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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Done the paisley to greenock trip yesterday. was looking to go further but lost the route down next to the fire station in greenock so about turned and headed back ended up 32 mile round trip longest cycle yet

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I've finally got round to registering for Pedal for Scotland, which should focus my mind in terms of training for it.

Seriously you will have no issues doing this at all - unless there is a 90mph wind in your face.

Last year I saw a guy on a foldable bike in a suit and shoes doing it, plenty of youngsters on shite bikes and plenty of folk who should know better getting to the end.

The real thing for you will be how fast you want to finish. We stopped once at Kirkliston for a pish and some chocolate but could have gone right through.

Good for you for entering, I really need to start training for the Sportive ride which is double the distance!!

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Seriously you will have no issues doing this at all - unless there is a 90mph wind in your face.

Last year I saw a guy on a foldable bike in a suit and shoes doing it, plenty of youngsters on shite bikes and plenty of folk who should know better getting to the end.

The real thing for you will be how fast you want to finish. We stopped once at Kirkliston for a pish and some chocolate but could have gone right through.

Good for you for entering, I really need to start training for the Sportive ride which is double the distance!!

With your new bike it should be a piece of pish!.

Seriously,I've heard that although 100 miles its not a difficult course

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I've just noticed on the FAQ for PFS that they don't encourage raising money for any charity other than the official ones.

That's got me a bit concerned now because I've got a charity that's close to home (literally and idiomatically) that I'd like to raise money for. Is there any way of them finding out I'm doing it and expelling me from their...er..."support systems" and stuff? :unsure:

Edited by The Master
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I've just noticed on the FAQ for PFS that they don't encourage raising money for any charity other than the official ones.

That's got me a bit concerned now because I've got a charity that's close to home (literally and idiomatically) that I'd like to raise money for. Is there any way of them finding out I'm doing it and expelling me from their...er..."support systems" and stuff? :unsure:

Nope,do what's right for you mate

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Anyone know much about the mechanics of bikes? My one has developed a rather irritating click each time I complete a full pedal 'cycle' and it seems to be regardless of the gear it is in. Any ideas?

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Looking to get a cheap bike as i am embarking on a keep-fit crusade. Could any of you folks give me an idea of makes/model which would suit a novice.

Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

Does not matter if its a roadbike or mountain bike

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The chain looks to be okay. I've degreased it and applied lube to it (oo er) which has solved the issue in the past but this seems more persistent. I've cleaned out the bits between the rear sprockets and front mech in case it was something caught in or catching the chain.

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Done the paisley to greenock trip yesterday. was looking to go further but lost the route down next to the fire station in greenock so about turned and headed back ended up 32 mile round trip longest cycle yet

Good on you. It does get a bit messy near Victoria Dock as they are building bits- it is on road mostly- down Container Way past Tesco then onto Esplanade and past Battery Park.

I went to go to Lochwinnoch on the Monday but errr tried to pass 2 walkers on a corner of the cycle track and caught the edge of the path with the rear wheel- put my feet down to stop me completely decking it and jarred the left foot- but not too bad. My right one took the brunt - it's sore and bruised with my toes that lovely shade of red, blue and brown! Got a couple of miles more to Morrisons in Johnstone and realised this actually hurts so got a lift home from there. Well that is no cycling for a week perhaps! My gears have not been 100% too that day but I'll test them out soon as it is now due the free catch up service to tighten that up. My hands aren't as sore recently- new specialised gloves help, but another cyclist at the lights said he felt the stem might be the cause and to try and get an adjustable one and raise the bar angle a bit- bring it closer. Might try that for £30 notes.

Why are so many people walking so clueless on that cycle track and seem totally surprised people cycle along it? Not unusual to have them take up the whole width and don't move for ages even when they see you, get loads that ignore the bell and shite themselves when you appear behind them and others that have their dogs running all over the shop and they always run right infront of you at the last mo- nearly got decked stopping for one the other week. Grrr rant over!

Looking to get a cheap bike as i am embarking on a keep-fit crusade. Could any of you folks give me an idea of makes/model which would suit a novice.

Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

Does not matter if its a roadbike or mountain bike

Where you riding- roads and cycle paths? If so get a road or hybrid road bike, really is worth it over a mountain bike unless you need the MTB for off road stuff.

Budget is an interesting one I went for a budget of £350 all in- spent £299 in the end. It can be done cheaper certainly but if it is something you want as a hobby/keep fit and maybe work up to more expensive ones if you are interested it isn't a bad step. Certainly bikes can be bought used,sometimes decent but I was more concerned on how good they would be maintenance wise and if I was buying a pup plus didn't want hunting for right size etc etc!

Always budget an extra £50-60 on bits that somehow seem to come along with it- I have a new drinks holder, new gloves, new chains and that is before the stuff I was planning to buy lol!

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Looking to get a cheap bike as i am embarking on a keep-fit crusade. Could any of you folks give me an idea of makes/model which would suit a novice.

