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P&b Running Club

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Speed and stamina training at JogSotland last night.

Shuttle runs, fartlek and running backwards, which was good fun :)

How do you get involved in training sessions? I am interested in joining something like this to improve my times.

Got the stirling 10k on Sunday. Anybody else doing it. In two minds about running the park run on Sat as Im gunning for a pb on Sunday.

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I just can't really motivate myself to do anything over the past couple of weeks :(

Parkrun tomorrow morning so I'll see how that goes. Might need to have a look at the Harriers or something, I need something as a goal to keep me going.

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I just can't really motivate myself to do anything over the past couple of weeks :(

Parkrun tomorrow morning so I'll see how that goes. Might need to have a look at the Harriers or something, I need something as a goal to keep me going.

I'm the same I need something to keep me focused (especially as the weather ges worse). I am doing the Strathclyde Parkrun on Saturday in the middle of a 20 mile run. Just over 2 weeks to the Loch Ness Marathon and this will be my last run before the main event.

Getting a bit worried!

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What do you guys do for running in the winter time?

I started running reguarly about 18months ago and missed last winter due to being abroad and the time I got back to Scotland, it was March and I missed most of the bad snow/frost.

Plan for next year is to enter a few 10ks and hopefully a half marathon. I never got round to entering any this year through a mixture of lazyness and the two 10ks in my area, I had a baptism and a wedding to go to.

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What do you guys do for running in the winter time?

I started running reguarly about 18months ago and missed last winter due to being abroad and the time I got back to Scotland, it was March and I missed most of the bad snow/frost.

Plan for next year is to enter a few 10ks and hopefully a half marathon. I never got round to entering any this year through a mixture of lazyness and the two 10ks in my area, I had a baptism and a wedding to go to.

If it's just rainy / cold then I just man up* and get out there.

Icy or snowy, I use treadmills (even though I hate them), rather that than risk slipping and breaking my leg.

*Yes, I know I am having problems "manning up" right now.

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How do you get involved in training sessions? I am interested in joining something like this to improve my times.

Join a running club.

I actually started training with a group of guys at work (serious runners) and the interval sessions I did made the difference. ;)

I ran the paisley 10k in 2006 in late August in 43.30 and the Glasgow Half Marathon on Sept 2006 in 1.46. I then started training with this group at work.

By May 2007 I was able to run my first marathon (Edinburgh) in 3.17 and had a sub 40 min 10k and sub 1.30 half marathon.

By 2008 I'd ran the Paisley 10k in 35.15 and the Glasgow Half Marathon on 1.22. I attribute the massive improvement down to training with a group. ;)

Beware though - I fucked my knee by overtraining. :ph34r:

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What do you guys do for running in the winter time?

I ran in every condition - it didn't matter. In fact, I often trained twice a day.

I haven't ran since Jan 2009 due to injury but most of the guys I trained with ran right through the last 2 winters in all conditions. Where it was virtually impossible they went on the treadmill.

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I joined my Jog Scotland group a year ago and it has improved my running drastically. You'll be able to find a local group here but if Jog Scotland isn't your thing, you might be able to find an amateur athletics/road runners club or something in your area through Google.

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Cheers captain. I do try do incorperate a bit of interval training on the treadmill. But you tend not to push yourself as hard on your own. You were getting impressive times before the injury. Are you using the running time to do something else?

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I joined my Jog Scotland group a year ago and it has improved my running drastically. You'll be able to find a local group here but if Jog Scotland isn't your thing, you might be able to find an amateur athletics/road runners club or something in your area through Google.

I don't know much about jogscotland but if you want to get *serious* then a proper running club is the way to go - albeit I didn't traing with a running club other than 1 session with Bellahouston!

However, the group I trained with at work were similar to a running club. The guys I trained with were all sub 40 min 10ks with some at the 32/33 min level. Training with guys like that helps no end.

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Cheers captain. I do try do incorperate a bit of interval training on the treadmill. But you tend not to push yourself as hard on your own.

Your last point is key. ;)

Training with a group who run faster than you is the way to go.

You were getting impressive times before the injury. Are you using the running time to do something else?

