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14 miles for me yesterday, which is the longest run I've ever done. Felt ok other than the last couple which is probably more to do with runs, football and 2 rounds of golf in the days before!

Still, did it in 1 hour 51 which is a good comfortable training pace.

Edited by true_rover
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Did the Glenmoray 10k in a disappointing 54:57 - delighted to get sub 55, but gutted to miss a PB by 18 seconds. Tough course though and had a headwind for 4 miles. Was horrible. Baxter's should see a big improvement in that time - I should really be getting close to 52:00 with the way I've been training.

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Some great running again here. Unlucky Reina, seems the conditions conspired against you!

Dunfermline parkrun on Saturday for me. It's a great location & a challenging course; probably only Camperdown of the 10 I've tried is tougher. Slightly annoyed to've clocked 20:00!

Hope it starts coming together for you, Thundermonkey. Still a wee bit of time to sort yourself out.

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On the shin pain stuff, usually you can sort it by getting the right trainers for your feet and running style. It can be a bit expensive, but it is worth going to a running shop and seeing what type suits you best.

20:00 for Dunferline parkrun is pretty decent, I was well outside that the day I ran it. The hills there are painful but great for training - the running group I've been going with has done some sessions of mile repeats round there in the last few weeks and they're the best training sessions I've ever done.

Wee bit unluky there Reina, but if you can get close to PB on a day when conditions are hard, you know you're in decent shape and must be capable of beating it on a better day.

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Absolutely Socks, I'm quite confident of a good run in Inverness on the 27th. I did an interval session tonight - was supposed to be 7 miles, I did alternate miles of slow (10:24min/mile-ish) and fast (8:20min/mile) then tagged an extra mile (10:00min/mile) onto the end. Felt very comfortable. 8 miles in the bag on a midweek speed session is very pleasing indeed.

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Socks, that hill would be great for training. Not that I'd enjoy it at the time, obviously!

Reina, sounds like you're in great shape.

Newcastle parkrun this morning, day before I meet Mo at the start line of GNR...or perhaps not. It's pissing it down. Still, a flat run and sub 20, hurrah. I'm not stuffing myself with cake and warming up with coffee. Tomorrow'll be a breeze.

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Nice running morrison, enjoy tomorrow and make sure to smile for the tv!

Fought lack of motivation to do sub 20 at Edinburgh this morning, partly down to someone overtaking me with 500m to go - wasn't having that!

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Phew, was that hot! Grateful for the mist machines and the couple of hoses out on the course today, that was needed. As were the jelly babies I scoffed thanks to quite a few generous souls out there.

The support was phenominal, people on both sides of the road pretty much the whole length of the course, and plenty of noise in places. Never seen anything like it for a half before, it really will take some beating. My hand took a bit of a battering with all the high fiving!

The race itself I knew to be undulating but I didn't expect it to the level it was. I'd decided with Berlin in a fortnight I wouldn't race today; instead 10 miles at MP (7:44 miling)with 3 faster miles at 4, 8 & to finish. They were 6:50 (uphill and unpleasant), 6:40 going downhill and a finish I'm not sure of but my watch has 5:25 pace for the final 200m, so it can't be too bad! Finished around 1:37:20.

Organisation was spot on. Found the buses for the baggage drop a bit odd - masses of folk piling up a double decker to drop off theirs, and no real checks on place to make sure folk aren't rummaging around up there before emerging triumphantly, but that's nit-picking. Got back on a bus almost immediately. Great day, can really see the appeal now.

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^^ good running Morrison. Wish I'd been in that good a nick by the time I'd got to the last 200m!

Start line atmosphere - incredible, ditto going over the bridge. Unforgettable scene.

Was running really well for 7 miles and the magical, elusive sub-2hrs looked do-ablee, but by then I'd began to burn myself out dodging traffic and at the 10 mile point where I should have been accelerating, I hit the wall. That mile (uphill and visible in full) is cruel, ditto the last stretch towards the finish, not even the (fantastic) support could keep me from having to walk some of it, bah. Clocked 2:11, but happy with how I approached it as if I want to bring that time down in future I'm going to have to risk attacking the distance rather than try and 'tortoise' it.


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Well done folks, decent going there on what looked a pretty warm day. I always find 'hot' to be the hardest of the difficult weather conditions, so those are both good efforts, especially if you haven't done too much running in warm conditions recently. I watched a bit of the TV coverage and it was an impressive sight, though I think I might have got a bit irritated at the huge number of runners and what was presumably constant weaving right the way round.

Good stuff Co Down as well, sounds like you've had good preparation for this one. One wee thing I'd say is that although a couple of short, easy runs this week sounds fine, I'd probably want to do the last one on Thursday rather than Wednesday if possible, just so as not to have the legs doing nothing for too long. Either that, or stic with Mon/Wed but try to do a very easy couple of miles on Saturday as well, just to keep the legs moving. Also don't worry if you feel sluggish on what should be easy runs - it's not like that for everyone, but has been for me every time I've tapered for a half or a marathon.

