recommend a better meal? I've signed up for this Tough Mudder in August with my work colleages so really going to push on this year.

Edited by wee_bairn
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Well I have completed my first run of 2013 today. (I know I know, shocking to leave it so late in the year!)

6.77km in 38 mins 32 seconds. This was done on map my run. Is this iPhone app accurate with calculating the distance? On the whole, I'm pretty happy with my time as the run was completed through the braes area of Falkirk.

One question for the health freaks out there, what is a good pre-run snack? i prefer to go for a run first thing in the morning. Today i had a cereal bar and a banana. Can anyone recommend a better meal? I've signed up for this Tough Mudder in August with my work colleages so really going to push on this year.

That actually sounds pretty decent snack wise. I'd rather have porridge than the cereal bar, but its all good.

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I run 3 times a week. Just over 5 miles a time. Recently been getting a tingling in my right leg outside on calf when I happen to touch or knock inside of my leg just below knee. No pain any other time so to speak of just a general numbness feeling at times.I have decent running shoes - just wondered if anyone else had similar symptoms as worried could be running related.

Don't want to give up or cut back on the running as lost three stone since I started 14 months ago and enjoying it. Doing 5.25miles in 38 mins and when I do my 9 mile circuit in 1hour 17mins roughly so fairly pleased with my pace and hope to do more events this year - 10k and the like

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Went out for a 10km run from Burntisland to Kirkcaldy (pretty much train station to train station) this morning. Time wasn't exactly blistering (51 mins) but given how hilly that run was and the time of the morning - my body still doesn't like going out early and was sore at the end - but it wasn't too bad.

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