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Paisley 10K pack arrived today. Just as a cold kicks in. Meh. Went out tonight anyway and it wasnt so bad, so hopefully I'll shake it off before sunday.

Got mine last week. Typically I picked up a slight strain at the gym on Wednesday, so resting my legs until Sunday and just doing upper body stuff today.

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Just back into my running after 5 months with Illness.

In reverse order -

Today I've done 10 miles in 1 hour 20 mins.

Yesterday did the parkrun in 22 mins 20 secs

Thursday did 5 x 400m uphill and 400m downhill

Tuesday did 8 x 400m efforts

Sunday did 3 x 3 miles @ 8 min/mile pace with 5 mins rest between efforts

Thursday 2 x 1,2,3,2,1 lap efforts with 2mins between laps and 5 mins between efforts

Tuesday did 8 x 100m with 2 mins rest and 1 x 200m

Sunday 3 x 2 mile efforts (about 14.45mins-15.30 with 5 mins rest.

Saturday - Parkrun in 23 mins 05 secs

Got 1k race on Tuesday and 35 mins fartlek on Thursday.

Got a place in the GNR in 3 weeks.

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I start off by admitting to having a cold, an eye infection and hating hot and sunny weather...so lets just say my experience at the Paisley 10k wasnt a good one and I was uber grumpy.

Under normal circumstances I might have enjoyed it but the above plus lots of wee organisational niggles on the day made it rubbish. It was a pretty poorly organised event IMO. Anyone else think so or an I just a crabbit auld git?

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I start off by admitting to having a cold, an eye infection and hating hot and sunny weather...so lets just say my experience at the Paisley 10k wasnt a good one and I was uber grumpy.

Under normal circumstances I might have enjoyed it but the above plus lots of wee organisational niggles on the day made it rubbish. It was a pretty poorly organised event IMO. Anyone else think so or an I just a crabbit auld git?

Could you be both? ;)

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Gonna give the local duathlon a by on account of just not having enough time to do myself justice, but quite fancy doing the Luzern Half Marathon at the end of October. Gives me plenty of time to get a bit of distance in beforehand, and the route takes in some fantastic scenery. Just need to hope the weather is an improvement on last year's tropical storm.

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I start off by admitting to having a cold, an eye infection and hating hot and sunny weather...so lets just say my experience at the Paisley 10k wasnt a good one and I was uber grumpy.


Under normal circumstances I might have enjoyed it but the above plus lots of wee organisational niggles on the day made it rubbish. It was a pretty poorly organised event IMO. Anyone else think so or an I just a crabbit auld git?

It was really poorly organised this year - much worse than when I last did it 2 years ago. Still was a minor complaint from me only as I beat my pb by nearly a minute - 38' 28".

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I'm looking for a bit of advice on how to improve my pace of running, I can do up to 12 miles, probably further, on the road pretty comfortably at around 10 mins a mile although if I was only doing 5 miles it would still be 10 mins a mile pace. I have only been running since i started training for tough mudder about three and a half months ago. I'm quite pleased with my progress so far as I'm built more for sprints than distance and have always hated running until recently, now I have the bug I want to get faster. Any tips on how to do this or good websites to visit?

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I'd say you need to vary your training, do some intervals, tempo runs, hill reps etc. basically mix up your sessions. Leave your long runs to the weekend and keep them slow, but do speed and strength sessions during the week with shorter distances.

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As for me, I'm slowly but surely getting there. Did 4.5 miles at the weekend and another 3.8 miles last night and planning some hill reps incorporated into a 3 miler tomorrow evening if I get the chance to go out. I think, considering I have a 6 month old baby, I'm not doing too badly. The most difficult thing is actually getting out there as husband works long hours. Wasn't so bad a couple of months ago, but it's getting dark earlier and I'm having to be more clever with my routes as I can't really go on country roads in the dark. Last couple of runs have meant driving to the town and running there before driving back, which sucks. Going to up it to 5 miles at the weekend and have my eye on doing a 10k in October... We'll see. I'm much slower than I was, but I'm getting faster all the time so hopefully some smarter training will help. Should take my own advice in the last two posts, really.

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