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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Have we all retired our bikes for the last few days??

Aye, because I wasn't in the mood for getting my brakes seen to before work.

But I'll be heading to the shop tomorrow morning. Just trying to decide if I want to fight the sticking brake, or loosen it completely and hope I can get by on the front one :unsure:

And yes, I do feel rather embarrassed and not being able to fix my own brakes. But anything I've been told to try hasn't worked, so I'm going to defer to the shop mechanics' superior knowledge.

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Have we all retired our bikes for the last few days?? How is everyones training coming along for the Glasgow 100 & Pedal for Scotland,

I've just been going back n forth from work this week about 15 miles or so, Also done 20 odd going out to Kilmacolm where i came across a cycling team in full flow, those boys can fair shift

Aye the cycle teams can! I did the M74 cycle and was about 2 miles into the 6mile run at Rutherglen as they were coming back flying the other way. Some had got trapped at the back of the pack and were making their way though which was a bit hairy too.

Most of them are quite friendly though, passed a few of the Johnstone guys on the cycle track at one point who said hello as did the Glasgow Southside (I think) too. Occasionally you can get the odd tit though, like the guy who somehow avoided me after taking a racing line round a blind bend at speed.

I did my best time yet out on a loop round Paisley and Renfrew- but it is getting time to go long cycles I need to do.

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Yeah i'm trying to leave one day at the weekend to get at least 50 plus miles in, and do what i can during the week trying to do more road routes and hills as im guessing the 100 miles wont include alot of cycle track I can but hope.

Keep thinking about changing my bike but as i've just recently got this one i think i'll stick with it and wait until next year before upgrading to a road bike as we surely have only a couple good months decent cycle weather left lol somehow once it comes to dark nights and cold morning the bike takes a break

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Yeah i'm trying to leave one day at the weekend to get at least 50 plus miles in, and do what i can during the week trying to do more road routes and hills as im guessing the 100 miles wont include alot of cycle track I can but hope.

Keep thinking about changing my bike but as i've just recently got this one i think i'll stick with it and wait until next year before upgrading to a road bike as we surely have only a couple good months decent cycle weather left lol somehow once it comes to dark nights and cold morning the bike takes a break

Ta much for the email BTW ;)

I'm just getting my legs back having not been on the bike for a couple of weeks due to being on holiday, then having a cold last week.

I've biked into work all week aside from Wednesday when I need the car for a meeting, and have taken a few longer routes with some more hills to break it up. I've also been hammering it at times to stretch myself, and feel okay. One of my alternative routes is over the Carman Hill here in Dunbartonshire. I generally come from the Cardross side, but decided to try it form the other side last week. By Christ, that was a challenge! It was only when I returned from work from the Cardross side this week that I spotted the sign with the gradient....17%, FFS! no wonder it was a struggle :lol:

I'm intending to go out for a big run tomorrow (50+ miles), taking in the Roseneath Peninsula, with a possible run up to Arrochar depending on how I'm feeling. I'm feeling fit enough again having slobbed out a bit on holiday, but I still feel a bit anxious about hitting the wall on a big run and taking a confidence knock in the process.

I intend to tackle this 100 mile route by telling myself it's a day out, not a race. I have no idea how I'll perform on the day, so I don't have any expectations at to what my time might be etc. Having run half-marathons a few times, I know that you only scunner yourself and the head goes down if you set unrealistic goals. I just want to finish the route in a respectable time (ie - preferably not right at the end).

It's probably about time thatI posted a review of the road bike I bought 6 weeks or so ago - the Cube Attempt. As it happens, I won't be using this for the 100 mile route as I'm doing the run in memory of my father-in-law and using (or should that be abusing) his Flying Scot. In many respects, I'd much rather I was using the Cube as it is a tremendous machine. Taught, responsive, and goes like stink when you put the hammer down. It's hard to fault from the PoV of a mediocre amateur like me, and is all the bike I need and then some.

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Ta much for the email BTW ;)

I'm just getting my legs back having not been on the bike for a couple of weeks due to being on holiday, then having a cold last week.

I've biked into work all week aside from Wednesday when I need the car for a meeting, and have taken a few longer routes with some more hills to break it up. I've also been hammering it at times to stretch myself, and feel okay. One of my alternative routes is over the Carman Hill here in Dunbartonshire. I generally come from the Cardross side, but decided to try it form the other side last week. By Christ, that was a challenge! It was only when I returned from work from the Cardross side this week that I spotted the sign with the gradient....17%, FFS! no wonder it was a struggle :lol:

I'm intending to go out for a big run tomorrow (50+ miles), taking in the Roseneath Peninsula, with a possible run up to Arrochar depending on how I'm feeling. I'm feeling fit enough again having slobbed out a bit on holiday, but I still feel a bit anxious about hitting the wall on a big run and taking a confidence knock in the process.

