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Not sure how you reckon we're humped for top spot? The most likely outcome is that Netherlands win but they'd have to go at nearly 13 an over to finish above us. Don't forget they need to make absolutely sure they win to get a playoff place. If they lose they finish fifth in the group.

Your calculations are pretty much correct but there is a further complication depending on how many Netherlands score. They need 98 to win so the minimum score they can get, should they win, is obviously 98. However, they could get as high as 103, in the unlikely event that they hit a six to win the match, with the scores level prior to that.

To summarise:

Kenya win: Kenya finish top

No result or tie: Scotland finish top

Netherlands win in 7.4 overs of fewer: Netherlands finish top

Netherlands win in 8.2 overs or more: Scotland finish top

Netherlands win in 7.5-8.1 overs: Netherlands or Scotland finish top depending on how many runs Netherlands score above the 98 target.

Because I fancy Netherlands to get these pretty comfortably, though if they lose a couple of early wickets they might just settle down and bat it out normally. They got to 64/0 off 4 overs yesterday so the openers can certainly give it some tap.

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Well, maybe. Hopefully they'll win without going too mad!

22 for 1 off 1.5 so far. Just behind the run rate required to finish top but expect them to up it if they have wickets in hand and are in a position where they know they'll win easily.

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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