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Private Eye


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I was a subscriber for years, and made a cracking charity shop find a couple of decades ago - almost complete collection from the late Seventies through 'til around the time that Thatch was on the way out. Sadly, my mum turfed the lot out while I was out of the country :(

My direct debit renewal failed one year, and I just never got around to sorting it out. Bizarre how you have something as part of your life for so long and just let it drift away. Been meaning to re-subscribe for years; maybe this Christmas would be a good time, as I've no doubt that the quality will be the same. The Eye never changes, and has made the newspapers look like lavvy paper for more than 50 years.

Anyone ever buy The Oldie? Been meaning to give it a go since Richard Ingrams started it, which is over twenty years now. I'll be part of the target demographic by the time I get around to it :lol:

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From the latest issue "and WC Fields lookalike Lord (George) Foulkes who once nosedived into a Westminster gutter after a whisky reception also staggered onto the Labour list"....


Wait, wait wait whit whoaaaa!!!!

Is this for real?

Foulkes on a list for Holyrood.

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The two publications I buy for long train journeys :lol:

My missus slaughters me every time I am home because I always pick up a copy of the Viz for the flight back. I'm too busy snorting my way back to Switzerland to care.

The Profanisaurus is an absolute gift from the gods.

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My missus slaughters me every time I am home because I always pick up a copy of the Viz for the flight back. I'm too busy snorting my way back to Switzerland to care.

The Profanisaurus is an absolute gift from the gods.

Do the sniffer dogs never catch you out at the airport?

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Do the sniffer dogs never catch you out at the airport?

They're usually too busy humping the leg off the poor b*****d that stands in front of me in passport control and winds up with a gram in their back pocket.

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Wait, wait wait whit whoaaaa!!!!

Is this for real?

Foulkes on a list for Holyrood.

No, old Fatty is on a list for a Euro junket at Strasbourg. Why should he sully himself having to do any work getting elected when he can sit on his gluteus maximus in the House of Lords.

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No, old Fatty is on a list for a Euro junket at Strasbourg. Why should he sully himself having to do any work getting elected when he can sit on his gluteus maximus in the House of Lords.

I know they are in a bad way, but couldn't possibly be that bad

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Have they ever printed a favourable book review?

I remember Bookworm slaughtering American Psycho, which would surely make him about as popular on P&B as our very own Bookworm (RIP).

I have bought it every fortnight for years now, it's always a good read. I was hoping they would have had a field day with the recent Cameron allegations, but they seem to have gone for Ashcroft instead.

Pigfucking would be a bit too easy for the Eye, other than the occasional flippant remark. I remember Hislop himself being a bit narked after that story broke, as everyone was talking about a daft unproven (and, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant) allegation rather than Ashcroft himself, or the record of Cameron's government.

ETA: £28 for 26 issues!

Fucking rip-off :angry:

It was a tenner when I started subscribing. Back in my day...

Sorry, forgot which thread I was on for a second :wacko:

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No, old Fatty is on a list for a Euro junket at Strasbourg. Why should he sully himself having to do any work getting elected when he can sit on his gluteus maximus in the House of Lords.

Isn't he still an MSP? He certainly was for a while after he left Westminster but possibly got the heave at the last election.

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Isn't he still an MSP? He certainly was for a while after he left Westminster but possibly got the heave at the last election.

Only between 2007 and 2011. List MSP for the Lothians. Don't know whether he retired or wasn't selected again.

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I have bought it every fortnight for years now, it's always a good read. I was hoping they would have had a field day with the recent Cameron allegations, but they seem to have gone for Ashcroft instead.

Possibly because Hislop was mentioned as a member of the same club. He claims he only visited once as a guest.

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I remember Bookworm slaughtering American Psycho, which would surely make him about as popular on P&B as our very own Bookworm (RIP).

Pigfucking would be a bit too easy for the Eye, other than the occasional flippant remark. I remember Hislop himself being a bit narked after that story broke, as everyone was talking about a daft unproven (and, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant) allegation rather than Ashcroft himself, or the record of Cameron's government.

Fucking rip-off :angry:

It was a tenner when I started subscribing. Back in my day...

Sorry, forgot which thread I was on for a second :wacko:

Used to be 2/- per issue, when I were a lad. (Probably I am also on the wrong thread, BFTD.)

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