I intend to tackle this 100 mile route by telling myself it's a day out, not a race. I have no idea how I'll perform on the day, so I don't have any expectations at to what my time might be etc. Having run half-marathons a few times, I know that you only scunner yourself and the head goes down if you set unrealistic goals. I just want to finish the route in a respectable time (ie - preferably not right at the end).

It's probably about time thatI posted a review of the road bike I bought 6 weeks or so ago - the Cube Attempt. As it happens, I won't be using this for the 100 mile route as I'm doing the run in memory of my father-in-law and using (or should that be abusing) his Flying Scot. In many respects, I'd much rather I was using the Cube as it is a tremendous machine. Taught, responsive, and goes like stink when you put the hammer down. It's hard to fault from the PoV of a mediocre amateur like me, and is all the bike I need and then some.

No problem with the email and nice one doing it in respect of your father in law on the flying scot bike

Been out tonight going round the country roads around bishy houston area nice and hilly but scenic for once a change from the nice and simple cycle track, im doing the 100 miles in the same way it's a day out and not a race but one of the boys from my work is hell bent on racing it good luck to him lol i just want to finish the race dont care about the time maybe set goals on the next one.

This is the first actual offical run i've taken part in but really intrested in taking part in more so if anyone comes across in the future post them on here if you could.

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This is the first actual offical run i've taken part in but really intrested in taking part in more so if anyone comes across in the future post them on here if you could.


Perhaps we should form a P&B team and enter a sportive ride en masse in the future. I'd be up for that. It needn't be a 100-mile job. Something that might seem less suicidal to other folk so they'd be encouraged to join us.

It is very strange having a sober Friday night it has to be said. I've usually rattled my second bottle of red by this time, but I'm being sensible for my big run tomorrow.

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Went out for a long ride this morning. Fantastic weather so it was an opportunity not to be missed.

70 miles all in, starting at home, taking in the Roseneath peninsula, and round to Arrochar, before the return leg. Really enjoyed it but probably didn't fuel myself properly as I started to wilt a bit towards the end.

It's an undulating route with a max gradient of 10%, and a minimum of -12%. My average speed was 16 mph, and I managed the run (excuding a couple of brief stops) in 4 hrs 17 minutes which I'm pretty happy with.

Fingers crossed, I can wring the other 30 miles out of myself 3 weeks tomorrow :unsure:

Anyone else get out today?

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Turns out my brake problem did come about through not putting my wheel back on properly :ph34r: I felt like I was getting a telling off in the shop.

I then proceeded to think it would be a good idea to test my brakes by cycling full-pelt down one of the steepest hills in the city. I came close to exceeding the 30mph speed limit and about shit myself in the process :lol: Just as well the brakes were OK.

I'm tempted to head out somewhere tomorrow but I'm not sure of a route yet. I'll see how my legs are after standing on the terracing today, then all the way home on the bus.

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Anyone else get out today?

Yep, went from Paisley to Gourock on the bike. Was going to go to Kilmacolm and back but it was a nice day went to Gourock and got the train back as it was too late to cycle back to Paisley.

40km (25 miles) in 2 hours 8 mins so about 12mph average.

Not a fan of the cycle track in Port Glasgow / Greenock area. It feels dodgy at parts and has more glass than a window factory on it too. I just got to the Port and met two guys on motorbikes on the cycle track then met a group of 6 guys with loads of booze going for a session with one of them standing at the edge of the cycle track having a slash laugh.gif. I lost the cycle track too around the Cappielow area so ended up cycling round the hills and the estates with boarded up houses and stuff lol! I think I was the first cyclist ever in Greenock the way they looked at me!

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Yep, went from Paisley to Gourock on the bike. Was going to go to Kilmacolm and back but it was a nice day went to Gourock and got the train back as it was too late to cycle back to Paisley.

40km (25 miles) in 2 hours 8 mins so about 12mph average.

Not a fan of the cycle track in Port Glasgow / Greenock area. It feels dodgy at parts and has more glass than a window factory on it too. I just got to the Port and met two guys on motorbikes on the cycle track then met a group of 6 guys with loads of booze going for a session with one of them standing at the edge of the cycle track having a slash laugh.gif. I lost the cycle track too around the Cappielow area so ended up cycling round the hills and the estates with boarded up houses and stuff lol! I think I was the first cyclist ever in Greenock the way they looked at me!

Did you go by the old playtex factory then the street with every window boarded up lol I felt the need to pick it up through there

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Have been really trying to ramp things up the last few weeks and now actually starting to enjoy the Thursday hard training night at the bike club.

Although I still go out with the "novices" group, did three circuts of 8 miles averaging 18.9mph on Thursday.

35 miles yesterday averaging 16.8 mph and 24 miles this morning averaging 18.1 mph.

