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Been a bit busy to report!

10/7/ - Did a 70m/135m/200m/135m/70m pyramid uphill. managed 3 sets of that with 3 mins rest in-between sets.

12/7 - Did a 100/200/400/800/400/200/100 session on the flat.

17/7 - 1 mile race. I ran 6:01. I was in the fast race and finished 12 out of 13. Just happy to be in that race tbh.

18/7 - 5k race in a time of 20mins 24 secs. Took a massive 57 secs of my 5k PB.

19/7 - 3 x 1k efforts with 4mins rest in-between. I ran between 3mins 35 and 3min 40 for each 1k. Finished off with a game of tag pursuit.

I'm running the 2.5mils to work and back on Sat, Try to get a 6 mile slow run in on sunday, 2-3 x 10 min tempo run on tuesday, 400m hurdles and 2000m steeplechase on Wednesday, then finishing the week off with 5 x 1k efforts.

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Moved to Switzerland a week ago today, but managed to get out a few times already since arriving. Bit of a struggle with the heat as it's much warmer than I'm used to, despite going out fairly early in the day. Only covering 4k at the moment, although that does include a fairly sharp 80 meter climb at a gradient of around 25%, which is fun... The way back down isn't too bad, as there's a fairly slow descent down another route, which is probably a wee bit better for my knees and ankles. Averaging around 25 minutes on it so far, will work on that for a while and get used to the heat before doing anything too ambitious.

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Pretty much back to full fitness after diamonds2002 video on Itb,to be honest i'd never heard of a foam roller,other than for painting walls,but i bought one and it definitely works,so thanks for that bit of advice.Only run in a couple of 10ks this year so far the last one was at monikie in may so i'm itching for another one,but Forfar 10k is next up but thats still a month away,looking forward to it.

Edited by keptie
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Pretty much back to full fitness after diamonds2002 video on Itb,to be honest i'd never heard of a foam roller,other than for painting walls,but i bought one and it definitely works,so thanks for that bit of advice.Only run in a couple of 10ks this year so far the last one was at monikie in may so i'm itching for another one,but Forfar 10k is next up but thats still a month away,looking forward to it.

Hopefully Forfar isn't so damn windy...

Edited by Disco Duck
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Pretty much back to full fitness after diamonds2002 video on Itb,to be honest i'd never heard of a foam roller,other than for painting walls,but i bought one and it definitely works,so thanks for that bit of advice.Only run in a couple of 10ks this year so far the last one was at monikie in may so i'm itching for another one,but Forfar 10k is next up but thats still a month away,looking forward to it.

Glad it helped. I know how much it hurts and I had a ridiculous limp to go with it!

Been busy with work so missed a good chunk of training ahead of the Glasgow Half Marathon. Will get round no problem but my target time is shot!

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Been running for a while now, but I'm still getting that feeling where I'm absolutely blootered and my brain is just telling me I can't go on any further, even though I know I'm capable of running a lot funner than the distance its taken for me to feel that way. Are you meant to just push yourself through this sort of thing? I always try but I'm not sure if I'm going to end up injuring myself in the long term.

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Been running for a while now, but I'm still getting that feeling where I'm absolutely blootered and my brain is just telling me I can't go on any further, even though I know I'm capable of running a lot funner than the distance its taken for me to feel that way. Are you meant to just push yourself through this sort of thing? I always try but I'm not sure if I'm going to end up injuring myself in the long term.

Are you ever in pain anywhere or just feeling gubbed?

I push through feeling gubbed and find a second wind whenever I'm out on a longer run.

Edited by Thundermonkey
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Are you ever in pain anywhere or just feeling gubbed?

I push through feeling gubbed and find a second wind whenever I'm out on a longer run.

This or you might need a drink. If you get dehydrated it make you feel like this

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Now covering about 4.5k a go, including that 800m climb, and managing to cover it in around 25:30. Not used to running so early in the morning, but it's either that or run in 30 degree heat which I fancy even less. Lost my beer belly in less than a fortnight since arriving. The change in my diet might be helping that too mind you!

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Now covering about 4.5k a go, including that 800m climb, and managing to cover it in around 25:30. Not used to running so early in the morning, but it's either that or run in 30 degree heat which I fancy even less. Lost my beer belly in less than a fortnight since arriving. The change in my diet might be helping that too mind you!

Good effort!

Just did a two hour slow slog, just under 20k. I think my chances of doing the Glasgow HM in under 2 hours are slipping away, particularly given I'm on holiday for a fortnight from Friday and am unlikely to run in Spain.

