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Does anyone have any decent gym/run plans to follow??

Need to get back into the gym more as I'm constantly running.

Any help would be great.

Cardio weights, core work and cardio is the basis of my gym work. Here is a sample circa 40 mins workout that I do and is easily adaptable. It is all about constantly moving to keep your heart rate up. :-

10 mins treadmill - varying speeds between race pace and sprinting

30 seated bench - 39kg

40 bicycles (with 3 second hold) - killer!

40 momentum situps

30 two armed bicep curls (10kg each arm)

20 side bicep curls (10kg each arm)

30 free weight shoulder press (9kg each arm)

15 crucifixes (5kg each arm)

70 bench press (20kg bar)

20 leg elevations (sorta like situps, but with your legs being elevated to 90 degrees and then dropped to just above ground)

2 mins rope pull

300m rower challenge

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You'll be stone dead last in your next race if you don't.

Threats are one way to get motivated!

I've not been running in over a month, and have the marathon mountain looming next year. But my knee is shagged, apparently cos of my flat feet. Still, once I get my specialist running shoes, there'll be no stopping me.

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I've not been out since my half marathon at the beginning of October. Really need to get my arse in gear. Had to give my foot a bit of rest as it was killing me for a few weeks after the race, had a few weeks of long shifts due to covering for other folk who were off on holiday and off ill, and have spent the last fortnight loaded with a cold, which is only just clearing. Off on Holiday on Saturday for 2 weeks. Will get stuck in when I get back, but it'll mean having to finally conquer my hatred of the treadmill.

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