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What exercise can I do while injured? Think I'm going to have to back off for a bit as I keep getting what might be shin splints every few runs and I've started getting a pain in my bum which is similar to what happened in the summer just before I pulled something properly and was fecked for a month.

With the time of year I'm concerned I'm going to pile on weight if I'm not running - will I be OK on a rowing machine or exercise bike or is there something better? Don't mind walking but it's not really the weather for that!

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That Linwood story is bizarre. Seems one dude took it upon himself to kick up a fuss on behalf of a boy he knew. He's not taken much care over how he worded his request. Some very harsh comments in the thread.

Would be nice to see 'assisted' records acknowledged in some way or you risk excluding or alienating folk. Bit of a shame, really.

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That Linwood story is bizarre. Seems one dude took it upon himself to kick up a fuss on behalf of a boy he knew. He's not taken much care over how he worded his request. Some very harsh comments in the thread.

Would be nice to see 'assisted' records acknowledged in some way or you risk excluding or alienating folk. Bit of a shame, really.

Yeah Eglinton have assisted and normal records. You can't count it as a course record as it is not fair on everyone else, but it should be recognised in some way.
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I wouldn't say results are irrelevant. Times are published so there's nothing wrong with racing it, and going for a decent time, if you want to. My 5k PB is a parkrun time. The dog thing is quite amusing, but it does seem right that it's not recognised as a course record when it was obviously a significantly assisted time.

As an aside, I was marshalling at parkrun a couple of weeks ago, and one of our runners came over and said she was lost, claiming to already have done two full laps, but was quite happy to do a third (unnecessary) lap. Actually, she just didn't want to do the extra bit on the second lap, and it was quite obvious she hadn't been round twice given the pace she jogged off at. Not a big deal I guess, but why would you do that?

Stu, the usual recovery exercises of cycling and swimming should be fine. And if you go swimming at 7.30am as I do, you can be guaranteed endless chat with all the pensioners you'll be sharing the pool with, whether you want it or not!

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Lovely hilly 10k in the woods today. No knee pain. Off road seems to be the way forward.

Sounds like a plan! My knee was giving me a lot of jip on the club hill session tonight. Only on the downhills, ended up enjoying the climbs more than the descents!!
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16 hours ago, tigerton said:


Sounds like a plan! My knee was giving me a lot of jip on the club hill session tonight. Only on the downhills, ended up enjoying the climbs more than the descents!!


Is it giving you jip going downstairs too?

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That Linwood story is bizarre. Seems one dude took it upon himself to kick up a fuss on behalf of a boy he knew. He's not taken much care over how he worded his request. Some very harsh comments in the thread.

Aye it's a weird one. Some folk take life too seriously. Yes the dog acts almost as a pace maker but they still need to be able to have run at that speed. Its no different to when I've run with my young son and guided him round to a PB. Though its more likely he'd hare past me these days...
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Aye it's a weird one. Some folk take life too seriously. Yes the dog acts almost as a pace maker but they still need to be able to have run at that speed. Its no different to when I've run with my young son and guided him round to a PB. Though its more likely he'd hare past me these days...

It is a bit more than just pace making. It can make a massive difference in time terms. Could be as much as 10%+ faster, which is a massive edge.
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11 hours ago, tigerton said:


Yep, had it before and physio blamed tight hamstrings. A lot of stretchig and squats cured it then so that's the plan.


Was going to say it sounded like your IT band (tendon in thigh).  The best thing for me was the foam roller exercises (excruciating but works) 

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Went for quite a long walk earlier and did a bit of jogging during it for 30 second spells to see how I was. My backside injury didn't seem too bad during it and is no worse now than before so going to give Linwood parkrun a try tomorrow. Will take it nice and gentle and it's a nice short run to test it on 9and I can even bail half way through if need be). Fingers crossed.

And don't worry, I don't have a dog :)

Cancelled due to the frost. Seemed a good idea...

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Getting pissed off with the frost in Dumfries. It's not that icy but there's a fair amount of white on the pavements even at the end of the day that isn't shifting.

Some mad folk have been running on it but don't know if I'm brave enough.

EDIT: Went for it this morning, no problems - in fact the slipper bits were where there wasn't any frost!

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Any one do the marcothon December challenge? 3 miles or 25 minutes each day in December. Started today and don't run very often so will see if I can stick it out.

31.08 for 5k.

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