If anyone is interested Falkirk Bike Club are hosting a group A & B category race on 7th August,with around 160 competitors,so should be quite a spectacle

Edit to add:

BILLY WARNOCK SUPER SIX RR - It's that time of year again! FBC will be promoting one of the biggest races on the 2011 calendar! This race is made up of 2 races both fielding 80 riders racing on the same circuit at the same time within 20 minutes between each other. The race is being held on the 7th August. The man power needed for such a promotion is huge and we need volunteers to bolster the army of FBC volunteers. If you think you could spare a few hours please contact me at craig2moffat@btinternet.com. More details of the race will follow.

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Did you go by the old playtex factory then the street with every window boarded up lol I felt the need to pick it up through there

Aye what a horrible place. The windows aren't even all boarded up, some have been left wide open (wood nicked ph34r.gif) doors are open too and at least one had fire damage I think. Did not spare the speed between the start of Port Glasgow and Morrisons in Greenock. Seriously what a shit hole, but nice views of the Clyde!

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Took a run around the North Third, Stirling yesterday. I've all but given up on getting any meaningful speed out of the mountain bike which means big dstances are just impractical. But I prefer cycle tracks, single track roads and the like anyway. The only disappointing part yesterday was I couldn't get any speeds up on the downhill parts of the single track road because of the number of cars. The nice weather was obviously enticing people out in their tin boxes. Especially annoying were the wee dicks in their souped-up Corsas who treated the road as a rally course, with their half-wit hangers-on shouting abuse out of the windows as they hammered by.

Went off-road around the Cambusbarron military training track, which was interesting. That looks like serious 4x4 driving territory, it was difficult enough on the bike. Going down some of the more extreme gradients involved just tucking the balls in and yelling "yee-ha".

A nice wee run out though.

Made the mistake of fiddling with the gears and brakes though, dammit. What's the general going rate for a service?

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Took a run around the North Third, Stirling yesterday. I've all but given up on getting any meaningful speed out of the mountain bike which means big dstances are just impractical. But I prefer cycle tracks, single track roads and the like anyway. The only disappointing part yesterday was I couldn't get any speeds up on the downhill parts of the single track road because of the number of cars. The nice weather was obviously enticing people out in their tin boxes. Especially annoying were the wee dicks in their souped-up Corsas who treated the road as a rally course, with their half-wit hangers-on shouting abuse out of the windows as they hammered by.

Went off-road around the Cambusbarron military training track, which was interesting. That looks like serious 4x4 driving territory, it was difficult enough on the bike. Going down some of the more extreme gradients involved just tucking the balls in and yelling "yee-ha".

A nice wee run out though.

Made the mistake of fiddling with the gears and brakes though, dammit. What's the general going rate for a service?

Take it to these guys http://www.stirlingcyclerepairs.co.uk/ as by far the best service you'll get.

You need to phone and book your bike in though,as they're really busy.

If you like off road stuff,you should try the course up at Carron Bridge.

Go past The Carron Bridge Hotel towards the resevoir and about a mile before it,there's a car park off to the left,where the tracks start.

Usually quite busy on weekends,but away from the aforementioned fannies in their cars

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Did another 20 miles yesterday, to Carnoustie and back.

I was with a friend, so went at a fairly leisurely pace, averaging about 10mph and barely broke sweat...well, until I decided to try and race a slow-moving goods train :lol:

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Take it to these guys http://www.stirlingcyclerepairs.co.uk/ as by far the best service you'll get.

You need to phone and boo your bike in though,as they're really busy.

If you like off road stuff,you should try the course up at Carron Bridge.

Go past The Carron Bridge Hotel towards the resevoir and about a mile before it,there's a car park off to the left,where the tracks start.

Usually quite busy on weekends,but away from the aforementioned fannies in their cars

Wouldn't that just dent it's confidence further when it's already in need of a little TLC? :ph34r:


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Started cycling again since moving to the Sandnes area of Norway. The cycle path's have been well designed so you can go all the way into Stavanger. It's not too far but I haven't been brave enough to try that feat yet as the steep climbs are totally doing me in. Just enjoyed a leisurely cycle round the town this morning as I was up at 7 today.

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Started cycling again since moving to the Sandnes area of Norway. The cycle path's have been well designed so you can go all the way into Stavanger. It's not too far but I haven't been brave enough to try that feat yet as the steep climbs are totally doing me in. Just enjoyed a leisurely cycle round the town this morning as I was up at 7 today.

haha while you're taking in the lovely sights, think about me and flying scot going through the lovely area of Port which the cycle path goes through

I done just over 55 miles yesterday headed towards the Port but once i came to the end of the cycle pather i head back down it and towards Kilbirnie legs are knackered today need to give myself a rest day could even face cycling to work

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