I did my last pretty long run before Loch Ness today - first time in a good while I've felt rotten from the start and couldn't be arsed pretty much from the off. Again, I put it down to the taper - I managed my 15 miles, but felt sluggish and bored throughout. There just seems to be a mental thing where after doing the longest run last week, you subconciouisly feel that everything's done, meaning every run, no matter how easy or hard, feels a real effort.

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Phew, was that hot! Grateful for the mist machines and the couple of hoses out on the course today, that was needed. As were the jelly babies I scoffed thanks to quite a few generous souls out there.

The support was phenominal, people on both sides of the road pretty much the whole length of the course, and plenty of noise in places. Never seen anything like it for a half before, it really will take some beating. My hand took a bit of a battering with all the high fiving!

The race itself I knew to be undulating but I didn't expect it to the level it was. I'd decided with Berlin in a fortnight I wouldn't race today; instead 10 miles at MP (7:44 miling)with 3 faster miles at 4, 8 & to finish. They were 6:50 (uphill and unpleasant), 6:40 going downhill and a finish I'm not sure of but my watch has 5:25 pace for the final 200m, so it can't be too bad! Finished around 1:37:20.

Organisation was spot on. Found the buses for the baggage drop a bit odd - masses of folk piling up a double decker to drop off theirs, and no real checks on place to make sure folk aren't rummaging around up there before emerging triumphantly, but that's nit-picking. Got back on a bus almost immediately. Great day, can really see the appeal now.

^^ good running Morrison. Wish I'd been in that good a nick by the time I'd got to the last 200m!

Start line atmosphere - incredible, ditto going over the bridge. Unforgettable scene.

Was running really well for 7 miles and the magical, elusive sub-2hrs looked do-ablee, but by then I'd began to burn myself out dodging traffic and at the 10 mile point where I should have been accelerating, I hit the wall. That mile (uphill and visible in full) is cruel, ditto the last stretch towards the finish, not even the (fantastic) support could keep me from having to walk some of it, bah. Clocked 2:11, but happy with how I approached it as if I want to bring that time down in future I'm going to have to risk attacking the distance rather than try and 'tortoise' it.


Good work everyone!!

I learned some serious lessons from 2014 and kept plenty in tank for miles 8-12 this year. Aimed to start off steady and managed to reign it in.

It was weird this year as right hand side of dual carriageway at mile 3-5 was empty so it was great running and not dodging in and out. Set myself 3 mile markers and kept telling myself that 4x3 miles and I was nearly there. It worked well psychologically as didn't feel like you were running that far.

Last year my legs went at mile 8 but this year I felt great,. I had no idea what my time was until I got to finish as had my Garmin set to show pace only, was surprised and delighted to clock 1hour 33m 48 s a new PB. Also just found out I was first for TD15 (Berwick) postcode.

As I said really enjoyed it this year after hating it last year. Roll on 2016!

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Doing the half marathon at the start of October. From previous experience, the biggest pain I experienced was from my inner thighs chafing.

What's the best way to counteract this? Vaseline or cycling shorts? What's the pros and cons for either?

I always use Lanacane anti-chafing gel on inner thighs, under arms and toes. And micropore is great for the nips and is very cheap.

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Good stuff Co Down as well, sounds like you've had good preparation for this one. One wee thing I'd say is that although a couple of short, easy runs this week sounds fine, I'd probably want to do the last one on Thursday rather than Wednesday if possible, just so as not to have the legs doing nothing for too long. Either that, or stic with Mon/Wed but try to do a very easy couple of miles on Saturday as well, just to keep the legs moving. Also don't worry if you feel sluggish on what should be easy runs - it's not like that for everyone, but has been for me every time I've tapered for a half or a marathon.

Just back from a wee 4 mile jog, just 10 min miles and nice and flat. probably go out on Friday for a 3 miles same pace . I felt fine but see what you mean about being sluggish, not easy going at jogging pace now,although maye that's a sign of improvement I suppose. :)

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Belfast HM tomorrow morning so off to bed , looking forward to it, everything prepared just got to decide on wether to listen to a Kermode podcast or a thrash metal mix....both are around the 1:50 mark which is my target . Got some sound advice from a seasoned runner at the parkrun this morning....pint of water as soon as I get up and shit early.. :lol:

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Belfast HM tomorrow morning so off to bed , looking forward to it, everything prepared just got to decide on wether to listen to a Kermode podcast or a thrash metal mix....both are around the 1:50 mark which is my target . Got some sound advice from a seasoned runner at the parkrun this morning....pint of water as soon as I get up and shit early.. :lol:

What I call the nervous shit! Good luck! :lol::thumsup2

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