Any help/advice greatly appreciated.

Does not matter if its a roadbike or mountain bike

Follow Flyingscots advice and decide what your main use would be,set a budget,then see whats around.

Imho,unless you want to get right into road stuff,I'd opt for a hybrid then see how you get on.

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Out with cycle club last night and for the first time managed to complete the Tuesday night 3 lap circuit in a reasonable 1 hour 35 minutes,for 29 miles,which is an average of 18.5mph.Not bad considering there was still a stiff breeze and a long hill near the end to negotiate

Quite chuffed considering another 5 cyclist who have been club members much longer than me,failed to complete.

Think I'll have a night off tonight,as thats me been out almost every night/day for the past 4 weeks,averaging approx 18 miles at a time

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I've just noticed on the FAQ for PFS that they don't encourage raising money for any charity other than the official ones.

That's got me a bit concerned now because I've got a charity that's close to home (literally and idiomatically) that I'd like to raise money for. Is there any way of them finding out I'm doing it and expelling me from their...er..."support systems" and stuff? :unsure:

I was kind of pressured into doing it for the nominated charities last year and set up on Just Giving as directed.

This year, however, I am going to ride for a charity close to one of my work colleagues hearts (Cot Death Society) as you can do whatever you want. I would suggest just setting yourself up on Just Giving but talk to the charity involved as you will need certain details to do so.

Anyone know much about the mechanics of bikes? My one has developed a rather irritating click each time I complete a full pedal 'cycle' and it seems to be regardless of the gear it is in. Any ideas?

Believe it or not you may just have issues with loose spokes. I had the same irritating clicking noise and that is what was causing it. The bike went into the Edinburgh Bike Co-Op and they retensioned the spokes correctly for £10 and hey presto the clicking disappeared.

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Believe it or not you may just have issues with loose spokes. I had the same irritating clicking noise and that is what was causing it. The bike went into the Edinburgh Bike Co-Op and they retensioned the spokes correctly for £10 and hey presto the clicking disappeared.

Cheers lad. That's one thing I had read about on the internet. I was told by a guy at work it could be the indexing of the gears as well. I think I will pop it into Edinburgh Bike Shop tomorrow to have a wee look at it.

EDIT: I see the 7 Stanes website has had a wee refresh - http://www.7stanesmountainbiking.com/Home

Has anyone been to one of the sites? Wish they would do something like that up here.

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Anyone know much about the mechanics of bikes? My one has developed a rather irritating click each time I complete a full pedal 'cycle' and it seems to be regardless of the gear it is in. Any ideas?

Do you have an ice lolly stick jammed in your brakes to make the sound of a "motorbike" like we used to do when we were kids?

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New bike getting picked up about 3pm today and weather looks set fair so I can ride her home - ya fecking beauty!!:D

All the best MB and sure you'll love it.

Speaking from my own experience,you'll prababaly need to do quite a bit of tweaking,to get it set up properly ,especially after getting used to the comfort of your hybrid,which is like peddaling a cozy armchair compared to a road bike!:lol:

Hopefully see you over in Larbert for a wee session,Saturday mornigs would be bes,t(9.30am),or Tuesday evenings(7pm),but if you want to experience some total humiliation and blow out your arse for a couple of hours,then 7pm. on a Thursday's just the ticket!

I fucking hate it,but can't stop going !!! :huh:

Have decided to take the plunge and go for one of these


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Just back from doing the North Third around Stirling. Wow, that's some workout! 13 miles of rural roads, lots of "up" and loads of exhilarating "downs". According to the online gps thing, the fastest I was going was 28mph downhill but that was still scary and faster than my legs could go on the pedals.

Changed the tyres to less knobbly ones, but the chain/gears have developed some worrying creaks/clicks.

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Just back from doing the North Third around Stirling. Wow, that's some workout! 13 miles of rural roads, lots of "up" and loads of exhilarating "downs". According to the online gps thing, the fastest I was going was 28mph downhill but that was still scary and faster than my legs could go on the pedals.

Changed the tyres to less knobbly ones, but the chain/gears have developed some worrying creaks/clicks.

Its a great road and I go up there loads,but as you say, a good workout.

If you're cycling from Falkirk end ,try this

Up through Torwood,coming out just south of Granada services

Turn left then firt right past Auchenbowie caravan site.

End of road turn left then follow signposts for Carron Valley.

After long (fucking knackering )climb,take right fork at top,which takes you past North Third.

At road end,take right turn and head up to wireless transmitter and wind turbines.

Follow this road and it will take you out at the top end of Carron Resevoir

Option 1 Turn right go into Fintry, then up and over the Crow Road down into Lennoxtown and back towards Falkirk (total 54 miles)

Option 2 Turn left then cycle back down through Fankerton and Denny

Worth the sweat and snotters getting up there to come back down.

If you take the Crow road down into Lennoxtown,you can hit 35 mph,whiuch is a bit scary to be honest

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