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P&b Running Club

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Out at 6am this morning for another 5k up the hills. Hoped I would be out while it was still relatively cool, which in fairness it was, but the temperature was still around 23c. Just over 29 minutes. An improvement on the last early morning hill run, but still 4-5 minutes off what I was doing for the same route before the hot weather kicked in.

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Was on course for a sub-45 minute 10k when I accidentally hit "stop" on my phone at 7.75k somehow. Was so annoyed I terminated the run right there - had no way of knowing the exact time I started at, I was cutting it a bit fine.


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Yikes. Been doing too much in this heat and humidity this week and I'm utterly knackered. Had various runs the last few days and hit parkrun this morning and totally crashed at it. Worst.time.ever. I really cant handle heat at all. I find my performance really struggles in heat big time. how is everyone else?

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I'm a bit bored of the half marathon training now. I'd built up a reasonable level of stamina (not world beating but felt pretty comfortable at everything up to 10k) before I started the BUPA programme, so it feels odd to scale it back a bit.

In saying that, dying to go for a run in this pishing rain for some masochistic reason...

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Managed a flat 5k in 26 minutes this morning, happy with that given it was around about 28c at the time. From experience that would have been around 23 minutes at a normal temperature.

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A fourth straight course pb at Parkrun on Saturday (Pollok, Tollcross x 2 and Pollok again). My pbs are now 19' 25" at Tollcross and 18' 49" at Pollok. Doing a normal 10k and two 5.5k hilly runs a week as part of my training now and it seems to be paying dividends.

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Surpassed the 100K mark just since the start of the summer. Last weigh-in had me lost 6lb, hoping another pound or two off at weigh-in tomorrow.

Nowhere near as fast as I was a couple of years ago. Would be delighted with a sub-50 10K before the end of the year, though.

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Nobody been running lately?

The weather here in Arbroath is a lot cooler now with a good breeze which certainly makes for a far more comfortable run than it has been lately.Managed an 8 miler this morning for the first time for 2 months,done it in under 57 mins so happy with that,almost back to full fitness.

The heat does take it toll on you though done 4 miles on Thursday evening when it was roasting and it nearly destroyed me

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9 weeks today till the GSR.

Shat myself a bit, until I looked back and this time last year I was doing even less miles a week than I am just now. Need to get my ass in gear for the next 8 weeks though.

Just signed up for the 10k there myself. I'm quite excited as never done this one before. Ran for about an hour this morning so just need to keep at it. The boy starts school on the 16th so I'll have more time during the week for training as well.

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Still been a bit on the hot side for my liking. Out on Saturday morning at around 10am and it was already 25c. Managed 5k in just over 25 minutes, but it was much more work than I'd like. Expecting it to cool down a little over the next few days, so I'll hopefully get out and put in a few longer distance runs.

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Another course pb on Saturday at Tollcross. Just by 3 seconds this time though (19.22).

Did my weekly early morning 10k at 6.15am and smashed my previous best with a time of 40 mins 15 secs - around 20 seconds quicker than my previous best on that course. Really looking forward to upcoming Paisley 10k and Bella 10k as I think I am going to destroy my previous race pb of 39.23 (as I am over a minute quicker in training than I was at the time I set that).

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Another course pb on Saturday at Tollcross. Just by 3 seconds this time though (19.22).

Did my weekly early morning 10k at 6.15am and smashed my previous best with a time of 40 mins 15 secs - around 20 seconds quicker than my previous best on that course. Really looking forward to upcoming Paisley 10k and Bella 10k as I think I am going to destroy my previous race pb of 39.23 (as I am over a minute quicker in training than I was at the time I set that).

It's brilliant when you think you can pb every time you run isn't it?

Unfortunately I'm no where near pb shape as I've still got a few aches and pains that are limiting the frequency and distances I'm running.

I'm slowly getting some fitness back and have reduced my 5k times at a variety of parkruns, (Tollcross, Bury St.Edmonds & Eglinton) from 25 minutes at the start of July down to 20.48 on Saturday. I'm going to have an attempt at sub 20 this Saturday.

I've not entered any races yet as I don't want to put any pressure on myself until I feel niggle free.

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Finally think that I'm at the stage where, if I was to properly gun it, I could do 5K in about 24 minutes.

Fairly happy with how my running's went over the summer holidays. Feeling fitter, lost a bit of weight, and looking better as well.

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It's brilliant when you think you can pb every time you run isn't it?


Unfortunately I'm no where near pb shape as I've still got a few aches and pains that are limiting the frequency and distances I'm running.


I'm slowly getting some fitness back and have reduced my 5k times at a variety of parkruns, (Tollcross, Bury St.Edmonds & Eglinton) from 25 minutes at the start of July down to 20.48 on Saturday. I'm going to have an attempt at sub 20 this Saturday.


I've not entered any races yet as I don't want to put any pressure on myself until I feel niggle free. 

Yeah it sure is mate. Think my enforced six month break through injury was a good thing in hindsight as it gave my legs a bit of a rest after a few years of flat out training. Sometimes an injury can be a good thing in the long run - I have also learned the perils of overtraining and am watching what I do now far more as a result.

That is very impressive improvement in times over a month mate - congrats on that.

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Im not a runner but my 9 yearold daughters took up running for various charities since her grandad died, shes going to run her 3rd 5k in september for MND Scotland. She would really appreciate any support messages or donations. It would be great if anyone could viewand share her story with fellow runners. https://www.justgiving.com/ZaynahGalbraith/


Sent from my ST23i using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Yeah it sure is mate. Think my enforced six month break through injury was a good thing in hindsight as it gave my legs a bit of a rest after a few years of flat out training. Sometimes an injury can be a good thing in the long run - I have also learned the perils of overtraining and am watching what I do now far more as a result.

That is very impressive improvement in times over a month mate - congrats on that.

Yeah, I was definitely overtraining from December through to March (when parts of me started to break). I ended up being unable to run for the best part of 2 months and even now I'm running a lot less (I'm doing a bit more cross training).

My 5k pb is 18.45 so I'm still a long way off that. I'm just trying to be patient and if I can stay injury free then I'm sure I'll get back in that shape fairly soon.

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Was out with the running club on Sunday for just over an 8 mile run around the Clyde valley some of the hills were ridiculous. Was way out my comfort zone and really struggled with last couple of hills. Still really enjoyed it though! There a good bunch and the extra motivation when you are out with other folk is great.

Out with them again tomorrow night for more hill reps!

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