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Well I can safely say that was brilliant, sore nips and groin notwithstanding (but you don't need to hear about that!).

Brilliant to see so many people turned out to cheer on the runners. Happy with my time of 1 hour 51 minutes, might have been faster had I not high-fived every kid with their hand outstretched at the side of the road.

Funniest moment was probably the loudspeaker belting out Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" at the half way point.

Well done everyone who was running, volunteering or cheering folk on!

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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My run went better than I expected. Have been suffering with my right foot for the last few weeks, especially on longer runs, so was delighted to finish in 1 hour 24 minutes 24 seconds (1' 24" 12s according to my watch). Massive new pb and right on 4 mins per km which was my proper target.

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Well done guys! Sounds a good atmosphere Cardinal. I managed to run to three different sections to cheer on a few people, but they were quieter spots for spectators. I also appear on TV twice! :)

BishyTON; did you have a red t-shirt with white vest over it? If so, I saw you near Ibrox, probably about a minute ahead of my mate who got 1:25:20. Ridiculous time, congrats.

Inspiring to watch, and it really is frigthening the speed the elites go at, I was running 'alongside' Mike Shelley for a short spell as he exited Pollok Park and he was out of sight pretty quickly, to be fair I did run a marathon a week ago so I'm still recovering. :rolleyes:

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1:46:12 for me at the gsr 1/2 today. Had originally targeted 1:45 but following a summer of stags weddings and generally too much boozing I would have settled for anything under 2 hours this morning. So I'm pretty happy. Well done to everyone else that took part!

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Well done guys! Sounds a good atmosphere Cardinal. I managed to run to three different sections to cheer on a few people, but they were quieter spots for spectators. I also appear on TV twice! :)

BishyTON; did you have a red t-shirt with white vest over it? If so, I saw you near Ibrox, probably about a minute ahead of my mate who got 1:25:20. Ridiculous time, congrats.

Inspiring to watch, and it really is frigthening the speed the elites go at, I was running 'alongside' Mike Shelley for a short spell as he exited Pollok Park and he was out of sight pretty quickly, to be fair I did run a marathon a week ago so I'm still recovering. :rolleyes:

Yeah that was me mate. Cheers.

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Cheers Boghead!

And good luck to Garrowhill Clyde who's doing the Kirkintilloch half today n aw! Looks like we've got a decent day for it ... dry and not windy.

Cheers Dude. It went well today. Conditions really couldnt have been better. knocked almost 6 mins of my half marathon PB, well happy given its a fairly hilly route - including stopping 50m before the end to let my running buddy catch up. (OK it was only 5 seconds!) :)

Jedburgh next on the 26th.

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