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Anyone using the nike+ sensor on a pair on non-nike+ trainers?

I fancy trying it out to offer some motivation in setting goals/tracking runs,but i'm not sure what calibration issues i'd face using it strapped onto the laces of my asics.

Do you calibrate the sensor with every run, or just calibrate it prior to first use and then you're good to go?

As a complete novice I'm not looking at shelling out on nike+ trainers or a garmin GPS watch.

Cheers for any help!

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Eek, was out for 3 and a bit months with really bad ligament damage on my foot and I just started last week, could barely run two miles before I had to stop, didn't even bother timing it.

So done two of those runs and then done my football training session on Thursday and went out for my first time run today, 3 miles in 23 minutes, much slower than what I know I can do, but atm I'm just happy I reached the 3 milesdry.gif

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Eek, was out for 3 and a bit months with really bad ligament damage on my foot and I just started last week, could barely run two miles before I had to stop, didn't even bother timing it.

So done two of those runs and then done my football training session on Thursday and went out for my first time run today, 3 miles in 23 minutes, much slower than what I know I can do, but atm I'm just happy I reached the 3 milesdry.gif

It's all relative Grant, I'd be delighted with any run where I averaged under 8 minute miles!

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Anyone using the nike+ sensor on a pair on non-nike+ trainers?

I fancy trying it out to offer some motivation in setting goals/tracking runs,but i'm not sure what calibration issues i'd face using it strapped onto the laces of my asics.

Do you calibrate the sensor with every run, or just calibrate it prior to first use and then you're good to go?

As a complete novice I'm not looking at shelling out on nike+ trainers or a garmin GPS watch.

Cheers for any help!

Just calibrate it the first time (in fact you probably shouldnt need to calibrate it all). It isnt as accurate as a GPS but it is great fro giving you feedback and given you the a reasonable accurate indication of your time and distance. Dont calibrate it on a treadmill as this will throw out the measurements.

You dont need the trainers either just get one of these pouches


I found the Nike plus a great motivator and used it for the 4 years up til Christmas when I got my Garmin.

Good Luck

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The only thing I would say about those pouches is that you have to make sure they're secured as tightly as possible. The Nike+ is a great thing, but it's little more than a glorified pedometer. If your pouch isn't secured tightly then the transmitter will bounce all over the place and give you inaccurate feedback, that's the only problem with it.

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Anyone using the nike+ sensor on a pair on non-nike+ trainers?

I fancy trying it out to offer some motivation in setting goals/tracking runs,but i'm not sure what calibration issues i'd face using it strapped onto the laces of my asics.

Do you calibrate the sensor with every run, or just calibrate it prior to first use and then you're good to go?

As a complete novice I'm not looking at shelling out on nike+ trainers or a garmin GPS watch.

Cheers for any help!

Are you near any Nike Factory Outlets? I picked up my last pair of Nike+ trainers for £35. They are fairly basic but have gotten me through a full marathon and a half marathon (they are gubbed now).

As has been said, it's a great motivational tool.

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Up until last week I was really getitng back into running, doing 4-5K three times a week and building up what was (for me anyway) half decent pace. Unfortunately i've dislocated my ankle playing fives. Has anyone else here done the same thing, and if so:

- How long before you could run again?

- Does it still bother you when running?

I've been told 6-8 weeks in a cast, then a few weeks of physio, but not sure of anything else really, and advice/experience/info would be appreciated.

I'm absolutely gutted as i've spent the last 6 months getting to a good level of fitness and now the whole lot will probably be undone by having to sit about for 2-3 months unable to do f**k all.

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Up until last week I was really getitng back into running, doing 4-5K three times a week and building up what was (for me anyway) half decent pace. Unfortunately i've dislocated my ankle playing fives. Has anyone else here done the same thing, and if so:

- How long before you could run again?

- Does it still bother you when running?

I've been told 6-8 weeks in a cast, then a few weeks of physio, but not sure of anything else really, and advice/experience/info would be appreciated.

I'm absolutely gutted as i've spent the last 6 months getting to a good level of fitness and now the whole lot will probably be undone by having to sit about for 2-3 months unable to do f**k all.

Sorry to hear that. If you've got physio, then at least you'll have an expert that will be able to tell the right time to get back into it. I'd certainly recommend swimming before you fully get back into it. You'll be able to build up a bit of anaerobic fitness at least by the time your ankle is fully healed up.

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