I do some cycling (maybe 50 miles per week) and some weights. Enough to keep me fit and keep my weight down. I don't intend getting into cycling like I did with running. I've been there and done it and know what I was capable of and what might have been. A guy I beat in last half marathon (and who is older than me) ran 1.17 at the recent Glasgow Half - it does make me a bit jealous and a bit depressed - but, I was very skinny and my missus hated it. I no longer look like someone from a concentration camp. :ph34r:

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I just can't really motivate myself to do anything over the past couple of weeks :(

Parkrun tomorrow morning so I'll see how that goes. Might need to have a look at the Harriers or something, I need something as a goal to keep me going.

I'm the same, I've only run twice since the Glasgow 10k. I think it's a combo of having no events to work towards just now, and the fact that the weather's throwing a few reminders that it won't be long until you have to look out the long-sleeved tops and the shorts get dumped in favour of 'longs', plus the rain will soon be horizontal rather than vertical. That said, I was out last night and felt great, so maybe I can get the bug back fairly easily. Something going 'ping' at the front of my ankle though, and I had a wee bit of pain on uphills, and it's a dull ache this morning, but hopefully it's a short-term thing.

I don't know much about jogscotland but if you want to get *serious* then a proper running club is the way to go - albeit I didn't traing with a running club other than 1 session with Bellahouston!

However, the group I trained with at work were similar to a running club. The guys I trained with were all sub 40 min 10ks with some at the 32/33 min level. Training with guys like that helps no end.

I'd recommend starting with a JogScotland group, just until you (not specifically you CS) see whether training with others floats your boat. If it does, fine, graduate to an athletics club. If not, just go back to training on your own. I find I must be too anti-social athletically to train with others - if they're faster than me I get pissed off, if they're slower I just say "f*ck 'em" and run away from them.

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I'd recommend starting with a JogScotland group, just until you (not specifically you CS) see whether training with others floats your boat. If it does, fine, graduate to an athletics club. If not, just go back to training on your own.

Yes, agreed. That is what I was really trying to say. JogScotland is for beginners and is a good place to start. However, if you are already up and running (excuse the pun) then an amateur athletics club or running clubs is the way to go (or, as I did, find a group of serious runners who train regularly at lunchtimes during the week).

I find I must be too anti-social athletically to train with others - if they're faster than me I get pissed off, if they're slower I just say "f*ck 'em" and run away from them.

I'm anti-social as well. However, training with a group for intervals still suits. When you are doing intervals you ain't running along having a chat - you are putting in some serious effort. And there is no need to worry about faster runners. When the interval stops, everyone regroups during the recovery before starting again together.

Interval sessions are definitely the way to go to improve running times if that is what you want to do.

There are a whole variety of types of interval but my favourive was 6 x 6 minutes with a minute recovery in between. I'd try and do them at my 10k pace or faster (so aim to run at least a mile in each interval or more).

9 x 800 metres with a 90 sec recovery was also a favourite of mine. Run that a lot faster than 10k pace.

Do intervals every week, along with a long run, a faster than normal "tempo" run (eg, in my case around 12 miles at around marathon pace, so sub 7 min miles) plus your other normal runs - and you'll get a lot faster.

Be warned though - I ran 80 miles a week usually and I fucked my knee in! :ph34r:

I was just unlucky though - most guys I trained with are still running!

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went along to the strathclyde parkrun for the first time and got round in 36.07. I've been knocking on the door of getting sub 30 mins so a bit disappointed with that time. Now i know what to expect and the route etc. hopefully my time will be better next week.

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The Jog Scotland group I go to has all abilities from walk-jog to sub 3 hour marathon runners. But that's more likely to be because there isn't a 'proper' athletics club in the town - nearest one is about a half hour drive away. That's what you get for living in the sticks I suppose...

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It's not the cold weather that puts me off. I love going out if it's freezing or raining. Just when it gets frozen over I'm a bit worried about breaking my back on black ice.

Yep, that's the same with me.

28th in this morning's parkrun with a time of 23:56. Pretty disappointed as my PB (22:44) would have had me in the top 20 overall. Thought I was going to be sick at the end, was dry retching for about a minute. Just really not into it right now :(

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